Why South Korea is banning the sale of dog meat


Jeon Heon-Kyun/EPA

The South Korean dog meat trade will officially end in 2027 after a bill was passed making the slaughter of dogs and the sale of dog meat for human consumption illegal in the country (though the consumption of dog meat will still be legal). People who violate this new law could be fined up to 30 million won (about £18,000) and be jailed for three years.

The news has been embraced in South Korea as a long-awaited victory by many animal protection organisations. But it has also been received very negatively by pro-dog-meat associations, as the livelihoods of dog meat farmers and retailers will be directly affected by this legislation.

Dog meat is the fourth-most consumed meat in South Korea after pork, beef and chicken. However, the practice of eating dogs has been in sharp decline over the past few decades and has divided South Korean society for more than half a century.

For some, the trade represents resistance against cultural imperialism. For others, it is an obstacle to modernity. All the while, little attention is given to the fate of other animals whose death and commodification as meat are largely normalised and accepted.

Bosintang is a traditional Korean soup that uses dog meat as its primary ingredient. Fanfo/Shutterstock​

Stigmatisation of a practice​

Dog consumption has a long history in Korea. Some Korean scholars point to the excavation of dog bones from Korean relics dating to the Neolithic age (roughly from 6000BC to 2000BC) as evidence that dogs have been eaten since at least that period.

But an important moment of national and international friction around the practice occurred in the run-up to the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games. The South Korean government at the time banned the sale of dog meat temporarily in the traditional markets of the capital and asked dog meat retailers to remove dog carcasses from their stalls to avoid offending foreigners.

This decision was widely criticised by part of South Korean civil society who saw it as a form of cultural imperialism reminiscent of colonial times when many Korean cultural traditions were erased or stigmatised. This episode aroused feelings of national pride and protection towards the consumption of dog meat.

It was followed by a stronger reaction during the 2002 Fifa World Cup (which was co-hosted by South Korea). Influential South Korean public and political figures took a public stance in favour of dog meat as a national cultural symbol.

Tensions were further reignited before the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, a city in the country’s north-east. It was reported that the hiding of dog meat restaurant signs and dog carcasses had once again been introduced by the government.

A practice in sharp decline​

However, there’s no denying that dog meat consumption in South Korea has slumped dramatically, particularly since 2000. In 2002, 3 million dogs were slaughtered for consumption in South Korea per year. According to animal protection group, Kara, this had fallen to just under 1 million by the early 2020s – a third of what it was more than 20 years ago.

In recent decades, a civil movement led by animal protection charities has campaigned for the end of the trade. This movement has largely been supported by younger generations who, perhaps also influenced by the development of “pet culture”, are more inclined to challenge centuries of tradition than previous generations.

It could be argued that the COVID pandemic has also played a part in the sharp fall in dog meat consumption in recent years. Until the outbreak of COVID, live animals, including dogs, were often sold and slaughtered in traditional markets. Since then, municipal authorities have opened a dialogue with dog retailers to negotiate the demolition of dog slaughtering facilities.

Ongoing research conducted by one of us (Julien Dugnoille) alongside colleagues (Frédéric Keck and Miwon Seo-Plu) suggests that the pandemic may have facilitated a move away from the status quo on dog meat consumption. This shift has created a discussion around the end of the practice as a way to keep urban spaces free from the risk of diseases that can be spread between animals and humans.

Members of an animal activist group hold placards during a campaign against eating dog meat in Seoul. Jeon Heon-Kyun/EPA​

The perspective of the dog farmers​

Since 2014, some of these municipalities have agreed to compensate dog meat retailers for closing dog meat stalls in traditional markets. However, now that a full ban is coming into effect, dog meat farmers are requesting compensation schemes as this new law will directly affect their livelihoods.

The Korean Dog Meat Association has been arguing that the bill represents an abuse of power that overlooks the perspective of many South Koreans, and that it infringes on the right to choose what one wants to eat. Last December, the Association demanded compensation for farmers of 2 million won per individual dog (about £1,200) and a grace period of ten years after the ban.

While the ban may be good news for Korean dogs, dog lovers and for animal protectionists, it adversely affects those whose livelihoods depend on the domestic trade and who have practised the profession for generations.

