Criminologist shares message about alarming issue: 'That is just disgraceful’

Content Warning: This article discusses domestic violence and murder, which may be distressing to some readers. Discretion is advised.

The stark reality of gendered violence has sparked a powerful and emotional outcry from Australians demanding immediate and effective action.

The issue, which has long simmered beneath the surface of our society, has once again been thrust into the spotlight by a passionate plea from a criminologist and former police officer that has resonated with many across the country.

During an episode of Q&A, a panel of politicians, including Agriculture Minister Murray Watt, Nationals Senate leader Bridget McKenzie, and New South Wales Opposition Leader Mark Speakman, received a fervent critique from Vincent Hurley, a former NSW Detective and Criminologist at Macquarie University.

Hurley's impassioned speech called out the panel for what he perceived as their prioritisation of political point-scoring over the urgent need to address the violence against women crisis.

Former NSW Detective and Criminologist Vincent Hurley lashed out at politicians during Q&A’s episode. Credit: @abcnews_au / Instagram

Hurley's frustration was palpable as he accused the politicians of 'bickering amongst themselves'.

‘That just goes to show the point that you are overlooking the murder of women out here. You're putting politics above these people behind me. How dare you?’ Hurley exclaimed.

'How dare you go into politics in an environment like this, when one woman is murdered every four days, and all you two can do is immediately talk about politics?'

‘That is just disgraceful. Is it any wonder frontline services aren't getting the money that they want?'

‘How long do we have to listen to politicians like you and the rest of you high-horsing about, "We have to have a royal commission," "We have to do this". Everyone here knows what the answer is,' he continued.

The criminologist's recommendations were clear and direct: men with any history of domestic violence should not be granted bail.

'They should not get bail. At all. There will be people who vehemently disagree about the rule of law, about the right of individuals, about the innocence before guilty,’ he said.

'But what does society want? We want those poor girls up there from those high schools…One in every four of them [is] likely to be sexually assaulted after the age of 15. And you all sit here and pontificate about what we're doing.'

Hurley called to redefine domestic violence incidents as 'intimate terror acts' and to allocate more funding to frontline services.

'There's enough legislation there for police to go and arrest them. New South Wales Police have had a pro-arrest policy for at least 30 years,' he said.

'And we cannot arrest our way out of this. But for the immediate concern of the women here, they need to have that offender taken off the street to give them breathing space to get away to a women's refuge.’

'Over the decades, all governments of all persuasions, state and federal, you have patient-dumped people with mental health and drug issues onto the street, which is the underlying cause of domestic violence.’

'It is more than just domestic violence. You don't need a royal commission. That money needs to go into frontline services—now,’ he expressed.

Never be afraid to ask for help. Credit: Shutterstock

The urgency of Hurley's message is underscored by the harrowing statistics and recent tragic events.

In 2024 alone, 28 women have allegedly died at the hands of men.

Among these cases is the alleged murder of Molly Ticehurst, 28, by Daniel Billings, 29, which has become a focal point in the ongoing conversation about domestic violence in Australia.

Despite the federal government's announcement of a $925 million investment over five years to establish the Leaving Violence Program, advocates like Delia Donovan, CEO of Domestic Violence NSW, argued that the funding falls short of what is needed to address the immediate crisis.

‘I am frustrated at today's announcement that does very little to address the current emergency. Services are unable to meet demand, resources are over-stretched, and women are [allegedly] being murdered,' she said.

'Where is the funding for our specialist domestic and family services? In April of this year, the federal government spent $4-5 billion upgrading a fleet of six submarines.’

'Why are women and children not seeing this type of investment in their safety?'

Domestic Violence NSW has recommended an investment of $145 million to meet the current demand.

You can watch Q&A’s segment below:

Credit: @abcnews_au / Instagram

You may check this article written by member @Joy Straw, a retired psychologist, on how to help someone who has experienced domestic violence.

