Rising demand for octopus prompts a guide to ensure its abundance

The octopus, a marine marvel with eight tentacles, three hearts, and blue blood, has long captured human fascination. Not only are these creatures a wonder of the natural world, but they have also become a sought-after delicacy on dinner plates across the globe.

As the appetite for octopuses grows, so does the concern for their survival and the sustainability of their populations.

In response to this growing culinary trend and the potential threat it poses to octopus species, a dedicated team of Australian researchers has crafted what they're calling an 'octopus survival guide'.

This guide is not for the octopuses themselves but rather a manual for fisheries and scientists to estimate the age of these cephalopods accurately.

The importance of determining an octopus's age cannot be overstated, as it is crucial for ensuring that they are not harvested before they have had a chance to reproduce, thus maintaining a healthy and sustainable population.

More than 400,000 tonnes of octopus are eaten each year. Understanding how they age could be important to ensuring their survival into the future. Image source: Unsplash.

The guide, a labour of love and scientific rigour, was developed by a team of early career researchers at the University of South Australia. It took over a year to compile, review, and publish, and stands as a testament to the dedication of these scientists to marine conservation.

Dr Zoe Doubleday, one of the lead researchers, expressed concern about the scarcity of experts who possess the intricate knowledge required to age an octopus. She highlighted the transient nature of research roles and the risk of valuable information being lost or buried in inaccessible reports.

The process of ageing an octopus is not for the squeamish. It involves dissecting the animal to count growth rings in its beak and stylet, akin to counting the rings in a tree trunk to determine its age.

However, the task is complicated by two critical factors: the rings represent days rather than years, and each octopus species requires a unique counting method.

The urgency of this guide is underscored by the fact that an estimated 400,000 tonnes of octopus are harvested annually from nine key fisheries, a figure that is expected to rise. With the doubling of global octopus take over the last 40 years and key fisheries in decline, the need for sustainable management is clear.

In an innovative yet contentious move, a Spanish team is working on establishing an octopus farm, aiming to alleviate pressure on wild stocks. However, this initiative has sparked debate due to concerns about the welfare of these highly intelligent and often solitary animals when kept in captivity.

The Australian team's guide, published in the Marine and Freshwater Research Journal, is a crucial step towards sustainable octopus fisheries. By making this knowledge widely accessible, Dr Doubleday and her colleagues hope to ensure that octopuses can continue to be a part of both our oceans and our culinary experiences without compromising their future.

As seafood lovers and responsible consumers, it's important to be aware of the origins of our food and the impact our choices have on the environment.

The next time you consider indulging in an octopus dish, take a moment to think about the journey that creature has taken from the ocean to your plate. By supporting restaurants and suppliers that source their seafood sustainably, you can help protect these extraordinary animals and enjoy your meal with a clear conscience.

Key Takeaways
  • Australian scientists have created a 'survival guide' to help estimate the age of octopuses as global consumption and interest in them as a food source have increased.
  • The guide aims to prevent octopuses from being harvested too young before they can breed, thus supporting sustainable management practices.
  • Techniques for ageing octopuses involve counting growth rings in their beak and stylet, but each species requires a specialised method due to rings representing days, not years.
  • The guide hopes to aid in sustainable fisheries and address concerns about the decline in key octopus fisheries, with wider implications for octopus farms and animal welfare.
We at the Seniors Discount Club encourage our members to stay informed about sustainable seafood practices and to choose wisely when it comes to enjoying the delicacies of the sea. Have you tried octopus before? What are your thoughts on sustainable seafood? Share your experiences and opinions in the comments below—we'd love to hear from you!
Friday night is Fisherman's Basket night but I get the ingredients from the supermarket and don't use a lot....2 Tassie Scallops, 2 Prawn Cutlets, 2 rings of Squid, one piece of fish, a few chips and a salad. Might not sound like much but plenty for me. Boxes of these things lasts me about 6 weeks. cheaper than going to the pub.
Friday night is Fisherman's Basket night but I get the ingredients from the supermarket and don't use a lot....2 Tassie Scallops, 2 Prawn Cutlets, 2 rings of Squid, one piece of fish, a few chips and a salad. Might not sound like much but plenty for me. Boxes of these things lasts me about 6 weeks. cheaper than going to the pub.
Sounds great might give it a go 👍😎
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My son has caught plenty of Octopus, and I've cooked in many ways, including marinating in lemon juice and garlic , and then BBQ it
But first, the fun part
(me being sarcastic) You need to bash it and bash it and keep bashing it on the ground to tenderise it. This is an important part.
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My son has caught plenty of Octopus, and I've cooked in many ways, including marinating in lemon juice and garlic , and then BBQ it
But first, the fun part
(me being sarcastic) You need to bash it and bash it and keep bashing it on the ground to tenderise it. This is an important part.
HEHE.. Think I'll let the fish companies do the prep work for me then either deep fry or dry fry and then enjoy, which I did last night.
Actually just reread what you said and thought was "sounds like you need to use same road building equipment to soften it.
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HEHE.. Think I'll let the fish companies do the prep work for me then either deep fry or dry fry and then enjoy, which I did last night.
Actually just reread what you said and thought was "sounds like you need to use same road building equipment to soften it.
We wash the concrete and seriously bash the Octopus against the concrete for like 20 minutes. It's a real workout but the only way to tenderise it.

