‘Foul and loathsome’ or jewels of the natural world? The complicated history of human-frog relations



When was the last time you saw a frog? Perhaps you came across one in your garden and wondered at its little hands, glossy skin and what looked very much like a contented smile.

Maybe you regularly see them on Instagram or TikTok, where 'frog accounts' have proliferated in recent years. People share adorable cartoon frogs, coo over crocheted frogs or go gaga for frogs dressed in cute hats.

In fact, our fascination with frogs isn’t new. As our research has found, the history of human-frog relations is long and complicated–and not all of it is nice.

Why we love frogs​

There is a rich history of people really loving frogs.

This is interesting, because many people much prefer mammals and birds over reptiles and amphibians.

But the frog is an exception–for a lot of reasons. People tend to be attracted to baby-like faces. Many species of frogs have the large eyes characteristic of young animals, humans included.

Having no teeth and no sharp claws, they also do not seem to be immediately threatening, while many of them have beautiful skin colouring and some are improbably tiny.

Frogs are truly among the jewels of the natural world, unlike toads which–with their more mundane colours and 'warty skins'– do not usually inspire the same sense of enchantment.

Their beauty connects us to the wider riches of a vibrant nature hidden from most people’s sight in the dense rainforests of the tropical regions.

And they also connect us to nature in our own backyards. At certain times of the year, they spontaneously appear in our gardens and ponds. They can feel like special visitors from the natural world.

Dissecting human feelings for frogs​

Yet relationships between people and frogs haven’t always been so positive. In fact, frogs occupy complicated places across cultures all over the world.

In the Western tradition, the legacy of biblical and classical sources was both negative and longstanding.

References to frogs in the Bible rendered them the instrument of divine anger as a swarming plague.


An etching from the late 1700s shows a plague of frogs. Wellcome Collection

Frogs challenged early modern zoological taxonomies, moving between classification as serpent, insect or reptile.

Perhaps their resistance to easy placement by humans explains the strong emotional language about them used by Swedish naturalist (and 'father of modern taxonomy') Carl Linnaeus.

When he considered the Amphibia in his 1758 Systema Naturae, he noted:

These foul and loathsome animals are abhorrent because of their cold body, pale colour, cartilaginous skeleton, filthy skin, fierce aspect, calculating eye, offensive smell, harsh voice, squalid habitation, and terrible venom.​

In modern science, they sit in a branch of zoology, herpetology, that brings frogs together as 'creeping animals' with snakes and lizards.

Frogs have also (or perhaps consequently) suffered in the service of science since at least the eighteenth century because it seemed to be possible to easily replicate experiments across multiple frog specimens.

Frogs were particularly crucial to the study of muscles and nerves. This led to ever more violent encounters between experimenters and frog bodies. Italian scientist Luigi Galvani, for example, did experiments in the late 18th century on legs of frogs to investigate what he thought of as 'animal electricity'.


Scientist Luigi Galvani’s 18th-century diagrams of dissected frog legs and various metallic apparatus he used to measure what was thought to be electricity flowing in animals. Library of Congress

In this sense, frogs were valued as significant scientific objects, their value lying in their flesh, and their nervous systems, rather than in their status as living, feeling beings in the world.

In time, experiments with frogs moved beyond the laboratory into the classroom. In the 1930s, schoolchildren were expected to find frogs and bring them to school for dissection in biology classes.

This practice was, however, somewhat controversial, with opponents expressing sentimental attachment to frogs and concerns that such animal cruelty would lead to barbarism.

Recognising the fragility of frogs

So, our relationship with frogs is complicated. From the frogs of Aesop’s Fables to the meme Pepe the Frog, we have projected our own feelings and frustrations onto frogs, and exploited them for science and education.

Frogs have also borne the brunt of our failures as environmental stewards.

By 1990, the world was seeing a global pattern of decline in frog populations due to destruction and degradation of habitat for agriculture and logging, as well as a global amphibian pandemic caused by the chytrid fungus.