You can also ask Joy a question here.
Key Takeaways

  • A former NSW Detective and Criminologist, Vincent Hurley, strongly criticised politicians for prioritising political debate over addressing the issue of violence against women during a Q&A panel discussion.
  • Vincent Hurley proposed that men with a history of any form of domestic violence should not be granted bail, and he also suggested redefining domestic violence incidents as 'intimate terror acts'.
  • With the pressure mounting on the government due to a significant number of women allegedly dying at the hands of men in 2024, a specific case was highlighted where Daniel Billings, 29, is accused of murdering his ex-girlfriend Molly Ticehurst.
  • Domestic Violence NSW CEO Delia Donovan expressed frustration over what she perceived to be inadequate federal funding to address the immediate crisis of violence against women, advocating for a substantial increase in support for specialist domestic and family services.
If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, please reach out for help.

Contact 1800RESPECT at 1800 737 732 or the NSW Domestic Violence Line at 1800 65 64 63 for support.

You may also visit this list of mental health helplines for immediate support.
bless you Sir but I wonder why people put mental problems and drugs together and leave ALCOHOL out of it. That's a huge part of the problem and so well I know it. Especially males say it's their right to "have a drink after work". WHY? Does this mean that the housewife/husband should be constantly drunk? From birth to my first 50 years I knew all forms of violence and particularly from the Military members in my family were always excused and me blamed "you must have upset him". We know that anger is a normal emotion, it's what else goes with it that does the damage. I owned a halfway house taking in recovering addicts and alcoholics and only 2 over 7 years treated me like father and husbands. Any wonder I've lived alone for last 30 years.
100% agree, one every 4 days is one every 4 days too many, also while we're at it, jail for women.who falsely accuse men and also jail for women who assault men too. Must be both ways. And don't say it doesn't happen.
The same criteria here has to apply to women as well. They are just as angry and violent and likely to murder their partner as well. There has been quite a few cases recently but it never gets mentioned. I suppose the men "deserved" it will be the reply. We are all human and should be treated equally by the authorities, however how many times do you see a male and female both arrested for the same crime and the female gets bail but the male doesn't. I can see a glaring inequality in this without looking too far. And don't say that the woman has to look after the kids, the man is equally capable of doing that.
100% agree, one every 4 days is one every 4 days too many, also while we're at it, jail for women.who falsely accuse men and also jail for women who assault men too. Must be both ways. And don't say it doesn't happen.
I've always said the same thing. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. I am sick of the women who claim "he raped me". Lying sods most of them. I was abused from 10-15 years of age and I see so many men being falsely accused. They make me ashamed to be female .I ask also why they wait years to complain. There can be no tests done then to prove the fact one way or another. Woman goes away with full pocket and smile on her face, man left to cop the crap and busted bank balance.
Omg get off your horses men!!
It's called gender violence and the facts are there that soooooo many more women are the victims. Yes there are some men.
If there are proper support services in place then obviously both can access them. And this $5k that has been announced is BS. They have to wait 6 weeks to get it and prove they are in a dv situation. You know the kind of paperwork that a govt dept is going to want for that. Boys and girls need to be taught that you don't own another person and cannot do as you wish with them. Slavery is outlawed.
The police are constantly cleaning up the mess the government made when the closed the mental health facilities. These are the people who are now living on the streets. Is this better? Alcohol is one of the drugs that make people aggressive. Unfortunately big business will never be held responsible, so every tax dollar that comes from it should be used to eradicate this scourge. AVO’s aren’t cutting it with having to wait until they are caught in the act, many offenders are known to the victim and live a life in fear. The fact that children are repeating this taught trend should be enough to get the perpetrators out of the family situation.
100% agree, one every 4 days is one every 4 days too many, also while we're at it, jail for women.who falsely accuse men and also jail for women who assault men too. Must be both ways. And don't say it doesn't happen.
Absolutely 💯. Woman are allowed to take out VROs on men when they haven't been anywhere near them. No proof is required... they can do it many times, and do it to keep the fathers away from their kids. This goes on his record and then he's unable to get a clear police record to get a job. Life & mental health are totally in tatters.
There are many places for single mothers to get financial & housing help... where are the places for single fathers?? Nowhere!!
Single fathers get little to no assistance anywhere. This is sexual discrimination in my view.
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Omg get off your horses men!!
It's called gender violence and the facts are there that soooooo many more women are the victims. Yes there are some men.
If there are proper support services in place then obviously both can access them. And this $5k that has been announced is BS. They have to wait 6 weeks to get it and prove they are in a dv situation. You know the kind of paperwork that a govt dept is going to want for that. Boys and girls need to be taught that you don't own another person and cannot do as you wish with them. Slavery is outlawed.
