Sydney woman warns others to be “proactive” about their health after discovering 4kg tumour inside left ovary, says doctors brushed it off for 2 years

Sydney woman warns others to be “proactive” about their health after discovering 4kg tumour inside her left ovary, says doctors brushed it off for 2 years

A 50-year-old woman from Sydney has recounted her brooding experience, spending sleepless nights in agonising pain and month-long periods as doctors brushed off her condition only to find out she had been nursing a 4kg tumour inside her left ovary for two years.

Ovarian cancer survivor Jane Warrimer revealed that doctors dismissed her concerns on excruciating abdominal pains and significant weight gain, saying that these symptoms are normal for women who are about to undergo menopause.

Speaking to 7News, Jane said that the earliest sign of her condition was when her menstrual cycle started to mess up, causing her to bleed for a month at a time.

Upon noticing the symptom, she sought medical advice from her doctor who attempted to give her an IUD — a tiny device that is placed in the uterus — to regulate her bleeding.

However, the IUD was rejected by Jane's body, which did not only offer her no other solutions to her excruciating pain and prolific building but also caused her to suffer "horrific" sepsis for another year.

In a bid to find the cure for her suffering, Jane consulted another doctor, only to get disappointed because the new doctor was not able to give her a fresh perspective.

Jane said: "They were at a loss to explain my symptoms as well."

"They tried a few other things and numerous blood tests, but they didn't show any sign of cancer and I guess the point was that they weren't looking for cancer."


Jane Warrimer suffered from agonising pain caused by a 4kg tumour for 2 years after doctors brushed off her concerns. Credit: 7News.

While the two doctors Jane consulted have already dismissed her concerns, the 50-year-old did not give up.

One night, Jane decided that she can no longer take the agonising pain and the prolific bleeding and contacted triple zero for help.

The Sydneysider admitted that her family has a history of bowel cancer so at the time she was preparing herself and was "ready to hear something pretty dark".

A CT scan later confirmed that a 4kg tumour was inside her left ovary, with further tests revealing that cancer had spread to her stomach, kidney, and pancreas.

Jane then underwent a gruelling 7.5-hour surgery where doctors worked tirelessly to remove the tumour and affected lymph nodes.

Additionally, she underwent six weeks of chemotherapy treatments before finally celebrating remission in November last year.

Now, Jane advocates for women to be "proactive" about their health and to get CT and PET scans when they experience anomalies in their menstrual cycles.

Jane's miraculous ovarian cancer survival story came after the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration approved a revolutionary oral pill used to treat the disease.

Royal Northshore Hospital physician Dr Sally Baron-Hay called Zejula — the new medicine for ovarian cancer — a 'game-changer' for women suffering from ovarian cancer.

"It offers more women the chance of living a longer life without a recurrence of their disease," Dr Baron-Hay said.

"All women newly diagnosed with high-grade ovarian cancer will have the option to be offered this new therapy – it is a really exciting development."

While the oral pill will need to be paid in full by patients it is hoped the drug will be added to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme by the end of 2022.

It should be noted that ovarian cancer is one of the leading causes of death of women across the globe.

This video perfectly summarises the signs and symptoms of the fatal disease:

Credit: YouTube/TODAY
Thank you for sharing this story. I am so glad to hear that Jane is now in remission & pray that she continues to progress well. Jane is completely correct about the need to be proactive. It took me 18 months & trying 6 doctors before I found one who did not dismiss my symptoms as just being “that time of the month”. In fact I had a life threatening heart arrhythmia problem which was eventually controlled with medication. Never be afraid to seek that second opinion!
All sorts of cancers are sneaky things. My cousin was lucky that a new eye test, the optometrist was concerned and sent her to a specialist....she was going blind from a tumour in her brain. After hours and hours of surgery, it was fully removed and amazingly her sight is restoring itself. At the time, busy working, 3 kids, etc as we do, she did not even notice the regular headaches and diminished vision.... we need to remember to take care of ourselves too... as women we tend to look after everyone else and forget ourselves.
My doctor has written out in my blood tests, to test for ovarian cancer. It could be simple if all doctors do this. I do hope Jane continues to progress well. I agree with you Capsam never be afraid to get a 2nd opinion.
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Poor Jane. We do hope she stays healthy for many years to come. This new Zejula drug certainly sounds like a game changer. It's very needed for women.
The CA 125 blood test isn't solely used for ovarian cancer. In conjunction, women need a Transvaginal Ultrasound if they have abnormal symptoms. I was fortunate and removed my ovaries before they turned cancerous. Women do need to be pro-active with their bodies.
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Thank you for sharing this story. I am so glad to hear that Jane is now in remission & pray that she continues to progress well. Jane is completely correct about the need to be proactive. It took me 18 months & trying 6 doctors before I found one who did not dismiss my symptoms as just being “that time of the month”. In fact I had a life threatening heart arrhythmia problem which was eventually controlled with medication. Never be afraid to seek that second opinion!
Thank you for sharing this story. I can relate to this story. One of my colleague from work had the same thing. She’s been trying to lose weight and could never get her weigh down. After all different diets fads she has given up. In the last 2 years she fell very ill and the doctors couldn’t work it out what’s wrong with her. She had all the test. And she actually have to take out her super for her private hospital bills. I am quite close to her and I am so concerned. So I suggested if she can get a second opinion. After all these rigmarole with doctors they finally found out that she had tumour. After the surgery it’s like magic, she lost a lot of weight. And she is now happier not just because she lost weight but that tumour was detected that might cost her life.
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Thank you for sharing your story. I had breast cancer in 2015 and my DNA testing by Peter Mac resulted in a diagnosis of Lynch Syndrome which can make me more susceptible to Bowel and Ovarian cancer. I asked Peter Mac what I should do about this diagnosis and they suggested having a hysterectomy and yearly colonoscopies. As I am over 60 and had my children long ago I had a hysterectomy late last year. As I lost my mum to breast cancer when I was 13 and I too have had breast cancer I have decided to be proactive as I want to try to live a long life and see my grandchildren grow up which my mother was unable to do. I was lucky in that I know what I'm susceptible to due to my DNA findings. Ovarian cancer is a silent killer and an important one to look out for at any age.
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Yeah, I know what the 50 year old lady is trying to say and it is good advice.

My late wife suffered from a cancer related tumour and was sent to different doctors whilst trying to get a diagnosis. She went through hell, poor darling. I am not a doctor. I trusted the blighters and paid good money for them to tell her that there was nothing there. One idiot suggested that it was all in her mind.
Later it was revealed that she was suffering from lung cancer.
Anyway, now I have another partner and as soon as anything ain't normal, I won't leave the doctor alone until we get to the bottom of the problem.
I don't care if the doctors think that I am cantankerous.
$%^^÷**£ them!
My wife went to our GP saying she was in pain due to being constipated, Told no, sent her straight away to Gynocologist who diagnosed a tumor on the ovaries, Referred to surgeon operated on, and was told it was cancer, but, because it was contained in the womb, had not broken out. All within 10 days, Lucky lady.
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Lucky for me my operation showed benign tumour but have been left with one that has been growing since that was 2003. Yes if you do not get a decent answer keep looking. I was dismissed as maybe having early menopause until a new doctor order and ultrasound, this found out something was wrong. Lucky the ovary was benign and the spot on my liver was the only part of my liver that was not fatty. So I was lucky on both of these.
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