Alert to Aussie drivers: Is increased roadside surveillance putting your privacy at risk?

As we navigate the roads of our sunburnt country, the watchful eyes of technology are ever-present, and for millions of Aussie drivers, the surveillance has reached unprecedented levels.

The debate over privacy versus safety was reignited by a recent discovery that has left many motorists feeling uneasy about the extent of roadside monitoring.

A Sydney driver, Layla Ellaz, recently stumbled upon a curious sight in Punchbowl, in the city's southwest.

A small crane-like structure equipped with a camera was perched on the side of a suburban road, silently capturing images of unsuspecting drivers.

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A driver in Sydney spotted a camera on top of a crane-like structure. Image source: TikTok

Ellaz criticised the placement of the portable mobile phone detection camera, calling it a ‘violation of privacy’ despite its intended purpose of improving road safety.

‘Ah, the joys of modern technology, where even our cars are under the watchful eye of Big Brother, or shall we say, Big Camera!’ she said.

‘While I fully support the crackdown on distracted driving, it seems the enforcement method is reaching new heights—literally. Who knew that the next time we buckle up, we're also posing for aerial snapshots?’ she added.

Ellaz's encounter with this high-tech sentinel was shared on social media, where it quickly became a hot topic.

The camera, mounted on a yellow trailer with a metal arm extending over the road, was cleverly disguised to blend in with street lights.

This camouflage led to questions about the transparency of such surveillance methods and whether motorists should be alerted to their presence.

The debate is not just about being watched; it's about the angle of observation.

Ellaz continued: ‘If only our vehicles came with a 'privacy mode' button to shield us from unintended crotch and cleavage captures.’

‘At the very least, a sign indicating the presence of the device or acknowledgement of photo capture would level the playing field.’

While many social media users agreed with Ellaz’s concerns, some pointed out the benefits of the cameras.

One person asked: ‘Do you realise these are put in place to protect your safety?’

‘Once you lose a loved one from someone not paying attention while driving, I’m sure you’ll change your mind, privacy concerns or not,’ a different commenter pointed out.

In response to the uproar, a Transport for New South Wales spokesperson assured the public that the operation of these cameras complies with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998.

They said: ‘Transport for NSW and Revenue NSW adhere to the Act in its operation of the mobile phone cameras and all other safety camera programs.’

‘When a potential offence is detected, images will be pixelated and cropped to protect privacy before the images are adjudicated by authorised staff,’ they added.

Moreover, any images not evidencing an offence are permanently deleted, typically within an hour.

The penalty for using a mobile phone while driving is steep: $387, or $514 in a school zone, along with five demerit points.

They also explained the lack of warning signs for mobile detection cameras, stating: ‘The program focuses on deterring drivers from illegal mobile phone use while driving by enabling anywhere, anytime detection, hence there are no warning signs for these cameras.’

‘If people believe they are likely to get caught and penalised, they are less likely to commit an offence,’ the spokesperson added.

Despite the backlash, road safety advocates like the National Roads and Motorists' Association (NRMA) support the technology, emphasising its life-saving potential.

Peter Khoury from the NRMA explained: ‘Once people start to take their eyes off the road, it’s almost like driving drunk in terms of their capacity to drive a vehicle safely.’

‘The laws were brought in and this technology was brought in as a preventative measure... to stop people getting behind the wheel and taking risks that jeopardise the safety of others.’

The NSW Council of Civil Liberties also weighed in, dismissing privacy concerns as long as the photographs are taken on public roads.

A spokesperson said: ‘There is no privacy concern for photographs taken of the inside of vehicles driving on public roads.’
Key Takeaways
  • A Sydney driver, Layla Ellaz, raised concerns about mobile phone detection cameras that take pictures from above, arguing it is an ‘invasion of privacy’.
  • There is criticism over the lack of warning signs before the location of such cameras, as is mandatory for mobile roadside speed cameras within the state.
  • Transport for NSW stated that the operation of these cameras adheres to the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, with images being pixelated and cropped to protect privacy before review.
  • Advocates like the NRMA support the technology as a lifesaver and deterrent against illegal mobile phone use while driving, despite some public backlash.
Have you encountered these cameras, members? Do you feel safer knowing they're there, or does it feel like an overreach into your personal space? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Firstly, you have no privacy in a public place. Get used to it.
Secondly, I am sure we have all seen the white signs with blue lettering, in a lot of places: 'Speed Cameras used in NSW'. You have been warned.
Thirdly, If you are not breaking any road rules, you have nothing to worry about.
Lastly, I'll be damned if I will hand over any more of my hard earned money to the Government because of a traffic infringement. Therefore no more breaking the road rules.
These have been in use in NSW since March 2020, that's fours years and she's talking about them as if they were new, lol.

