Do-meow-stic cat-tastrophe: Mischievous cat totals woman's $179 toaster

If you're a cat owner, you're likely familiar with the early morning demands for breakfast, the persistent meowing, and the occasional act of rebellion when things don't go their way.

Cats, with their unique personalities and sometimes unpredictable behaviour, are a source of endless amusement and love for their owners.

However, for Tiarna Wrobel, her pet sphynx's act of defiance took a rather unpleasant turn, resulting in the demise of her $179 De Longhi toaster.

The Sphynx breed, known for its hairless appearance, is also renowned for its playful and mischievous nature. Tiarna's sphynx, for one, decided to express its displeasure in a rather unconventional manner.

After a morning of incessant meowing starting at 5 a.m., the disgruntled feline chose to vent its frustration in the family's toaster when breakfast wasn't promptly served…

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Tiarna discovered her cat’s act of revenge in the toaster. Credit: TikTok

Tiarna’s cat decided to defecate inside the De Longhi toaster!

‘When I decided to [get up] at 8 a.m. is when I found the monster t*rd in the toaster,’ Tiarna recalled.

'I literally burst out laughing as I could not actually believe what I was seeing and smelling. Seeing the precision, it was almost like someone perfectly placed it in there,' she shared, recounting her disbelief upon discovering the faecal matter in her appliance.

The toaster, unfortunately, had to be discarded, and Tiarna is now in the market for a new one, preferably on sale.

The incident left her baffled, as her sphynx had never exhibited such behaviour before, although it had a history of urinating in the bathroom sink.

Tiarna just chalked it up to her cat's regular morning mischief. She said he's known to kick up a fuss, meowing like crazy and making a mess, whenever his breakfast's late or he's after something.

If you want to watch the video, visit Tiarna’s post here. But be warned, members! It’s not for the faint of stomach.

Social media users found the situation hilarious, with one commenting, ‘That was personal.’

‘The aim and concentration that must have taken place,’ another pointed out.

‘I mean, I couldn’t even be mad. I’m just impressed. I just want to know how and why,’ a third person said.

Someone even shared a similar experience. A social media user wrote, ‘Mine peed in ours, and I didn’t know and made some toast and was halfway through eating it when I realised.’

Understanding Feline Behaviour: Why Do Cats Act Out?

Cats are known for their independence and sometimes unpredictable behaviour. While this incident may seem humorous, it's essential to understand why a cat might act out in such a manner.

Cats are creatures of habit and routine, and any disruption to their schedule, such as a delayed breakfast, can cause them to become stressed and act out.

Most cats are trained to use their litter box from an early age, and sudden changes in their toileting habits can be a sign of stress or even a medical issue.

If your cat starts to urinate or defecate outside their litter box, it's always a good idea to seek advice from a vet, as suggested by the RSPCA's Knowledgebase.

In Tiarna's case, her sphynx's behaviour could most probably be chalked up to a display of displeasure at a delayed breakfast. However, it's always important to monitor your pet's behaviour for any sudden changes or signs of distress.

Key Takeaways
  • Tiarna Wrobel discovered her pet sphynx cat had defecated in her $179 De Longhi toaster as a sign of displeasure.
  • Tiarna discovered the faecal matter after being unable to identify the source of the off-putting smell.
  • Needing to replace her toaster, Tiarna has disposed of the ruined appliance.
  • The RSPCA warned that sudden behavioural changes in pets could indicate medical issues and advised seeking immediate vet advice.

We'd love to hear your pet stories, members! Have you ever had a pet act out in an unusual way? Share your experiences in the comments below.
If you're a cat owner, you're likely familiar with the early morning demands for breakfast, the persistent meowing, and the occasional act of rebellion when things don't go their way.

Cats, with their unique personalities and sometimes unpredictable behaviour, are a source of endless amusement and love for their owners.

However, for Tiarna Wrobel, her pet sphynx's act of defiance took a rather unpleasant turn, resulting in the demise of her $179 De Longhi toaster.

The Sphynx breed, known for its hairless appearance, is also renowned for its playful and mischievous nature. Tiarna's sphynx, for one, decided to express its displeasure in a rather unconventional manner.