Beating is a way of loosening up the fibers and tenderizing the octopus. This process is done by fishermen in Greek islands and guarantees a very soft and tender octopus that you can put right on the grill or charcoal fire without needing to boil it first.

This is the marinate that I use. For awhole octopus.

I also use it if I buy octopus from the shop

  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 level teaspoons Sea Salt
  • 3 level teaspoons Oregano
  • 3 medium garlic cloves
  • Juice of 1 – 2 lemons
Marinate for at least a couple if hours then basically bbq or throw on a frypan
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between us we may get more folk eating seafood and see more good food. :D Wow my little people are back. I haven't seen them for about 6 weeks.
wish it was only 6 weeks since I saw my grandchildren.. I haven't seen them in over 15 years. No, I meant the emojis and, would you believe they're back again. Any wonder why some people think I'm nuts :ROFLMAO:
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Not my choice. Maybe they think they can do better than me but, just to give you an idea, I rented a house from my eldest son for 16 years. It was full of mould, mildew, asbestos and fibro. Son insisted none of this would do any harm. He should have known better as he was a LtCol in the Army Medical Corp. I paid for all rent and repairs. After I'd spent over $30000 to do the place up he took me to Court and had me evicted. The man on the bench wasn't interested in what I'd done for son and his house. He just kept repeating "it's his house, he can do whatever he likes with his house" and with those words I was evicted. My son put all my belongings into storage and solicitor's letter demanded that it all be removed in 2 weeks or they would SELL IT.
I miss my grandchildren so badly and found out I'm even a Great Grandmother. Why I cop this after working 3 jobs to feed and medicate my 3 kids and telling them how much I loved them and how proud of them I was I don't have any answers. I live alone and have had no partner for over 30 years due to DV.
wish it was only 6 weeks since I saw my grandchildren.. I haven't seen them in over 15 years. No, I meant the emojis and, would you believe they're back again. Any wonder why some people think I'm nuts :ROFLMAO:
Not my choice. Maybe they think they can do better than me but, just to give you an idea, I rented a house from my eldest son for 16 years. It was full of mould, mildew, asbestos and fibro. Son insisted none of this would do any harm. He should have known better as he was a LtCol in the Army Medical Corp. I paid for all rent and repairs. After I'd spent over $30000 to do the place up he took me to Court and had me evicted. The man on the bench wasn't interested in what I'd done for son and his house. He just kept repeating "it's his house, he can do whatever he likes with his house" and with those words I was evicted. My son put all my belongings into storage and solicitor's letter demanded that it all be removed in 2 weeks or they would SELL IT.
I miss my grandchildren so badly and found out I'm even a Great Grandmother. Why I cop this after working 3 jobs to feed and medicate my 3 kids and telling them how much I loved them and how proud of them I was I don't have any answers. I live alone and have had no partner for over 30 years due to DV.
So sorry to hear that.Chin up😁
Amazing creatures - They were here long before the dinosaurs. They are quite smart - Octopuses have nine brains - most in their tentacles, hence some of their arms can do one thing while the others can do something else at the same time. Let’s hope we don’t eat them out of existence. Personally, I could not kill one, unless the only food source available…even then, I’m not sure if I could.
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Amazing creatures - They were here long before the dinosaurs. They are quite smart - Octopuses have nine brains - most in their tentacles, hence some of their arms can do one thing while the others can do something else at the same time. Let’s hope we don’t eat them out of existence. Personally, I could not kill one, unless the only food source available…even then, I’m not sure if I could.
I don't kill them and only use 2 rings with the meal.
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