Woolworths worker ‘jokes’ about getting revenge on rude customers

A Woolworths staff member has sparked controversy online after posting a video on TikTok, joking about putting their hand on the scale so rude customers would pay more for their groceries.

The worker has clarified that the video was only a joke and should not be taken seriously.

However, a spokesperson for the supermarket has responded and said they were “concerned” by the video.

“We set clear stands for our team members through our Code of Conduct,” they said.

“We’re concerned to see this and will be looking into the circumstances surrounding this video.”


The TikTok user joked about adding extra weight on the checkout scale. Credit: 7News.

In the now-deleted TikTok video, the Woolies worker can be seen pressing his hand down the product scales at checkout. For those who are unaware, these scales are used to measure exactly how heavy your fresh fruit and groceries are, so that you are charged the correct amount.

“POV: Putting my hand on the scale to add extra weight to rude customers’ fruit and veg,” the person wrote in the clip, implying that he purposefully increases the grocery costs of impolite shoppers.

He made clear that the video was only a stunt by writing “For legal reasons, this is a joke” in the caption.

However, many fellow retail employees have seen the clip and admitted to actually doing the problematic (not to mention, illegal) act.

“I used to do this so much,” wrote one, while another chimed in and said, “Don’t tell them our secrets.”

A third person shared: “I did this once; no regrets because this lady almost made me cry.”

“Everyone on service does this, it’s how we get back at rude customers without losing our jobs,” said another person.

On the other hand, some fellow workers also admitted to doing the act but instead of adding weight, they do the opposite.

“I try to lighten it for nice customers,” one person confessed. “I’ll try to position the bag so that not all of them are weighed.”

Another person agreed and said they do it too. “I straight up don’t scan items if they are decent.”

What are your thoughts? Should Woolworths crack down on their employees who do these actions, or is it just fair for them if they encounter any rude customers?

And while we’re on the topic of “Woolworths workers” and “jokes”, check out this hilarious clip, showing off the different types of workers you can typically find in Woolies!

Credit: Garn.
Woolworths worker ‘jokes’ about getting revenge on rude customers

A Woolworths staff member has sparked controversy online after posting a video on TikTok, joking about putting their hand on the scale so rude customers would pay more for their groceries.

The worker has clarified that the video was only a joke and should not be taken seriously.

However, a spokesperson for the supermarket has responded and said they were “concerned” by the video.

“We set clear stands for our team members through our Code of Conduct,” they said.

“We’re concerned to see this and will be looking into the circumstances surrounding this video.”


The TikTok user joked about adding extra weight on the checkout scale. Credit: 7News.

In the now-deleted TikTok video, the Woolies worker can be seen pressing his hand down the product scales at checkout. For those who are unaware, these scales are used to measure exactly how heavy your fresh fruit and groceries are, so that you are charged the correct amount.

“POV: Putting my hand on the scale to add extra weight to rude customers’ fruit and veg,” the person wrote in the clip, implying that he purposefully increases the grocery costs of impolite shoppers.

He made clear that the video was only a stunt by writing “For legal reasons, this is a joke” in the caption.

However, many fellow retail employees have seen the clip and admitted to actually doing the problematic (not to mention, illegal) act.

“I used to do this so much,” wrote one, while another chimed in and said, “Don’t tell them our secrets.”

A third person shared: “I did this once; no regrets because this lady almost made me cry.”

“Everyone on service does this, it’s how we get back at rude customers without losing our jobs,” said another person.

On the other hand, some fellow workers also admitted to doing the act but instead of adding weight, they do the opposite.

“I try to lighten it for nice customers,” one person confessed. “I’ll try to position the bag so that not all of them are weighed.”

Another person agreed and said they do it too. “I straight up don’t scan items if they are decent.”

What are your thoughts? Should Woolworths crack down on their employees who do these actions, or is it just fair for them if they encounter any rude customers?

And while we’re on the topic of “Woolworths workers” and “jokes”, check out this hilarious clip, showing off the different types of workers you can typically find in Woolies!

Credit: Garn.
Having worked for a while in retail I can sure understand the motives behind this, even if I don't condone it. Customers can be unbelievably rude and say some really hurtful things. I always countered this behavior by being excessively bright, smiling and courteous but not all workers can pull this off. Several times I have seen workers in tears from customers behavior. Retail workers are doing their best, sometimes under harsh conditions and pressures. It doesn't cost anything to be polite to them.
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Watched slightly less than half the video then turned it off because the ridiculous frequency of 4-letter words Even without that, it wasn't really funny anyway.
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Could he swear even more in this video, didn't watch all of it, why post it disappointing
I turned it off after about 40 seconds. Why does someone like this dude have to swear so much. It doesnt prove anything other than the dude may have mental health issues.
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Why do people these days think, that swearing is normal and that everyone accepts this kind of language?? I can’t stand it. There’s no need to speak like that. I started listening and just stopped as soon as the first one came out of his mouth 😡😡😡😡
Something I learned a few years back was to always engage Customer Service people by using their name and I was instantly amazed at the beautiful response I would receive. I would see their faces light up and they would often respond with a converstaion. Respect and recognition go a long way.
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there is no need for the swearing at all. It is offensive and rude/ it doesn't make the worker any better than what they are complaining about. Retail is not the only place where rudeness occurs- all workplaces and social interactions generally. It's really about lack of respect for others. Just because you may be offended and hurt does not excuse you retaliating- it's the same thing! NO different to what the worker is complaining about.
Hi everyone,

Apologies for the inappropriate language featured in the video, we should have put a language warning on it.
Yes right at the start.. it was pretty gross! I've always maintained if you have to use language like that you have a very poor command of the English language. (n):censored:
Woolworths worker ‘jokes’ about getting revenge on rude customers

A Woolworths staff member has sparked controversy online after posting a video on TikTok, joking about putting their hand on the scale so rude customers would pay more for their groceries.