After a morning of incessant meowing starting at 5 a.m., the disgruntled feline chose to vent its frustration in the family's toaster when breakfast wasn't promptly served…

View attachment 36333
Tiarna discovered her cat’s act of revenge in the toaster. Credit: TikTok

Tiarna’s cat decided to defecate inside the De Longhi toaster!

‘When I decided to [get up] at 8 a.m. is when I found the monster t*rd in the toaster,’ Tiarna recalled.

'I literally burst out laughing as I could not actually believe what I was seeing and smelling. Seeing the precision, it was almost like someone perfectly placed it in there,' she shared, recounting her disbelief upon discovering the faecal matter in her appliance.

The toaster, unfortunately, had to be discarded, and Tiarna is now in the market for a new one, preferably on sale.

The incident left her baffled, as her sphynx had never exhibited such behaviour before, although it had a history of urinating in the bathroom sink.

Tiarna just chalked it up to her cat's regular morning mischief. She said he's known to kick up a fuss, meowing like crazy and making a mess, whenever his breakfast's late or he's after something.

If you want to watch the video, visit Tiarna’s post here. But be warned, members! It’s not for the faint of stomach.

Social media users found the situation hilarious, with one commenting, ‘That was personal.’

‘The aim and concentration that must have taken place,’ another pointed out.

‘I mean, I couldn’t even be mad. I’m just impressed. I just want to know how and why,’ a third person said.

Someone even shared a similar experience. A social media user wrote, ‘Mine peed in ours, and I didn’t know and made some toast and was halfway through eating it when I realised.’

Understanding Feline Behaviour: Why Do Cats Act Out?

Cats are known for their independence and sometimes unpredictable behaviour. While this incident may seem humorous, it's essential to understand why a cat might act out in such a manner.

Cats are creatures of habit and routine, and any disruption to their schedule, such as a delayed breakfast, can cause them to become stressed and act out.

Most cats are trained to use their litter box from an early age, and sudden changes in their toileting habits can be a sign of stress or even a medical issue.

If your cat starts to urinate or defecate outside their litter box, it's always a good idea to seek advice from a vet, as suggested by the RSPCA's Knowledgebase.

In Tiarna's case, her sphynx's behaviour could most probably be chalked up to a display of displeasure at a delayed breakfast. However, it's always important to monitor your pet's behaviour for any sudden changes or signs of distress.

Key Takeaways

  • Tiarna Wrobel discovered her pet sphynx cat had defecated in her $179 De Longhi toaster as a sign of displeasure.
  • Tiarna discovered the faecal matter after being unable to identify the source of the off-putting smell.
  • Needing to replace her toaster, Tiarna has disposed of the ruined appliance.
  • The RSPCA warned that sudden behavioural changes in pets could indicate medical issues and advised seeking immediate vet advice.

We'd love to hear your pet stories, members! Have you ever had a pet act out in an unusual way? Share your experiences in the comments below.
  • Haha
Reactions: Bridgit
My husband & son would have been outraged. They both hate cats & are both very allergic to them so I’ve never been able to have one. They both think that flat cats are tops though a lovely cat used to come into my sons backyard & sleep on the hot water cylinder & he even started putting milk out for it so maybe as he’s softened a little as he gets older. We always had cats on the farm as they did a great job keeping the mice in check but mum wouldn’t let them inside.
Acting out by soiling outside of the litter box usually means there's a physical or psychological problem. What the article describes is disgusting. My Chloe would never do a thing like that. Her weapon of choice is an AK47 Assault rifle (with scope).chloeshoulder2.jpg
Acting out by soiling outside of the litter box usually means there's a physical or psychological problem. What the article describes is disgusting. My Chloe would never do a thing like that. Her weapon of choice is an AK47 Assault rifle (with scope).View attachment 38058
Go chloe🤣such a sweet face.
Ewwww! One of our past dogs pooed in my son’s favourite baseball cap once. She absolutely filled it and her aim was awesome - nothing on the floor. My son was not impressed and he decided the hat wasn’t his favourite any more so out it went lol
Ewwww! One of our past dogs pooed in my son’s favourite baseball cap once. She absolutely filled it and her aim was awesome - nothing on the floor. My son was not impressed and he decided the hat wasn’t his favourite any more so out it went lol
If you're a cat owner, you're likely familiar with the early morning demands for breakfast, the persistent meowing, and the occasional act of rebellion when things don't go their way.