You are in a vehicle on public roads, NOT in your bedroom, expect that others can see into the vehicle. Bus drivers, truck drivers are high up in their seats, they can see in too. Ensure you are dressed appropriately if you are concerned and just think about the lives they maybe saved by deterring drivers from using mobile phones.
These days even our modern cars are sending info back to the dealers and/or manufacturers of our driving habits. Things like speeding, our steering actions, whether we rev the engine hard etc, they are all monitored by the computer in your car. So privacy is really out the window in day to day life.
‘Once you lose a loved one from someone not paying attention while driving, I’m sure you’ll change your mind, privacy concerns or not,’ a different commenter pointed out.

The mere placement of these cameras would cause motorists to look at them, thereby creating a distraction. The very thing this commenter is alluding to.
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‘Once you lose a loved one from someone not paying attention while driving, I’m sure you’ll change your mind, privacy concerns or not,’ a different commenter pointed out.

The mere placement of these cameras would cause motorists to look at them, thereby creating a distraction. The very thing this commenter is alluding to.
Speak for yourself and your poor driving skills, they do not distract competent drivers. Phone use is rampant, anything to deter drivers using phones while driving is excellent.

Mobile phone use and crashes are well under-reported, unless it's a death or critical collision police do not investigate collisions thoroughly. Drivers do not admit to using their phone, police may even ask them were you using your phone and it's easy for them to say, NO. Hence, the number of collisions dues to phone use is under-reported.
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Speak for yourself and your poor driving skills, they do not distract competent drivers. Phone use is rampant, anything to deter drivers using phones while driving is excellent.

Mobile phone use and crashes are well under-reported, unless it's a death or critical collision police do not investigate collisions thoroughly. Drivers do not admit to using their phone, police may even ask them were you using your phone and it's easy for them to say, NO. Hence, the number of collisions dues to phone use is under-reported.
A bit of bad news for you, pal. I haven't driven since October 2015.

I obtained my P-plates in September 1976 and have driven and rode over 2 million kilometres. I have been in two car-car incidents - the first being run up the backside in 1979 and the second rolling my car after being run off the road by an overtaking idiot towing a boat in 1992.

Motorcycle events are more numerous. First was having a blowout in my rear tyre after taking off at a set of traffic lights in 1980. Next was being U-turned on by a goose at a set of pedestrian lights in 1984. Again in 1984, I turned into a street that was tarred a few hours beforehand, but suddenly turned into gravel by unsignposted roadworks that night and promptly slid out. A few months later, a blue Volvo station wagon ran a red light and when I hit the high beam, the arsehole braked suddenly in the wet and I was sent sliding across two lanes of oncoming traffic when I locked up. Lastly was when my "high quality" o-ring chain snapped while doing in excess of 100 km/h. Luckily, I dropped my speed to about 50 km/h before the rear wheel locked up. unexpectedly.

None of these events were my fault. But you will make up a story to apportion the blame on me for some or all of the above.

But you are the perfect human being who has never done anything wrong and knows everything.
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Mobile phone use and crashes are well under-reported, unless it's a death or critical collision police do not investigate collisions thoroughly. Drivers do not admit to using their phone, police may even ask them were you using your phone and it's easy for them to say, NO. Hence, the number of collisions dues to phone use is under-reported.
So you know this for a fact?

If you are privy to such information, then it has been REPORTED!

Unless you dreamed up some fake statistics.
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Speak for yourself and your poor driving skills, they do not distract competent drivers. Phone use is rampant, anything to deter drivers using phones while driving is excellent.

Mobile phone use and crashes are well under-reported, unless it's a death or critical collision police do not investigate collisions thoroughly. Drivers do not admit to using their phone, police may even ask them were you using your phone and it's easy for them to say, NO. Hence, the number of collisions dues to phone use is under-reported.
You’re entitled to express your opinions, @Greg350 but don’t try to pass them on as truth. I don’t expect you to take notice though, because you show yourself to be quite arrogant and one who believes they know all. 🙂↔️
These days even our modern cars are sending info back to the dealers and/or manufacturers of our driving habits. Things like speeding, our steering actions, whether we rev the engine hard etc, they are all monitored by the computer in your car. So privacy is really out the window in day to day life.
That would be the fist thing I looked for and have disengaged.
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Speak for yourself and your poor driving skills, they do not distract competent drivers. Phone use is rampant, anything to deter drivers using phones while driving is excellent.

Mobile phone use and crashes are well under-reported, unless it's a death or critical collision police do not investigate collisions thoroughly. Drivers do not admit to using their phone, police may even ask them were you using your phone and it's easy for them to say, NO. Hence, the number of collisions dues to phone use is under-reported.
Whether or not the mobile phone was used can be checked on the phone's information so perhaps this needs to be done more in any accident situation?

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