The worker has clarified that the video was only a joke and should not be taken seriously.

However, a spokesperson for the supermarket has responded and said they were “concerned” by the video.

“We set clear stands for our team members through our Code of Conduct,” they said.

“We’re concerned to see this and will be looking into the circumstances surrounding this video.”


The TikTok user joked about adding extra weight on the checkout scale. Credit: 7News.

In the now-deleted TikTok video, the Woolies worker can be seen pressing his hand down the product scales at checkout. For those who are unaware, these scales are used to measure exactly how heavy your fresh fruit and groceries are, so that you are charged the correct amount.

“POV: Putting my hand on the scale to add extra weight to rude customers’ fruit and veg,” the person wrote in the clip, implying that he purposefully increases the grocery costs of impolite shoppers.

He made clear that the video was only a stunt by writing “For legal reasons, this is a joke” in the caption.

However, many fellow retail employees have seen the clip and admitted to actually doing the problematic (not to mention, illegal) act.

“I used to do this so much,” wrote one, while another chimed in and said, “Don’t tell them our secrets.”

A third person shared: “I did this once; no regrets because this lady almost made me cry.”

“Everyone on service does this, it’s how we get back at rude customers without losing our jobs,” said another person.

On the other hand, some fellow workers also admitted to doing the act but instead of adding weight, they do the opposite.

“I try to lighten it for nice customers,” one person confessed. “I’ll try to position the bag so that not all of them are weighed.”

Another person agreed and said they do it too. “I straight up don’t scan items if they are decent.”

What are your thoughts? Should Woolworths crack down on their employees who do these actions, or is it just fair for them if they encounter any rude customers?

And while we’re on the topic of “Woolworths workers” and “jokes”, check out this hilarious clip, showing off the different types of workers you can typically find in Woolies!

Credit: Garn.
In my experience, some customers are cranky from the time they walk into a store. I’ve watched rudeness and nastiness directed at staff, not in silence I might add, from people who seem to believe they have some special aura that allows then to say and do whatever they like and who expect nothing should ever go wrong.

I think we all should remember that we are being served for maybe 5 to 10 minutes of our day. Not a very long time to put on a smile and be pleasant.

Workers do a whole shift of many hours where they are meant to maintain a happy and courteous disposition, on their feet, serving grumpy, rude people. Sadly, from what I’ve witnessed, a lot of this bad behaviour comes from the older generation.

I saw one older woman throw her credit card at the girl who was serving her in a petrol station. She berated her, the only girl working in the shop, because she had to wait ’minutes‘ to have the petrol pump turned on. I was getting fuel at the bowser in front this woman and waited too. Funny, but by my watch it was more like a 15 seconds wait.

I saw one man berate a young girl because she had to do a price check. He said he was in a hurry. He had an important meeting to attend. I was standing next in line. I told him if his meeting was so important he should have left home earlier so he’d be there on time. He looked at me like I was dog pooh on his shoe but at least I distracted him from his tirade towards the girl.

If there's a problem, be hard on the problem (via the store manager if necessary) and soft on the person in front of you who usually has very little to do with it and is doing their best. Like they say, don’t kill the messenger…… let’s not beat up those lovely people who are just trying to earn a living by serving us.

Really verbal abuse is a problem for anyone working with customers. Business owners should hold customers responsible for bad behaviour and block them from entry for a period of time. The only attempt at supporting staff I’ve ever seen is a poster telling people not to abuse staff. Not very effective. The customer is not always right.
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In my experience, some customers are cranky from the time they walk into a store. I’ve watched rudeness and nastiness directed at staff, not in silence I might add, from people who seem to believe they have some special aura that allows then to say and do whatever they like and who expect nothing should ever go wrong.

I think we all should remember that we are being served for maybe 5 to 10 minutes of our day. Not a very long time to put on a smile and be pleasant.

Workers do a whole shift of many hours where they are meant to maintain a happy and courteous disposition, on their feet, serving grumpy, rude people. Sadly, from what I’ve witnessed, a lot of this bad behaviour comes from the older generation.

I saw one older woman throw her credit card at the girl who was serving her in a petrol station. She berated her, the only girl working in the shop, because she had to wait ’minutes‘ to have the petrol pump turned on. I was getting fuel at the bowser in front this woman and waited too. Funny, but by my watch it was more like a 15 seconds wait.

I saw one man berate a young girl because she had to do a price check. He said he was in a hurry. He had an important meeting to attend. I was standing next in line. I told him if his meeting was so important he should have left home earlier so he’d be there on time. He looked at me like I was dog pooh on his shoe but at least I distracted him from his tirade towards the girl.

If there's a problem, be hard on the problem (via the store manager if necessary) and soft on the person in front of you who usually has very little to do with it and is doing their best. Like they say, don’t kill the messenger…… let’s not beat up those lovely people who are just trying to earn a living by serving us.

Really verbal abuse is a problem for anyone working with customers. Business owners should hold customers responsible for bad behaviour and block them from entry for a period of time. The only attempt at supporting staff I’ve ever seen is a poster telling people not to abuse staff. Not very effective. The customer is not always right.
Very well said! If only more people could see things like this!

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