Cats, with their unique personalities and sometimes unpredictable behaviour, are a source of endless amusement and love for their owners.

However, for Tiarna Wrobel, her pet sphynx's act of defiance took a rather unpleasant turn, resulting in the demise of her $179 De Longhi toaster.

The Sphynx breed, known for its hairless appearance, is also renowned for its playful and mischievous nature. Tiarna's sphynx, for one, decided to express its displeasure in a rather unconventional manner.

After a morning of incessant meowing starting at 5 a.m., the disgruntled feline chose to vent its frustration in the family's toaster when breakfast wasn't promptly served…

View attachment 36333
Tiarna discovered her cat’s act of revenge in the toaster. Credit: TikTok

Tiarna’s cat decided to defecate inside the De Longhi toaster!

‘When I decided to [get up] at 8 a.m. is when I found the monster t*rd in the toaster,’ Tiarna recalled.

'I literally burst out laughing as I could not actually believe what I was seeing and smelling. Seeing the precision, it was almost like someone perfectly placed it in there,' she shared, recounting her disbelief upon discovering the faecal matter in her appliance.

The toaster, unfortunately, had to be discarded, and Tiarna is now in the market for a new one, preferably on sale.

The incident left her baffled, as her sphynx had never exhibited such behaviour before, although it had a history of urinating in the bathroom sink.

Tiarna just chalked it up to her cat's regular morning mischief. She said he's known to kick up a fuss, meowing like crazy and making a mess, whenever his breakfast's late or he's after something.

If you want to watch the video, visit Tiarna’s post here. But be warned, members! It’s not for the faint of stomach.

Social media users found the situation hilarious, with one commenting, ‘That was personal.’

‘The aim and concentration that must have taken place,’ another pointed out.

‘I mean, I couldn’t even be mad. I’m just impressed. I just want to know how and why,’ a third person said.

Someone even shared a similar experience. A social media user wrote, ‘Mine peed in ours, and I didn’t know and made some toast and was halfway through eating it when I realised.’

Understanding Feline Behaviour: Why Do Cats Act Out?

Cats are known for their independence and sometimes unpredictable behaviour. While this incident may seem humorous, it's essential to understand why a cat might act out in such a manner.

Cats are creatures of habit and routine, and any disruption to their schedule, such as a delayed breakfast, can cause them to become stressed and act out.

Most cats are trained to use their litter box from an early age, and sudden changes in their toileting habits can be a sign of stress or even a medical issue.

If your cat starts to urinate or defecate outside their litter box, it's always a good idea to seek advice from a vet, as suggested by the RSPCA's Knowledgebase.

In Tiarna's case, her sphynx's behaviour could most probably be chalked up to a display of displeasure at a delayed breakfast. However, it's always important to monitor your pet's behaviour for any sudden changes or signs of distress.

Key Takeaways

  • Tiarna Wrobel discovered her pet sphynx cat had defecated in her $179 De Longhi toaster as a sign of displeasure.
  • Tiarna discovered the faecal matter after being unable to identify the source of the off-putting smell.
  • Needing to replace her toaster, Tiarna has disposed of the ruined appliance.
  • The RSPCA warned that sudden behavioural changes in pets could indicate medical issues and advised seeking immediate vet advice.

