Travel horror story! Jetstar passengers reveal shocking details of their 'nightmare flight'

Whether it's securing a great travel deal or packing the perfect suitcase, we at the Seniors Discount Club know that our savvy readers love to be prepared for whatever comes their way – especially when it comes to travelling.

Unfortunately, sometimes, terrible experiences can befall the best-prepared traveller, leaving us to question how we can avoid such horrors in the future!

Take this shocking story of Jetstar passengers who endured what they described as a 'nightmare flight' from Bali to Brisbane, with several travellers vomiting for the majority of the five-hour trip. Honestly, can you imagine a more horrendous experience in the air? We can't either!

Aboard the ill-fated JQ58 were Aussie fitness guru and businesswoman Ashy Bines, her husband Steve, and their two children. The family revealed they began feeling unwell at the airport before the flight began boarding.

A woman, her husband, and their two children fell sick on a flight from Bali to Brisbane. Credit: Vincent Rivaud/Pexels

In an Instagram story recounting the ordeal, Ashy described the 'awful' experience, wherein she and her son Taj were 'vomiting every 20 minutes' on board the flight—which had been delayed by an hour and a half.

‘The worst flight I have ever taken,’ she said in her clip. ‘I have flown a lot in my life, [but] that was the worst flight ever.’

She explained further: ‘I spewed a couple of times in the toilets at the airport, and I think it must’ve been something we all ate at breakfast. But I spewed a couple of times, and I was like, ‘No, it's not enough to knock me out. I’ll be okay.’

Other passengers felt uncomfortable during the flight. Credit: Oleksandr Pidvalnyi/Pexels

The mum also explained that as she stepped onto the plane and handed over her boarding ticket, she ‘literally fainted’.

‘I fully collapsed,’ she claimed.

Luckily, her husband was there to catch her before she could fall to the ground.

We don't know about you, but it certainly sounds like a travel nightmare to us! But this ‘embarrassing moment’ was only the beginning.

‘Steve had Tala [their 11-month-old daughter] the whole flight because the entire flight Taj and I were just spewing on and off … probably like every 20 minutes. At one point, I was spewing in my spew bag and holding Taj’s spew bag, and he was like, bawling his eyes out,’ she shared.

Once their daughter was asleep, Steve also began vomiting.

‘I was like, “Oh my gosh, we’re all going down”. It was horrific. It was so, so tough. It was the toughest flight I’ve ever had,’ Ashy stated.

But the family wasn't alone in their experience. Sunshine Coast local James Foley, who was travelling home with his wife aboard the same flight, also labelled it as 'the worst flight [he] had ever been present on.'

'Before take-off until after we landed, there was someone being constantly sick,' Mr Foley told reporters.

‘When boarding, one passenger physically fainted, and they were then continually sick the whole flight,’ he said before adding that airline staff should not have allowed ill passengers to board.

‘It was absolutely horrible. It wasn’t just them. Multiple people on the plane were unwell.’

We can hardly blame the Foleys for finding it impossible to eat or rest while onboard, as the odour of the non-stop vomiting was simply unbearable. Not only was it an immensely unpleasant experience for the affected passengers, but it also made the flight a living hell for others around them.

It’s evident that such incidents can happen even in situations beyond the control of the travellers or airline staff. However, it does raise a question: Should we be more cautious about boarding a plane when feeling unwell, knowing we could potentially ruin the experience for others?

In response to this incident, a Jetstar spokesperson said, ‘We’re sorry to hear these customers were unwell and acknowledge it would have been an unpleasant experience for others sitting near them’.

The spokesperson added that they were now reaching out to Ashy and the Foleys, as well as the airline crew present at the time to ‘better understand what happened’.

‘Customers who are too sick to fly should contact us before travelling or speak to our crew, so we can help with their booking and consider alternative travel arrangements,’ they added.

There is no suspicion that the passengers fell ill due to Jetstar's food service or turbulence.

