Porridge. But also, as I make my own Muesli, which has oats and other cereals, fruit, nuts and seeds, I always soak over night. Its cheaper than buying brand names, and also no additives.
Its the problem with buying cheap products. There are so many excellent natural products, produced in Australia, probably cost a little more, but are so better for not only the environment, but also for ones skin. And it is made in Australia. So many of cheap products are made over...
I was lucky I could stay put in my rented holiday accommodation. The People who own the AirBnb, were so accommodating. The rain was torrential on the day of the Cyclone due to hit. But even driving north ( 2nd day after) along the Highway, from the Redcliffe area, torrential rain...
Well, hopefully it kept people from jumping up, as soon as the seat belt sign is off, opening lockers, then standing in the passage way, being a nuisance. And good on the Flight Attendant, hopefully he keeps doing it. A bit of light entertainment.
You can do most while lying on your bed. I do some of them, when I wake up and before I get up. Well, most mornings. It depends if Nature calls first. Then I go back onto the bed and do my exercises.
My Husband and I would indicate that we would slow down when trucks came up behind us. Also on passing lanes, would flash break lights, show we would slow down, as well as indicating. Sometimes, if possible we would pull over at the top of a passing lane, so all drivers could pass. It`s...
I use our local service station, which has been in the area for years. Nothing like having a chat with the Person behind the counter, as long as others aren`t waiting, the personal touch always wins.