The change does not necessarily mean an end to the consumption of dog meat in South Korea. Dog meat consumption will continue to be lawful (presumably supplied by imported meat).

Still, this is a milestone for the Korean relation to dogs that cements the dog’s privileged status, in contrast to other animals whose commodification as meat remains normalised and invisible.

This article was first published on The Conversation, and was written by , Julien Dugnoille, Senior Lecturer in Anthropology, University of Exeter, John Knight, Reader in Anthropology and Ethnomusicology, Queen's University Belfast

It's not as if the domestication of dogs is only a recent thing. Dogs have been co-existent and a party to human life for at least 40,000 years. Because they were useful to human beings (hunting, protection etc,) and we as humans were useful to them ( as a supplier of food and shelter). Using dogs as a source of food for human beings would have been counter-productive. Our association with and domestication of cats is more recent - about 10,000 years. Cats were similarly attracted to human settlements because our stores of grains and other foods attracted mice and rats. And cats ate the vermin which was good for us. The ancient Romans loved cats because they were clean and kept down the rat population in the cities.

What these two animals have in common is the companionship and affection between them and us which is so prized. Eating domestic dogs or cats is an abomination.
What is wrong with eating dogs? Apart from stupid European prejudice. We eat sheep, cattle, cuddly bunny rabbits, hens, geese, ducks, fish and other meaty stuff all of which have nervous systems and feel pain. Try suffocating a fish to death, watch it wriggle hung from a hook whilst trying to find its way back into the water! Battery-housed kentucky fried chuck-up, anyone? Dogs are noisy pack animals that make the neighbourhood hideous with their barking. Nothing quite like roast back leg of dog after three days of Vietnamese boiled "chicken"for every breakfast, lunch and dinner, with boiled cabbage and cold rice!
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I'm gagging and I'm very sad thinking this is actually happening to dogs.
I've heard this before and was hoping it was made up.

I had even heard that dogs in Australia go missing for this exact reason and was hoping it was a made up story .

I hope the Koreans are not doing it here
Dogs go missing (feral) in Australia because they can, and rip sheep and cattle to bits not to mention native wild-life.
  • Like
Reactions: Jarred Santos
I'm gagging and I'm very sad thinking this is actually happening to dogs.
I've heard this before and was hoping it was made up.

I had even heard that dogs in Australia go missing for this exact reason and was hoping it was a made up story .

I hope the Koreans are not doing it here
Once in Mexico back in sixties a few of us had gone ashore, we bought kebabs from a local vendor, as we walked into a bar eating them we were told what it was, needless to say it came up quicker than it went down. To this day, I have no idea what the breed was?
  • Wow
Reactions: Jarred Santos
Of course I have gone and looked up countries that eat dogs.
Although in some countries over the past 8 years it has become illegal it still happens

China's annual Yulin festival, in which thousands of dogs and cats are killed and eaten, has begun.

Despite widespread international condemnation, an estimated 10,000 animals will be consumed over the next 10 days in the Guangxi province in the country's South-East.

The festival is not traditional - it was invented by dog traders in 2010 to boost profits, and while thousands of dogs die every year at Yulin, the Humane Society say an estimated 30 million more are killed across Asia for their meat each year.
The Humane Society estimate that some 10-20 million are killed every year in China.

This makes the country the primary contributor to the dog meat trade.


The average figure for slaughtered dogs in South Korea is around 2.5 million per year (2.95 million in 2002, 2.31 million in 2005).

In 1998 there were 6,484 registered dog meat restaurants, while some estimate around 20,000.

Attitudes to dog meat consumption are variable and inconclusive depending on which survey you look at, but a recent Ministry of Agriculture survey found 59 per cent of under 30s would not eat dog.


The Asia Canine Protection Alliance in 2014 secured a five-year moratorium on cross border transport of dogs for the dog meat trade, however conservative estimates suggest more than 80,000 dogs are smuggled yearly to supply demand for dog meat in the country, from Thailand, Cambodia and Laos.


The government has passed legislation banning the practice, however there remains an underground practice which supplies strays to restaurants and meat traders.

Other countries

Alongside these countries there are reports of trade and consumption in India, Indonesia and the Philippines.