It's difficult to predict when we might encounter a situation like this, but it's always a good idea to be prepared. While health checks and travel insurance can provide peace of mind to a degree, it is essential to pay attention to our bodies.
Key Takeaways
  • Passengers on a Jetstar flight from Bali to Brisbane described it as the 'worst flight ever' due to several travellers vomiting throughout the entire five-hour journey.
  • Aussie fitness guru Ashy Bines and her family were among those affected, describing the experience as 'awful' and 'the toughest flight' she ever had.
  • Sunshine Coast local James Foley described the trip as 'absolutely horrible' and said staff should not have allowed ill passengers to board the plane.
  • A Jetstar spokesperson said that passengers concerned about their health should contact staff before travelling and acknowledged it would have been an unpleasant experience for others on board.
Should you feel unwell prior to a flight, it might be worth seeking medical advice and discussing options with the airline. Doing so could save both yourself and your fellow passengers from an unforgettable nightmare in the sky. Safe travels, everyone!

Do you have a horror travel story to share? Tell us about it in the comments below!
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By her version, she was going to take the flight anyhow no matter what. She and then her baby and husband's constant vomiting would have had so many wanting to also spew and the smell in an enclosed area would be appalling. She should not have been allowed to take the flight after fainting on entering the plane. She and her family could also have been carrying some contagious disease that would spread rapidly on board any air flight. No matter why, one should always consider others when finding themselves in such a difficult situation and seek medical advice even at the 11th hour.
I always believed that you were not allowed to board a flight, especially an international one if you are ill because of the fear of bio-terrorism
This is what happens when people are self-centred and only concerned with their own wants and needs. No consideration at all for other people. Totally focused on their own desire to travel. This is why diseases like Covid and the flu spread - because people who are sick won't stay home and keep their germs to themselves. As to the question of "how we can avoid such horrors in the future", human nature being what it is, we cannot rely on people to do the right thing. I think the fact that she "fully collapsed" as she handed over her boarding pass puts the culpability on the airline staff for not removing the family from the flight.
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How could she be allowed on the flight after she fainted? Something else might have been wrong with her that may have developed during the flight with no medical care available.
Airline staff should have acted to protect the other passengers. Haven’t they learnt anything about contagions since Covid?
Whether it's securing a great travel deal or packing the perfect suitcase, we at the Seniors Discount Club know that our savvy readers love to be prepared for whatever comes their way – especially when it comes to travelling.

Unfortunately, sometimes, terrible experiences can befall the best-prepared traveller, leaving us to question how we can avoid such horrors in the future!

Take this shocking story of Jetstar passengers who endured what they described as a 'nightmare flight' from Bali to Brisbane, with several travellers vomiting for the majority of the five-hour trip. Honestly, can you imagine a more horrendous experience in the air? We can't either!

Aboard the ill-fated JQ58 were Aussie fitness guru and businesswoman Ashy Bines, her husband Steve, and their two children. The family revealed they began feeling unwell at the airport before the flight began boarding.

View attachment 20565
A woman, her husband, and their two children fell sick on a flight from Bali to Brisbane. Credit: Vincent Rivaud/Pexels

In an Instagram story recounting the ordeal, Ashy described the 'awful' experience, wherein she and her son Taj were 'vomiting every 20 minutes' on board the flight—which had been delayed by an hour and a half.

‘The worst flight I have ever taken,’ she said in her clip. ‘I have flown a lot in my life, [but] that was the worst flight ever.’

She explained further: ‘I spewed a couple of times in the toilets at the airport, and I think it must’ve been something we all ate at breakfast. But I spewed a couple of times, and I was like, ‘No, it's not enough to knock me out. I’ll be okay.’

View attachment 20566
Other passengers felt uncomfortable during the flight. Credit: Oleksandr Pidvalnyi/Pexels

The mum also explained that as she stepped onto the plane and handed over her boarding ticket, she ‘literally fainted’.

‘I fully collapsed,’ she claimed.

Luckily, her husband was there to catch her before she could fall to the ground.

We don't know about you, but it certainly sounds like a travel nightmare to us! But this ‘embarrassing moment’ was only the beginning.

‘Steve had Tala [their 11-month-old daughter] the whole flight because the entire flight Taj and I were just spewing on and off … probably like every 20 minutes. At one point, I was spewing in my spew bag and holding Taj’s spew bag, and he was like, bawling his eyes out,’ she shared.

