Sunrise weather presenter Sam Mac's impressive body transformation in just 56 days - and how he did it!

We all know how much dedication and hard work it takes to transform your body and make it into something excellent.

Sometimes it can take months or even years to achieve the results you’re after, but a recent transformation undertaken by one of our favourite celebrities proves that it doesn't have to take such a long time!

You may have noticed something different about weather presenter Sam Mac, if you’ve been following Sunrise lately.

That's because the TV personality recently went through an eight-week body transformation and completely changed his look!

During the weather segment on Sunrise on March 31, Mac unveiled the fruits of his labour in a Men’s Health magazine cover photoshoot.

Sam Mac showed off his body transformation on Sunrise’s March 31 broadcast. Credit: Instagram/Sam Mac.

As he shared: ‘A lot of our viewers have been writing to me over the past weeks asking “Have you lost weight - what's going on?”… Yes, I have lost weight. I've been training for the last two months, and I can reveal that I'm on the cover of Men's Health magazine.’

Mac's co-hosts couldn't help but chime in with compliments, with Matt Shirvington exclaiming: ‘You look good!’

‘Stop it!’ Natalie Barr added.

But the weather reporter admitted that the journey to achieving his fitness goals was no easy feat.

Now, Sam has taken to Instagram to share his tips and tricks on how he made it happen – and it’s an inspiring read for anyone who wants to make a positive change in their life.

Sam admits that his challenge began during those first few months of becoming a dad, where ‘health and fitness take a back seat’.

His goal was to demonstrate to individuals, especially new fathers, that with genuine effort, one can begin to observe noticeable outcomes within a reasonable amount of time.

The star admits it was ‘bloody hard work’ to reach his goal of 56 days. But he recognised that not everyone had access to his team of experts and trainers, so he wanted to pass on the knowledge and pointers he learned.

Diet was a huge part of Sam’s body transformation - he started his day with a Super Berry Neuro-Thermogenic drink with water, followed by breakfast, lunch and dinner.

He also cut out bread and major carbs, sugar and alcohol.

Sam Mac took to Instagram to share how he achieved his fitness goals in 56 days. Credit: Sam Mac/Instagram.

However, his secret weapon was the Apple Watch given to him by his partner, Rebecca James, just before the challenge.

'I was obsessed with it,' says Sam – and it gave him a ‘scoreboard’ to make him accountable.
The watch was programmed to three goals for each day – 5000 kJs, 75 minutes of exercise and 20,000 steps. No mean feet!

There were dark days – trying to complete his step goal by doing laps of the Bunnings Warehouse car park – but ultimately, Sam found success and achieved his goal in 56 days.
‘I needed to close my rings every day,’ he remarked.

‘I did 1000 steps between every Sunrise cross - so that’s 7000 steps before 9 am.’

‘I did 8000 on a flight from Sydney to Johannesburg for work, I trained in the Kruger national park, I did steps in hotel rooms at 10.30 at night.’

Along the way, his mental health also improved.

'It’s a cliché but moving your body, eating well, cutting out the alcohol and the sugars, it does give you clarity and it’s awesome, I feel that every time you work out you have ‘PWS’ - post workout smugness,' he shared.

His partner and daughter Margot were his number one motivation, but his biggest challenge came in time.

Due to his work on Sunrise and the extra hours spent at the airport and driving home late, Sam had to be creative in how he fit in exercise.

He said: ‘Training was tough, diet was difficult particularly early on.’

‘(But) time was always the battle for me.’

‘I’m up at around 3.30 am each morning which means I’m in bed by 8.30 pm.’

‘I’m working two jobs, constantly travelling to the airport and driving – that just chews up hours every day.’

‘I’ve got a newborn baby and a partner that I want to spend time with too.’

‘So time was constantly on my mind. I was being pulled in two different directions.’

But his competitive side drove him to close the rings on his watch – and with time, dedication and commitment, Sam was well and truly successful.

‘I just made it work, and it comes down to how much you want it,’ Sam continued.

Nonetheless, he was proud of his accomplishment: ‘But it's all worth it because what a challenge it was, and I'm proud to share this story.’

Key Takeaways
  • Sunrise star Sam Mac has undergone an 8-week body transformation, showing off his progress on social media and detailing his new health habits.
  • By committing to a strict diet–cutting out bread, carbs, sugar, and alcohol–and setting daily exercise and step goals on his Apple Watch, Sam made significant improvements to his physique.
  • The TV presenter credited his improved physical health for bringing him mental clarity and supporting his mental well-being.
  • Sam Mac's motivation for this transformation was his newborn daughter Margot and his partner Rebecca.

Sam Mac's inspiring journey towards achieving his fitness goals in just 56 days is a testament to the power of dedication, hard work, and discipline.

