‘I feel petrified’: Woman vows to never use Uber again after driver’s X-rated act

Ride-sharing services like Uber have become a staple for many, offering a seemingly safe and easy way to get from point A to B.

However, as with all technological advancements, there are risks and downsides that can't be ignored.

Adelaide resident Tayla Pimlott, a routine trip home from work turned into a harrowing ordeal that left her vowing never to use the service again.

The incident unfolded on an otherwise unremarkable afternoon as Tayla, exhausted from her workday, sought a 'quick and quiet' journey home.

Opting for an Uber over public transport during rush hour, she expected nothing more than the usual commute. But mere minutes into the ride, Tayla's sense of security was shattered.

Tayla shared her petrifying Uber ride experience. Credit: Shutterstock

From the backseat, something alarming caught her eye, prompting her to glance up from her phone.

To her utter disbelief, Tayla claimed to have witnessed her Uber driver engaging in an X-rated act of self-pleasure while behind the wheel.

The shock of the situation was palpable as she recounted the event, 'Usually when someone takes their pants down, they ruffle down a bit or something. I saw none of that, I just saw this subtle hand gesture,' she said.

'I could see clearly that he [the Uber driver] had his penis out and he was masturbating.'

In those terrifying moments, Tayla's mind raced with options.

She considered calling the police, confronting the driver, or attempting to exit the moving vehicle. A voice inside her head even suggested she might be overreacting, but the reality was starkly different.

She felt 'violated' and knew she had to prioritise her safety above all else.

With quick thinking, Tayla reached out to her mum and boyfriend and managed to capture footage of the driver's actions, knowing that without evidence, it could become a 'he said, she said' situation.

'There was a part of me that thought, “Oh god, I could die, I could be raped, this man could touch me”,' she said.

'My brain was frozen, and my heart was pounding... I was petrified.’

Choosing to feign ignorance of the driver's behaviour, Tayla feared any confrontation could provoke a dangerous reaction.

Upon reaching home, where her mother awaited, she had to request the driver unlock the doors.

‘He fully turned around and looked at me, and in the creepiest voice I've ever heard, he goes, “Thank you so much,”’ she said.

‘I felt if I made a huge fuss about this I think that would put me in more danger... I had to be polite... I felt ashamed.’

The incident, which occurred in October, has had a lasting impact on Tayla. Despite the passage of time, the fear lingers, affecting her ability to leave her house without feeling 'petrified.'

Determined to prevent this from happening to others, Tayla reported the incident to Uber and the police.

Tayla strongly urged Uber to ban him from the platform, but she was informed that for privacy reasons, she wouldn't be informed whether this was implemented or not.

‘Based on the severity of the report, I can confirm that the appropriate actions have been taken,’ a message Taylah received from Uber read at the time, with no further details of their investigation.

The driver was arrested the same night but later bailed, with restrictions placed on his movements regarding Tayla's home and workplace.

‘I thought I was okay. But then I realised like, “Oh, hey, I can't really leave my house without being petrified,”’ she said.

‘I'm never using Uber again.’

An Uber spokesperson said the company condemned the driver’s alleged actions, saying, 'What’s been reported has no place in the Uber community or anywhere else.'

‘As soon as we were notified of this report, we removed the driver partner’s access to the app immediately and permanently.’

‘We continue to work to build cutting-edge technology and features to help improve safety for riders and driver-partners on the app, such as the Safety Toolkit, the emergency assistance button and Share my Trip feature. Trips on the Uber platform are not anonymous, and all trips are GPS tracked in real time,’ they added.

In a similar story, Uber charged a passenger an $80 cleaning fee for a mess they claimed they did not make.

The resident disputed this allegation, asserting the car was as clean when they left as when they entered. You can read more about the story here.
Key Takeaways
  • Tayla Pimlott experienced what she described as a distressing incident in the back of an Uber when she accused her driver of masturbating while driving.
  • She took the Uber for a short trip in Adelaide and noticed the driver's inappropriate behaviour, prompting her to secretly record him as potential evidence.
  • Uber was informed, and the company removed the driver's access to the app immediately and permanently, stating that such behaviour has no place within its community.
  • Tayla reported the incident to the police, resulting in the man's arrest on the same night, although he was later bailed. She has since vowed never to use Uber again due to the traumatic experience.
Have you or someone you know had a similar experience? How do you ensure your safety when using ride-sharing services? Share your thoughts and tips in the comments below.
The problem is he knows who pursued with the claim and caused him to lose his access to his income. He also would know the address. Such a harrowing experience. He is such a grub.
I think all Uber drivers should go through a police check .
And if anything happens like this then they should be reported to the police.

I would have message a family or friend and asked them to call the police, and hopefully the police would be there to greet the maggot
If you see something like that laugh in their face, a sure deflation of their "ego". Then continue with your reports. The police emergency should instigate an emergency text number as well for in cases such as these when you should not make a verbal call but definitely need assistance.
Or a system like the 'calling for a pizza' method of calling the police, that victims of domestic violence can use. In this case, while on the drive home the passenger could call the police but say 'Hi, Mum, I'm in an Uber just on my way home - just passing [location] now - can you meet me?' Thus alerting the police that they need help. Taking a photo is also a good idea.
A certain nationality is notorious for this type of behaviour in all types of situations. From public parks, to shopping centres, to railway stations and bus stops. Things haven't changed in over 45 years when my girlfriend was sexually assaulted by a driving instructor of the same grubby tribe!

The same nationality whinged about their international students being victimised and assaulted. So what!

It's about we stopped importing these grubs!
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A certain nationality is notorious for this type of behaviour in all types of situations. From public parks, to shopping centres, to railway stations and bus stops. Things haven't changed in over 45 years when my girlfriend was sexually assaulted by a driving instructor of the same grubby tribe!

The same nationality whinged about their international students being victimised and assaulted. So what!

It's about we stopped importing these grubs!
People from India !!
I believe Tayla did the right thing regardless of the aftereffects with leaving home now. A brave stance l thought, keeping her composure, filming the incident & all the time not alerting the driver to her actions. Not causing an incident was wise when we hear how similar incidents turn out.

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