The 5 cents a day increase on fuel, is nothing new. Victoria was doing that years ago , don't know if it's still happening.
If the Govt can retail cheaper fuel, it most likely would be a drop in the taxes charged, such as not long ago. So if that's the case, why can't it prevail now.
Up here in North Queensland, there is only one power supplier ; that is Ergon. This company is owned by the QLD Govt, and its shareholders, are politicians, who receive dividends.
Cop that Queenslanders.... what a racket. !!
Many years ago, my wife and I were in Melbourne on a business trip. We decided to have lunch at a sidewalk Cafe. There were lots of people doing the same thing, and a lone gentleman approached, and asked if he could share our table ; to which we agreed.
It turned out, he worked in a place that...
I lost my dear, much loved wife to cancer ; she was 42yrs old. She took life as though nothing was wrong, and enjoyed everything we did. When she passed, nobody would believe it, we kept it all to ourselves. Perhaps the Princess of Wales sees things that way too.
Temu uses Australia Post, and quite often due to rough handling, things are damaged. I have a personal witness, as to what goes on in the sorting dept, of Australia Post, and it isn't gentle.
My younger Days.
When I was very young, my family had a dairy farm. As you can imagine there were lots of native wildflowers. The one most popular with us, was the wild daisies, which we spent hours splicing the stems to make daisy chains.
Woolworths might be dropping prices here and there, but "shrinkflation", has hit a lot of their bread lines. Have you noticed things like " Tiger bread", still the same price, but a lot smaller than it has been for years......don't be fooled.