I think I'm going to boycot all Asian restaurants
Of course I have gone and looked up countries that eat dogs.
Although in some countries over the past 8 years it has become illegal it still happens

China's annual Yulin festival, in which thousands of dogs and cats are killed and eaten, has begun.

Despite widespread international condemnation, an estimated 10,000 animals will be consumed over the next 10 days in the Guangxi province in the country's South-East.

The festival is not traditional - it was invented by dog traders in 2010 to boost profits, and while thousands of dogs die every year at Yulin, the Humane Society say an estimated 30 million more are killed across Asia for their meat each year.
The Humane Society estimate that some 10-20 million are killed every year in China.

This makes the country the primary contributor to the dog meat trade.


The average figure for slaughtered dogs in South Korea is around 2.5 million per year (2.95 million in 2002, 2.31 million in 2005).

In 1998 there were 6,484 registered dog meat restaurants, while some estimate around 20,000.

Attitudes to dog meat consumption are variable and inconclusive depending on which survey you look at, but a recent Ministry of Agriculture survey found 59 per cent of under 30s would not eat dog.


The Asia Canine Protection Alliance in 2014 secured a five-year moratorium on cross border transport of dogs for the dog meat trade, however conservative estimates suggest more than 80,000 dogs are smuggled yearly to supply demand for dog meat in the country, from Thailand, Cambodia and Laos.


The government has passed legislation banning the practice, however there remains an underground practice which supplies strays to restaurants and meat traders.

Other countries

Alongside these countries there are reports of trade and consumption in India, Indonesia and the Philippines.

I think I'm going to boycot all Asian restaurants
These figures are mind-blowing to say the least. I'm with you about eating food from Asian restaurants.

Need to be extra careful what is eaten in Asian countries too it would appear.
In NSW, no law specifically authorises or prohibits the eating of cats or dogs.

However, the killing of cats or dogs for such purpose may constitute an offence under Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979. Processing and selling cat or dog meat is prohibited under the Food Act 2003.

Suzanne, I read the story about the dogs yesterday, you said everything I wanted to say, thank you for that. I was unable to express my thoughts after reading.
I can't get the image of that poor dog out of my mind; my heart is aching for him and all the others. I don't know why we had to see the next image in the bowl. I am not silly; I know other countries have different customs and like you I hope they are not practiced here. I don't eat red meat as I have said a few times before but have no problem with others who do. I was bought up eating meat, it's my choice. But my heart breaks for dogs and horses as they do other important things that help mankind. Surely, it's not necessary. My little Chihuahua is curled up in her bed, happy she lives in Australia.
Suzanne, I read the story about the dogs yesterday, you said everything I wanted to say, thank you for that. I was unable to express my thoughts after reading.
I can't get the image of that poor dog out of my mind; my heart is aching for him and all the others. I don't know why we had to see the next image in the bowl. I am not silly; I know other countries have different customs and like you I hope they are not practiced here. I don't eat red meat as I have said a few times before but have no problem with others who do. I was bought up eating meat, it's my choice. But my heart breaks for dogs and horses as they do other important things that help mankind. Surely, it's not necessary. My little Chihuahua is curled up in her bed, happy she lives in Australia.
I had to stop looking on line as there were horrific pictures , it made me so sick yesterday thinking what was happening to these dogs and cats.

I saw a picture of a husky and an Alsatian which I've had both , this made my blood boil.

I've heard other unbelievable stuff and I'm now hoping to God it's not also true
I had to stop looking on line as there were horrific pictures , it made me so sick yesterday thinking what was happening to these dogs and cats.

I saw a picture of a husky and an Alsatian which I've had both , this made my blood boil.

I've heard other unbelievable stuff and I'm now hoping to God it's not also true
There is so much cruelty in this world it makes me wonder are we really civilized.
I support the Asian bears that are kept locked in cages for their bile and bear paw soup and an Elephant in Kenya, who I can track with his monitor.🐻🐘💐
I hope you have a great day.
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I was watching a Youtube channel -- a young woman in Asia named Ann who builds everything herself, her home, a small bridge across her creek etc. She always has cute pups and kittens around her, which people loved of course. Then it became obvious to me that she was 'farming' dogs and cats for a living - food consumption. They call the cat meal the 'golden tiger'. That was a shock to me.

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