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AIBU 18.03.2024
AIBU, which stands for 'Am I Being Unreasonable', is the perfect platform for sharing your thoughts and opinions! So, for today's AIBU discussion, we have quite the dilemma from @730amamam/Reddit:
Am I being unreasonable for telling my mum to not have loud sex when I'm home?
'I'm a 20-year-old college student who is home for spring break. My parents have an open relationship and my father currently lives abroad. My mum seems to have started having her boyfriend live with her while my dad is away. They have a lot of sex and are very active in the kink lifestyle.
Today, around noon, they started having extremely loud sex in my parents' room. I've occasionally heard them, but usually can just put on headphones and/or go downstairs to avoid that. This time though, I could hear them no matter where I went. Our house is fairly large. She was full-on screaming. I had my headphones on loudly and was in the kitchen downstairs and could still fully hear them. I tried going outside, but because the window was open, that was even louder. I can't drive and we don't live near any public parks/libraries/etc, so there wasn't anywhere for me to go easily/cheaply.
I think because she knows I can't leave, it's not unreasonable for them to try to not be so loud. He thinks it isn't rude: people can do what they want in their homes and I should find a way to leave or block them out. Because I'm an adult, they don't have any responsibility to hide sex from me. Asking them to change things would be prudish/selfish, which would be hypocritical because I'm generally very sex-positive. He also brought up that sometimes when I have my partner over, he's had to move to the living room of our shared house (our rooms are next to each other and we have thin walls) or put in noise-cancelling headphones. I think there's a difference between having to change rooms and having to leave the building, but he doesn't: sex is sex, and movement is movement.
I am thinking about talking to my mum instead, telling her that, while I'm home, I would appreciate them trying to keep it down. I expect it to be awkward, but in my opinion, the only thing worse than talking about my mum's sex life is having to continue to hear it. Would that be rude? Are they (my mum and her boyfriend) rude for not considering that?'
We're eager to hear your perspectives, members! Please, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.