Once their daughter was asleep, Steve also began vomiting.

‘I was like, “Oh my gosh, we’re all going down”. It was horrific. It was so, so tough. It was the toughest flight I’ve ever had,’ Ashy stated.

But the family wasn't alone in their experience. Sunshine Coast local James Foley, who was travelling home with his wife aboard the same flight, also labelled it as 'the worst flight [he] had ever been present on.'

'Before take-off until after we landed, there was someone being constantly sick,' Mr Foley told reporters.

‘When boarding, one passenger physically fainted, and they were then continually sick the whole flight,’ he said before adding that airline staff should not have allowed ill passengers to board.

‘It was absolutely horrible. It wasn’t just them. Multiple people on the plane were unwell.’

We can hardly blame the Foleys for finding it impossible to eat or rest while onboard, as the odour of the non-stop vomiting was simply unbearable. Not only was it an immensely unpleasant experience for the affected passengers, but it also made the flight a living hell for others around them.

It’s evident that such incidents can happen even in situations beyond the control of the travellers or airline staff. However, it does raise a question: Should we be more cautious about boarding a plane when feeling unwell, knowing we could potentially ruin the experience for others?

In response to this incident, a Jetstar spokesperson said, ‘We’re sorry to hear these customers were unwell and acknowledge it would have been an unpleasant experience for others sitting near them’.

The spokesperson added that they were now reaching out to Ashy and the Foleys, as well as the airline crew present at the time to ‘better understand what happened’.

‘Customers who are too sick to fly should contact us before travelling or speak to our crew, so we can help with their booking and consider alternative travel arrangements,’ they added.

There is no suspicion that the passengers fell ill due to Jetstar's food service or turbulence.

It's difficult to predict when we might encounter a situation like this, but it's always a good idea to be prepared. While health checks and travel insurance can provide peace of mind to a degree, it is essential to pay attention to our bodies.
Key Takeaways

  • Passengers on a Jetstar flight from Bali to Brisbane described it as the 'worst flight ever' due to several travellers vomiting throughout the entire five-hour journey.
  • Aussie fitness guru Ashy Bines and her family were among those affected, describing the experience as 'awful' and 'the toughest flight' she ever had.
  • Sunshine Coast local James Foley described the trip as 'absolutely horrible' and said staff should not have allowed ill passengers to board the plane.
  • A Jetstar spokesperson said that passengers concerned about their health should contact staff before travelling and acknowledged it would have been an unpleasant experience for others on board.
Should you feel unwell prior to a flight, it might be worth seeking medical advice and discussing options with the airline. Doing so could save both yourself and your fellow passengers from an unforgettable nightmare in the sky. Safe travels, everyone!

Do you have a horror travel story to share? Tell us about it in the comments below!
hardly the airlines fault. vomiting before boarding, well that is a different story. hard luck.
hardly the airlines fault. vomiting before boarding, well that is a different story. hard luck.
I think the fact that she "fully collapsed" as she handed over her boarding pass indicates that the airline staff were aware that she was ill and should never have allowed her on the flight. The fault is definitely with the airline as well as with the passenger.
Whether it's securing a great travel deal or packing the perfect suitcase, we at the Seniors Discount Club know that our savvy readers love to be prepared for whatever comes their way – especially when it comes to travelling.

Unfortunately, sometimes, terrible experiences can befall the best-prepared traveller, leaving us to question how we can avoid such horrors in the future!

Take this shocking story of Jetstar passengers who endured what they described as a 'nightmare flight' from Bali to Brisbane, with several travellers vomiting for the majority of the five-hour trip. Honestly, can you imagine a more horrendous experience in the air? We can't either!

Aboard the ill-fated JQ58 were Aussie fitness guru and businesswoman Ashy Bines, her husband Steve, and their two children. The family revealed they began feeling unwell at the airport before the flight began boarding.

View attachment 20565
A woman, her husband, and their two children fell sick on a flight from Bali to Brisbane. Credit: Vincent Rivaud/Pexels

In an Instagram story recounting the ordeal, Ashy described the 'awful' experience, wherein she and her son Taj were 'vomiting every 20 minutes' on board the flight—which had been delayed by an hour and a half.