Climate change is also making life hard for many species. In 2022, over 40% of amphibian species (of which frogs and toads are by far the largest group) were threatened with extinction. Their vulnerability has seen the frog–especially the red-eyed tree frog–become a symbol for the environment more generally.

So we should delight in frogs and marvel at how beautiful and special they are while we still can, and consider how we might help save them.

Something to reflect on next time you are lucky enough to spot a frog.

This article was first published on The Conversation and was written by Susan Broomhall, Director, Gender and Women's History Research Centre at the Australian Catholic University; Andrea Gaynor, Professor of History at The University of Western Australia; and Andy Flack, Senior Lecturer in Modern and Environmental History at the University of Bristol.
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I bet your scarier 🤣
Fair enough! You should hear me scream bloody murder when they jump anywhere near me :LOL: The odd thing is I'm not scared of frogs. I can handle touching them, but these frogs, in particular, are too spry for my comfort...
Jarred, you are the gem in the crown of the excellent SDC administration team. I love your banter with us mere members!
I agree he’s the only one who has fun with us.😊we 😍you jarred.
@Littleboy8 thank you for your admiration of Jarred!
And I 😍 you too! I'm so touched! I really enjoy reading all your thoughts and comments when I go around, and I honestly think it's members like you who make this forum a much more colourful place. :D
Fair enough! You should hear me scream bloody murder when they jump anywhere near me :LOL: The odd thing is I'm not scared of frogs. I can handle touching them, but these frogs, in particular, are too spry for my comfort...

And I 😍 you too! I'm so touched! I really enjoy reading all your thoughts and comments when I go around, and I honestly think it's members like you who make this forum a much more colourful place. :D
Thank you. I've been on SDC for a little over six months and I feel like a part of the furniture. You know....that three legged dining table chair, ready to topple over.

Seriously, I don't know how the admins put up with me. I know I test the limits of the site's guidelines but I made that very clear from the day I joined. I can offer genuine advice but it can be interspersed with school boy humour. Just me I suppose....
Thank you. I've been on SDC for a little over six months and I feel like a part of the furniture. You know....that three legged dining table chair, ready to topple over.

Seriously, I don't know how the admins put up with me. I know I test the limits of the site's guidelines but I made that very clear from the day I joined. I can offer genuine advice but it can be interspersed with school boy humour. Just me I suppose....
A massive shoutout for being part of the SDC family for over six months–that's no small feat! The part about feeling like a three-legged dining table chair gave me a good chuckle, but let me tell you, we're all about unique and quirky chairs here. 😉

We appreciate the spice you bring to the mix! Keep being you, because that's what makes this place awesome @Veggiepatch! Same goes to you too, @Littleboy8 :D
A massive shoutout for being part of the SDC family for over six months–that's no small feat! The part about feeling like a three-legged dining table chair gave me a good chuckle, but let me tell you, we're all about unique and quirky chairs here. 😉

We appreciate the spice you bring to the mix! Keep being you, because that's what makes this place awesome @Veggiepatch! Same goes to you too, @Littleboy8 :D
Thanks jarred😍
A massive shoutout for being part of the SDC family for over six months–that's no small feat! The part about feeling like a three-legged dining table chair gave me a good chuckle, but let me tell you, we're all about unique and quirky chairs here. 😉

We appreciate the spice you bring to the mix! Keep being you, because that's what makes this place awesome @Veggiepatch! Same goes to you too, @Littleboy8 :D
Such wonderful and reassuring feedback! Much appreciated Jarred! (y)
Then once-upon-a-time before political correctitude took over our thinking, there is the story about this gnarled, wrinkly and auncient wood-cutter who saw an evil-looking toad (let's make it a cane-toad) sitting on a log and was about to swing his axe at it to chop off its head when the toad (of the cane variety) shed a tear and said, "Please Mr Auncient, Wrinkly and Gnarled Wood-cutter, do not chop of my toadish head; take me home, put me in your bed and kiss me on my toadish lips".

