The Horse Owner And The Dwarf
A horse owner wanted to sell his mare, so he advertised it on Facebook Marketplace. A couple of days later a dwarf turned up to inspect the horse. The dwarf also had a
severe speech impairment.
Dwarf: “Wanna see it deeth.”
Owner: “I beg your pardon.”
Dwarf: “Wanna see it deeth.”
He pointed to his own teeth, so the owner
lifted him up so he could inspect the
horse’s teeth.
Dwarf: “Wanna see it eese.”
He pointed to his own ears. Once again,
the owner lifted him up, so he could inspect the horse’s ears.
Dwarf: “Wanna see it twot.”
By now, the owner was quite jack of the dwarf, having to lift him up, to inspect this and that.
Owner: “OK, if you want to see it’s twat,
I’ll show you it’s twat!”
He picked the dwarf up by his collar, walked around to the back of the horse,
and jammed his head between the horse’s
hind legs. The poor little guy picked himself up out of the dirt, wiped the horse poo out of his eyes, and said:
I’ll wefwase that. Could I see it canter?”