‘The worst flight I have ever taken,’ she said in her clip. ‘I have flown a lot in my life, [but] that was the worst flight ever.’

She explained further: ‘I spewed a couple of times in the toilets at the airport, and I think it must’ve been something we all ate at breakfast. But I spewed a couple of times, and I was like, ‘No, it's not enough to knock me out. I’ll be okay.’

View attachment 20566
Other passengers felt uncomfortable during the flight. Credit: Oleksandr Pidvalnyi/Pexels

The mum also explained that as she stepped onto the plane and handed over her boarding ticket, she ‘literally fainted’.

‘I fully collapsed,’ she claimed.

Luckily, her husband was there to catch her before she could fall to the ground.

We don't know about you, but it certainly sounds like a travel nightmare to us! But this ‘embarrassing moment’ was only the beginning.

‘Steve had Tala [their 11-month-old daughter] the whole flight because the entire flight Taj and I were just spewing on and off … probably like every 20 minutes. At one point, I was spewing in my spew bag and holding Taj’s spew bag, and he was like, bawling his eyes out,’ she shared.

Once their daughter was asleep, Steve also began vomiting.

‘I was like, “Oh my gosh, we’re all going down”. It was horrific. It was so, so tough. It was the toughest flight I’ve ever had,’ Ashy stated.

But the family wasn't alone in their experience. Sunshine Coast local James Foley, who was travelling home with his wife aboard the same flight, also labelled it as 'the worst flight [he] had ever been present on.'

'Before take-off until after we landed, there was someone being constantly sick,' Mr Foley told reporters.

‘When boarding, one passenger physically fainted, and they were then continually sick the whole flight,’ he said before adding that airline staff should not have allowed ill passengers to board.

‘It was absolutely horrible. It wasn’t just them. Multiple people on the plane were unwell.’

We can hardly blame the Foleys for finding it impossible to eat or rest while onboard, as the odour of the non-stop vomiting was simply unbearable. Not only was it an immensely unpleasant experience for the affected passengers, but it also made the flight a living hell for others around them.

It’s evident that such incidents can happen even in situations beyond the control of the travellers or airline staff. However, it does raise a question: Should we be more cautious about boarding a plane when feeling unwell, knowing we could potentially ruin the experience for others?

In response to this incident, a Jetstar spokesperson said, ‘We’re sorry to hear these customers were unwell and acknowledge it would have been an unpleasant experience for others sitting near them’.

The spokesperson added that they were now reaching out to Ashy and the Foleys, as well as the airline crew present at the time to ‘better understand what happened’.

‘Customers who are too sick to fly should contact us before travelling or speak to our crew, so we can help with their booking and consider alternative travel arrangements,’ they added.

There is no suspicion that the passengers fell ill due to Jetstar's food service or turbulence.

It's difficult to predict when we might encounter a situation like this, but it's always a good idea to be prepared. While health checks and travel insurance can provide peace of mind to a degree, it is essential to pay attention to our bodies.
Key Takeaways

  • Passengers on a Jetstar flight from Bali to Brisbane described it as the 'worst flight ever' due to several travellers vomiting throughout the entire five-hour journey.
  • Aussie fitness guru Ashy Bines and her family were among those affected, describing the experience as 'awful' and 'the toughest flight' she ever had.
  • Sunshine Coast local James Foley described the trip as 'absolutely horrible' and said staff should not have allowed ill passengers to board the plane.
  • A Jetstar spokesperson said that passengers concerned about their health should contact staff before travelling and acknowledged it would have been an unpleasant experience for others on board.
Should you feel unwell prior to a flight, it might be worth seeking medical advice and discussing options with the airline. Doing so could save both yourself and your fellow passengers from an unforgettable nightmare in the sky. Safe travels, everyone!

Do you have a horror travel story to share? Tell us about it in the comments below!
Sounds like Bali Belly to me. I've heard of many people experiencing this.
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It seems tha airline and the flight weas OK, it was the food that disrupted her trip. So she can't balame the airline or the flight.

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