With a combination of a healthy diet and exercise, Sam demonstrated that it's possible to make significant changes to one's body and mental health within a short period.

His journey is a reminder that it's never too late to start your own journey towards a healthier and happier you.

It's important to consult with your healthcare provider first and start slowly, but with time, dedication, and commitment, you, too, can achieve your fitness goals.

We also previously shared how Home and Away star James Stewart transformed his physique to keep up with his 10-year-old daughter.

There you have it, folks! Are you also looking to embark on a fitness journey? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
Yeah and entitled cretin that takes a powder that will ruin your kidneys and health in the long run (remember the old Bex and Vincent powder and the damage they caused becuase they didnt dissolve) instead of eating heathily. Give me a break, I almost shed a tear for this advertising crap.
We all know how much dedication and hard work it takes to transform your body and make it into something excellent.

Sometimes it can take months or even years to achieve the results you’re after, but a recent transformation undertaken by one of our favourite celebrities proves that it doesn't have to take such a long time!

You may have noticed something different about weather presenter Sam Mac, if you’ve been following Sunrise lately.

That's because the TV personality recently went through an eight-week body transformation and completely changed his look!

During the weather segment on Sunrise on March 31, Mac unveiled the fruits of his labour in a Men’s Health magazine cover photoshoot.

View attachment 17440
Sam Mac showed off his body transformation on Sunrise’s March 31 broadcast. Credit: Instagram/Sam Mac.

As he shared: ‘A lot of our viewers have been writing to me over the past weeks asking “Have you lost weight - what's going on?”… Yes, I have lost weight. I've been training for the last two months, and I can reveal that I'm on the cover of Men's Health magazine.’

Mac's co-hosts couldn't help but chime in with compliments, with Matt Shirvington exclaiming: ‘You look good!’

‘Stop it!’ Natalie Barr added.

But the weather reporter admitted that the journey to achieving his fitness goals was no easy feat.

Now, Sam has taken to Instagram to share his tips and tricks on how he made it happen – and it’s an inspiring read for anyone who wants to make a positive change in their life.

Sam admits that his challenge began during those first few months of becoming a dad, where ‘health and fitness take a back seat’.

His goal was to demonstrate to individuals, especially new fathers, that with genuine effort, one can begin to observe noticeable outcomes within a reasonable amount of time.

The star admits it was ‘bloody hard work’ to reach his goal of 56 days. But he recognised that not everyone had access to his team of experts and trainers, so he wanted to pass on the knowledge and pointers he learned.

Diet was a huge part of Sam’s body transformation - he started his day with a Super Berry Neuro-Thermogenic drink with water, followed by breakfast, lunch and dinner.

He also cut out bread and major carbs, sugar and alcohol.

View attachment 17441
Sam Mac took to Instagram to share how he achieved his fitness goals in 56 days. Credit: Sam Mac/Instagram.

However, his secret weapon was the Apple Watch given to him by his partner, Rebecca James, just before the challenge.

'I was obsessed with it,' says Sam – and it gave him a ‘scoreboard’ to make him accountable.
The watch was programmed to three goals for each day – 5000 kJs, 75 minutes of exercise and 20,000 steps. No mean feet!

There were dark days – trying to complete his step goal by doing laps of the Bunnings Warehouse car park – but ultimately, Sam found success and achieved his goal in 56 days.
‘I needed to close my rings every day,’ he remarked.

‘I did 1000 steps between every Sunrise cross - so that’s 7000 steps before 9 am.’

‘I did 8000 on a flight from Sydney to Johannesburg for work, I trained in the Kruger national park, I did steps in hotel rooms at 10.30 at night.’

Along the way, his mental health also improved.

'It’s a cliché but moving your body, eating well, cutting out the alcohol and the sugars, it does give you clarity and it’s awesome, I feel that every time you work out you have ‘PWS’ - post workout smugness,' he shared.

His partner and daughter Margot were his number one motivation, but his biggest challenge came in time.

Due to his work on Sunrise and the extra hours spent at the airport and driving home late, Sam had to be creative in how he fit in exercise.

He said: ‘Training was tough, diet was difficult particularly early on.’

‘(But) time was always the battle for me.’

‘I’m up at around 3.30 am each morning which means I’m in bed by 8.30 pm.’

‘I’m working two jobs, constantly travelling to the airport and driving – that just chews up hours every day.’

‘I’ve got a newborn baby and a partner that I want to spend time with too.’

‘So time was constantly on my mind. I was being pulled in two different directions.’

But his competitive side drove him to close the rings on his watch – and with time, dedication and commitment, Sam was well and truly successful.

‘I just made it work, and it comes down to how much you want it,’ Sam continued.

Nonetheless, he was proud of his accomplishment: ‘But it's all worth it because what a challenge it was, and I'm proud to share this story.’