No... both genders are not able to access them. Support systems are made for women and men are not considered as victims... of which there are many. Many more than you think. Women are increasingly becoming the perpetrators, but treated like victims.
Typical, now retired has all the answers, "Everyone here knows what the answer is,' he continued." if that's the case what are they, we outlawed corporal, capitol and any other sort of punishment, in this man's time, and now ask what went wrong? We prevent parents from chastising children creating disrespectful generations of future culprits let alone bailing etc repeat offenders today. We created laws and a system to protect offenders and neglected victims' rights and why are Judges and Parol boards above responsibility when they clearly repeatedly fail?
Absolutely 💯. Woman are allowed to take out VROs on men when they haven't been anywhere near them. No proof is required... they can do it many times, and do it to keep the fathers away from their kids. This goes on his record and then he's unable to get a clear police record to get a job. Life & mental health are totally in tatters.
There are many places for single mothers to get financial & housing help... where are the places for single fathers?? Nowhere!!
Single fathers get little to no assistance anywhere. This is sexual discrimination in my view.
Where are all these places you speak of that mothers get financial and housing help? I realise it could be harder for men to get help.
Just another broken system to add to the many in the lucky country.
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My husband often brings this up as a comparison to the different ways men and women feel in Australia.
There was a survey once about what people feared the most.
Women - being attacked, raped, murdered
Men - being publicly ridiculed.
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Typical, now retired has all the answers, "Everyone here knows what the answer is,' he continued." if that's the case what are they, we outlawed corporal, capitol and any other sort of punishment, in this man's time, and now ask what went wrong? We prevent parents from chastising children creating disrespectful generations of future culprits let alone bailing etc repeat offenders today. We created laws and a system to protect offenders and neglected victims' rights and why are Judges and Parol boards above responsibility when they clearly repeatedly fail?
you hit the nail on the head, no chastising children.
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Omg get off your horses men!!
It's called gender violence and the facts are there that soooooo many more women are the victims. Yes there are some men.
If there are proper support services in place then obviously both can access them. And this $5k that has been announced is BS. They have to wait 6 weeks to get it and prove they are in a dv situation. You know the kind of paperwork that a govt dept is going to want for that. Boys and girls need to be taught that you don't own another person and cannot do as you wish with them. Slavery is outlawed.
Spot on Leahl. Unprovoked violence is a learned behaviour - not something we are born with. It has to start at home and in the classroom. More funding for mental health and psychiatric facilities is a definite starting point 🤔
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Respect is a learned behaviour. If it's not taught then it won't exist. Since parents don't teach their kids respect, then it needs to be in the school curriculum, starting in Kindy and taught in every class until the end of school.
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Absolutely 💯. Woman are allowed to take out VROs on men when they haven't been anywhere near them. No proof is required... they can do it many times, and do it to keep the fathers away from their kids. This goes on his record and then he's unable to get a clear police record to get a job. Life & mental health are totally in tatters.
There are many places for single mothers to get financial & housing help... where are the places for single fathers?? Nowhere!!
Single fathers get little to no assistance anywhere. This is sexual discrimination in my view.
well said friend and AVO's have been useless pieces of paper for at lease 50 years that I personally know of. An Army legal man told me "don't take out one of those, it'll only make him worse and won't stop anything". I also had a cop at Liverpool Police Station tell me "it's only a domestic. go home and sort it out." I was a bloody mess and no-one lifted a hand.
Respect is a learned behaviour. If it's not taught then it won't exist. Since parents don't teach their kids respect, then it needs to be in the school curriculum, starting in Kindy and taught in every class until the end of school.
haven't teachers got enough to do besides taking the place of lazy, drunken and drugged pareents
Our son had to take out an AVO against his ex after she left him and moved in with a druggo. We quickly changed the locks on the doors so she had no access to the house when he was not home. He let her in to get some of her stuff, she went berserk, started smashing things, throwing things at him and tried to break a large window with a stool. When he managed to get her outside she started physically attacking him, picked up a metal watering can and smashed the garage window then started hitting him with that. All this in front of their two and a half year old. she only stopped when his male cousin showed up to visit him and helped him to get control of her and escorted her off the property to her car. Our son was brought up never to hit females, which didn’t help in the situation he found himself in. We believe she was on ice when this happened.
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