We'd love to hear your pet stories, members! Have you ever had a pet act out in an unusual way? Share your experiences in the comments below.
Another reason why I think the only good cat is flat cat. They would have to be the dirtiest animal there is.
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we had a cat that would catch a mouse, kill it, lick it all over and then put it in one of the family's shoes as a present. The younger ones she would eat and leave the ass and tail.
Current cat chucks up hairballs anywhere she pleases but is not allowed on the cupboards or furniture to do it so the floor cops it. it's beware of landmine logs.
  • Haha
Reactions: Cyberchook
At least they bury thier pooh pooh and don’t go and shit on the nature strips or footpaths where innocent people walk ,use wheelie walkers and wheel chairs. Because dog owners are too lazy to clean up after them.🤣🤣
Don’t get me started on Polly waffle sized dog pooh floating in the sea shore and on the beach sand.🤮
A toaster is a financial loss but try this. I bought a new large Sharp microwave when they were quite new on the market and this one had vents on the top at the rear. One day I turned it on and the air filled with the odour of cat wee.. one cat had peed down the vents.. bye bye microwave. I only was able to save the glass platter. I had 3 cats, so all went to the vet in case of some urinary infections as they only pee in places they know you will see ( or smell) if unwell. The next microwave had rear vents.
If you're a cat owner, you're likely familiar with the early morning demands for breakfast, the persistent meowing, and the occasional act of rebellion when things don't go their way.

Cats, with their unique personalities and sometimes unpredictable behaviour, are a source of endless amusement and love for their owners.

However, for Tiarna Wrobel, her pet sphynx's act of defiance took a rather unpleasant turn, resulting in the demise of her $179 De Longhi toaster.

The Sphynx breed, known for its hairless appearance, is also renowned for its playful and mischievous nature. Tiarna's sphynx, for one, decided to express its displeasure in a rather unconventional manner.

After a morning of incessant meowing starting at 5 a.m., the disgruntled feline chose to vent its frustration in the family's toaster when breakfast wasn't promptly served…

View attachment 36333
Tiarna discovered her cat’s act of revenge in the toaster. Credit: TikTok

Tiarna’s cat decided to defecate inside the De Longhi toaster!

‘When I decided to [get up] at 8 a.m. is when I found the monster t*rd in the toaster,’ Tiarna recalled.

'I literally burst out laughing as I could not actually believe what I was seeing and smelling. Seeing the precision, it was almost like someone perfectly placed it in there,' she shared, recounting her disbelief upon discovering the faecal matter in her appliance.

The toaster, unfortunately, had to be discarded, and Tiarna is now in the market for a new one, preferably on sale.

The incident left her baffled, as her sphynx had never exhibited such behaviour before, although it had a history of urinating in the bathroom sink.

Tiarna just chalked it up to her cat's regular morning mischief. She said he's known to kick up a fuss, meowing like crazy and making a mess, whenever his breakfast's late or he's after something.

If you want to watch the video, visit Tiarna’s post here. But be warned, members! It’s not for the faint of stomach.

Social media users found the situation hilarious, with one commenting, ‘That was personal.’

‘The aim and concentration that must have taken place,’ another pointed out.

‘I mean, I couldn’t even be mad. I’m just impressed. I just want to know how and why,’ a third person said.

Someone even shared a similar experience. A social media user wrote, ‘Mine peed in ours, and I didn’t know and made some toast and was halfway through eating it when I realised.’

Understanding Feline Behaviour: Why Do Cats Act Out?

Cats are known for their independence and sometimes unpredictable behaviour. While this incident may seem humorous, it's essential to understand why a cat might act out in such a manner.

Cats are creatures of habit and routine, and any disruption to their schedule, such as a delayed breakfast, can cause them to become stressed and act out.

Most cats are trained to use their litter box from an early age, and sudden changes in their toileting habits can be a sign of stress or even a medical issue.

If your cat starts to urinate or defecate outside their litter box, it's always a good idea to seek advice from a vet, as suggested by the RSPCA's Knowledgebase.

In Tiarna's case, her sphynx's behaviour could most probably be chalked up to a display of displeasure at a delayed breakfast. However, it's always important to monitor your pet's behaviour for any sudden changes or signs of distress.

Key Takeaways

  • Tiarna Wrobel discovered her pet sphynx cat had defecated in her $179 De Longhi toaster as a sign of displeasure.
  • Tiarna discovered the faecal matter after being unable to identify the source of the off-putting smell.
  • Needing to replace her toaster, Tiarna has disposed of the ruined appliance.
  • The RSPCA warned that sudden behavioural changes in pets could indicate medical issues and advised seeking immediate vet advice.

We'd love to hear your pet stories, members! Have you ever had a pet act out in an unusual way? Share your experiences in the comments below.
Who the hell needs a $180 toaster for duckin'sake?!

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