Key Takeaways

  • Sunrise star Sam Mac has undergone an 8-week body transformation, showing off his progress on social media and detailing his new health habits.
  • By committing to a strict diet–cutting out bread, carbs, sugar, and alcohol–and setting daily exercise and step goals on his Apple Watch, Sam made significant improvements to his physique.
  • The TV presenter credited his improved physical health for bringing him mental clarity and supporting his mental well-being.
  • Sam Mac's motivation for this transformation was his newborn daughter Margot and his partner Rebecca.

Sam Mac's inspiring journey towards achieving his fitness goals in just 56 days is a testament to the power of dedication, hard work, and discipline.

With a combination of a healthy diet and exercise, Sam demonstrated that it's possible to make significant changes to one's body and mental health within a short period.

His journey is a reminder that it's never too late to start your own journey towards a healthier and happier you.

It's important to consult with your healthcare provider first and start slowly, but with time, dedication, and commitment, you, too, can achieve your fitness goals.

We also previously shared how Home and Away star James Stewart transformed his physique to keep up with his 10-year-old daughter.

There you have it, folks! Are you also looking to embark on a fitness journey? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
Recently I read Sam Mac's book about his life and he is an amazing man who brightens everyone's day with his version of the weather forecast on the Sunrise programme every morning on TV channel 7. He gave his email address in his book 'Sam Mac' and so I wrote to him and just recently he wrote back to me and that was so nice.
Good on him.

I think people need to give him a break and stop with all the Sam Mac hating.

He is a genuine guy , funny and honest . And will raise his hand to help others
The words should be, he appears to be a....if you dont know him, it just makes you another idiot TV watcher believing everything you are told. This was for advertising and he would have been payed a lot for it.
The words should be, he appears to be a....if you dont know him, it just makes you another idiot TV watcher believing everything you are told. This was for advertising and he would have been payed a lot for it.
So what we all need to make a living one way or another, Sam works hard and makes family sacrifices to make my day when I catch his segment.
The words should be, he appears to be a....if you dont know him, it just makes you another idiot TV watcher believing everything you are told. This was for advertising and he would have been payed a lot for it.
So what we all need to make a living one way or another, Sam works hard and makes family sacrifices to make my day when I catch his segment.
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We all know how much dedication and hard work it takes to transform your body and make it into something excellent.

Sometimes it can take months or even years to achieve the results you’re after, but a recent transformation undertaken by one of our favourite celebrities proves that it doesn't have to take such a long time!

You may have noticed something different about weather presenter Sam Mac, if you’ve been following Sunrise lately.

That's because the TV personality recently went through an eight-week body transformation and completely changed his look!

During the weather segment on Sunrise on March 31, Mac unveiled the fruits of his labour in a Men’s Health magazine cover photoshoot.

View attachment 17440
Sam Mac showed off his body transformation on Sunrise’s March 31 broadcast. Credit: Instagram/Sam Mac.

As he shared: ‘A lot of our viewers have been writing to me over the past weeks asking “Have you lost weight - what's going on?”… Yes, I have lost weight. I've been training for the last two months, and I can reveal that I'm on the cover of Men's Health magazine.’

Mac's co-hosts couldn't help but chime in with compliments, with Matt Shirvington exclaiming: ‘You look good!’

‘Stop it!’ Natalie Barr added.

But the weather reporter admitted that the journey to achieving his fitness goals was no easy feat.

Now, Sam has taken to Instagram to share his tips and tricks on how he made it happen – and it’s an inspiring read for anyone who wants to make a positive change in their life.

Sam admits that his challenge began during those first few months of becoming a dad, where ‘health and fitness take a back seat’.

His goal was to demonstrate to individuals, especially new fathers, that with genuine effort, one can begin to observe noticeable outcomes within a reasonable amount of time.

The star admits it was ‘bloody hard work’ to reach his goal of 56 days. But he recognised that not everyone had access to his team of experts and trainers, so he wanted to pass on the knowledge and pointers he learned.

Diet was a huge part of Sam’s body transformation - he started his day with a Super Berry Neuro-Thermogenic drink with water, followed by breakfast, lunch and dinner.

He also cut out bread and major carbs, sugar and alcohol.

View attachment 17441
Sam Mac took to Instagram to share how he achieved his fitness goals in 56 days. Credit: Sam Mac/Instagram.

However, his secret weapon was the Apple Watch given to him by his partner, Rebecca James, just before the challenge.

'I was obsessed with it,' says Sam – and it gave him a ‘scoreboard’ to make him accountable.
The watch was programmed to three goals for each day – 5000 kJs, 75 minutes of exercise and 20,000 steps. No mean feet!

There were dark days – trying to complete his step goal by doing laps of the Bunnings Warehouse car park – but ultimately, Sam found success and achieved his goal in 56 days.
‘I needed to close my rings every day,’ he remarked.

