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The Teacher
Teacher says to class, "I want you to tell me what you had for
breakfast, and also spell it".
First little girl says "egg, e g g".
"Good" said the teacher.
The second child said "toast, t o a s t".
"Very good" said the teacher. "And, Johnny, what did you have?"
"Bugger all, b u g g e r a ll".
The teacher was not happy about this, so she decided to set some
geography questions.
"What is the capital of Italy?" she said to the first little girl.
"Rome" was the reply.
"Very good" said the teacher.
She then asked the second child "What is the name of the ocean
which separates America from the United Kingdom?"
"Atlantic" said the second child.
"Good" said the teacher. She decided to give Johnny a more
difficult one.
"Johnny, where is the Pakistani border?"
"In bed with my mum, which is why I got bugger all for breakfast”.