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TRIP TO THE HOLY LAND - (Another Good Oldie)
After many years of dreaming, saving, and planning, a married couple makes a trip to the Holy Land, bringing the wife’s mother along. While they are there, the mother dies. The wife being very distraught, the husband steps forward to make arrangements.
At the U.S. Conciliate, he is told, “Transporting the remains back to the States is complicated and expensive. I’m afraid the whole process is going to cost about $50,000. However, there is an alternative. We can arrange to have your departed buried right here. As a courtesy to international relations, it can be done at no cost.”
The man considers this and says, “We’ll take her back. Let’s get started on the paperwork.”
The representative answered, “I don’t think you understand. We can lay her to rest HERE, in the HOLY LAND, for FREE.”
The man answered, “What I understand is that 2,000 years ago you buried a man here, and three days later he came right back up again. I’m not taking the chance of that happening with my mother-in-law. Let’s get going on the paperwork. I brought my own pen.”