‘I did 1000 steps between every Sunrise cross - so that’s 7000 steps before 9 am.’

‘I did 8000 on a flight from Sydney to Johannesburg for work, I trained in the Kruger national park, I did steps in hotel rooms at 10.30 at night.’

Along the way, his mental health also improved.

'It’s a cliché but moving your body, eating well, cutting out the alcohol and the sugars, it does give you clarity and it’s awesome, I feel that every time you work out you have ‘PWS’ - post workout smugness,' he shared.

His partner and daughter Margot were his number one motivation, but his biggest challenge came in time.

Due to his work on Sunrise and the extra hours spent at the airport and driving home late, Sam had to be creative in how he fit in exercise.

He said: ‘Training was tough, diet was difficult particularly early on.’

‘(But) time was always the battle for me.’

‘I’m up at around 3.30 am each morning which means I’m in bed by 8.30 pm.’

‘I’m working two jobs, constantly travelling to the airport and driving – that just chews up hours every day.’

‘I’ve got a newborn baby and a partner that I want to spend time with too.’

‘So time was constantly on my mind. I was being pulled in two different directions.’

But his competitive side drove him to close the rings on his watch – and with time, dedication and commitment, Sam was well and truly successful.

‘I just made it work, and it comes down to how much you want it,’ Sam continued.

Nonetheless, he was proud of his accomplishment: ‘But it's all worth it because what a challenge it was, and I'm proud to share this story.’

Key Takeaways

  • Sunrise star Sam Mac has undergone an 8-week body transformation, showing off his progress on social media and detailing his new health habits.
  • By committing to a strict diet–cutting out bread, carbs, sugar, and alcohol–and setting daily exercise and step goals on his Apple Watch, Sam made significant improvements to his physique.
  • The TV presenter credited his improved physical health for bringing him mental clarity and supporting his mental well-being.
  • Sam Mac's motivation for this transformation was his newborn daughter Margot and his partner Rebecca.

Sam Mac's inspiring journey towards achieving his fitness goals in just 56 days is a testament to the power of dedication, hard work, and discipline.

With a combination of a healthy diet and exercise, Sam demonstrated that it's possible to make significant changes to one's body and mental health within a short period.

His journey is a reminder that it's never too late to start your own journey towards a healthier and happier you.

It's important to consult with your healthcare provider first and start slowly, but with time, dedication, and commitment, you, too, can achieve your fitness goals.

We also previously shared how Home and Away star James Stewart transformed his physique to keep up with his 10-year-old daughter.

There you have it, folks! Are you also looking to embark on a fitness journey? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
Well done to him!

He's setting an example to others and his family.

I too was addicted to carbs, its damn hard to give them up but not impossible.
So what if he got paid (not ‘payed’) - at least he did it. I enjoy his segment every morning putting some laughter into dreariness. Many of us (me included) don’t move enough or haven’t got the motivation to get out, get up and move.
Just another celebrity jumping on the look at what I’ve done…..ban wagon you can do it too, only difference is I got paid to lose the weight. I suppose he’ll write a book next. Ho hum!!
So what if he got paid (not ‘payed’) - at least he did it. I enjoy his segment every morning putting some laughter into dreariness. Many of us (me included) don’t move enough or haven’t got the motivation to get out, get up and move.
I agree! I must move more than I am currently doing.
The words should be, he appears to be a....if you dont know him, it just makes you another idiot TV watcher believing everything you are told. This was for advertising and he would have been payed a lot for it.
I think you are being a grumpy man .

He is making a living .

What harm has he done to anyone.

If I'm an idiot for believing him then so be it .
I think you are being a grumpy man .

He is making a living .

What harm has he done to anyone.

If I'm an idiot for believing him then so be it .
You’re not the idiot Suzanne rose, some of the others mouthing off on this site are and sounds like they’re jealous of what he’s achieved, he’s proud of it and it’s his income. If anyone has struggled with something for a long time and finally achieved something, good for them. We all have an income one way or the other (and maybe don’t have anywhere near the same income as he does) but that’s what life throws at us. He wakes at 3 am or so, works all day then it’s off to bed at an early hour foregoing some quality time with his partner and new baby - do these others with their opinions & jealousy do the same? Some maybe, but I’m sure not all. My husband was at sea upto 4 month at a time, I didn’t see him at all for that time, we did well, saved hard by not wanting everything all at once, and I’ve had family on the criticism side for many years.
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Why are you people being so nasty.

He has done nothing wrong, is always in the headlines for goid things.

He comes from a good family , I hope his parents arnt reading what some of you are saying.

He is kind, funny and very caring , not like some others on morning TV.

It's ok to have an opion but maybe stop with the bullying

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