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Sam is with his friends at the poker club where they're all bragging about who has the smartest dog.
One tells how his dog can open and close doors on his own.
Another explains how his dog walks his kids safely to school.
Another brags how his dog saved him from intruders in his home.
Well, said Sam proudly, "My dog Buddy can talk".
Obviously, they don't believe him and burst out laughing,
So one of them says, "Bring him in next time, so we can see for ourselves".
The following week he brings his dog Buddy, to the poker club.
Being a poker player, Sam turns it into a bet and says,
"Before he says anything, the bet is 2-1, that he can talk".
The blokes are laughing again and eagerly place their bets.
Then Sam turns to his faithful friend and says, "Okay Buddy, say something",
The dog is silent...
"C'mon Buddy, talk!"
The dog looks at him wagging his tail...
"Buddy!, say something...!"
Again. the dog remains silent.
The poker friends are now laughing louder than ever, while
collecting their wins.
Embarrassed, Sam hastily leaves.
While sitting in his car, he turns to Buddy and says, "How can you embarrass me like that?
You're supposed to be so smart, you even made me lose all that money!"
Buddy looks at him, cocks his head and replies,
"Don't be such an idiot Sam, next week we bet 10-1."