To chop a long story short, to curtail my shaggy-dog tale, to come to the point, to reduce the length of meaningless blather and not to waste your time, Dear Reader (albeit some might not be so dear), which is not my intention for either good or ill, the auncient, gnarled and wrinkly wood-cutter was so surprised to see a cane-toad shed a tear and hear a cane-toad speak in English that he did precisely that.

And Lo! When kissed upon its lips by the auncient , gnarled and wrinkly wood-cutter the (cane) toad turned into a handsome Prince!

And there, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, rests the case for the Defence.
Then once-upon-a-time before political correctitude took over our thinking, there is the story about this gnarled, wrinkly and auncient wood-cutter who saw an evil-looking toad (let's make it a cane-toad) sitting on a log and was about to swing his axe at it to chop off its head when the toad (of the cane variety) shed a tear and said, "Please Mr Auncient, Wrinkly and Gnarled Wood-cutter, do not chop of my toadish head; take me home, put me in your bed and kiss me on my toadish lips".

To chop a long story short, to curtail my shaggy-dog tale, to come to the point, to reduce the length of meaningless blather and not to waste your time, Dear Reader (albeit some might not be so dear), which is not my intention for either good or ill, the auncient, gnarled and wrinkly wood-cutter was so surprised to see a cane-toad shed a tear and hear a cane-toad speak in English that he did precisely that.

And Lo! When kissed upon its lips by the auncient , gnarled and wrinkly wood-cutter the (cane) toad turned into a handsome Prince!

And there, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, rests the case for the Defence.
How about a story my friend wrote where the princess kissed a frog-prince snd she turned into a frog! It didn’t go quite to plan. I love frogs and although I live on a bush block with lots of native animals I see fewer frogs these days. In fact sightings are rare.
As Kids we used to go down to the local swamp and catch tadpoles. But once they turned into Frogs, we had to take them back and let them loose. I love seeing frogs, and feel sad when I see one squashed on the road. Unfortunately a lot of people don`t know the difference between a Lovely Green Frog, and a disgusting toad.
the last 3 years we have had frogs breeding in our backyard. We have an old bath tub that acts as an overflow for our tank, it has been there for years. Now every year we have frogs laying eggs in it, and in any and every container in our backyard that holds even a couple of inches of water. They also lay eggs in the moat around our castle water feature in our front yard. We have so many tadpoles in our tub, they are now changing into tiny frogs and hopping out into the garden. This year there are both brown and green frogs in the tub together. in the last 3 years we have bred hundreds of frogs. I buy special food to feed them. Every time it rains we have frogs croaking all around our house and the neighbours have commented on how many frogs they have in their yards in the last couple of years, so obviously the frogs are moving out of our yard. We often have a big frog in both our watering can spouts. They are in a few hollow pipes near our tank, in our gutters and gardens. Last night a big green frog jumped on hubby’s arm when he took the vegie scraps out to the compost bin. Luckily it wasn’t me or I’m sure I would havelet out a scream. I like frogs, just don’t like them jumping on me.
the last 3 years we have had frogs breeding in our backyard. We have an old bath tub that acts as an overflow for our tank, it has been there for years. Now every year we have frogs laying eggs in it, and in any and every container in our backyard that holds even a couple of inches of water. They also lay eggs in the moat around our castle water feature in our front yard. We have so many tadpoles in our tub, they are now changing into tiny frogs and hopping out into the garden. This year there are both brown and green frogs in the tub together. in the last 3 years we have bred hundreds of frogs. I buy special food to feed them. Every time it rains we have frogs croaking all around our house and the neighbours have commented on how many frogs they have in their yards in the last couple of years, so obviously the frogs are moving out of our yard. We often have a big frog in both our watering can spouts. They are in a few hollow pipes near our tank, in our gutters and gardens. Last night a big green frog jumped on hubby’s arm when he took the vegie scraps out to the compost bin. Luckily it wasn’t me or I’m sure I would havelet out a scream. I like frogs, just don’t like them jumping on me.
Doesn’t the story go if frogs disappear from the planet then we are all doomed to die also.🙀

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