St Vincent de Paul Society urges parties to prioritise pensioner payment rise as inflation soars ahead of the elections
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St Vincent de Paul Society is calling on all parties to make pre-election pledges to raise JobSeeker, aged pension and disability payments, in light of soaring inflation rates.
The Society's NSW CEO, Jack de Groot, has stated that the Central Coast has seen a 10% increase in the number of people applying for help over the past 12 months - a trend which is only expected to continue rising. This is in part due to this week's Consumer Price Index (CPI) data, which revealed that inflation rose 2.1% in the March quarter, and 5.1% over the past year.
Mr De Groot has called on all parties to commit to raising government-supported payments in order to ease the financial burden on those who are struggling the most.
He said: “From January to March this year we saw 959 people come to us for help on the Central Coast, with food and energy bills the most common causes for concern."
“The majority were struggling to buy food."
“But we are also seeing more requests for assistance with accommodation and, more recently, fuel costs."
“Even with the recent six-month cut to the fuel excise, people on the Coast are still paying close to $2 a litre for petrol and that’s having a huge impact."
“If you need to travel any distance for work or to care for a family member, the fuel costs can be prohibitive."
“This is especially true on the Central Coast, where there are fewer public transport options than in other parts of the state.”
The group said that disadvantaged groups such as pensioners and job seekers are the most aggravated with the rising cost of living. Credit: St Vincent de Paul Society.
The organisation said that with the rising cost of living, it is expected that more families will apply for aid, along with other disadvantaged groups who are regularly requesting access to them.
“Of the 959 people who applied for assistance, 50 per cent were renting their homes, a third were in public housing and 14 per cent were homeless or in temporary accommodation, which often includes couch surfing,” Mr De Groot.
“Recent figures from Anglicare reveal those on low incomes can only afford 1.6 per cent of the rental housing on offer and those on benefits cannot afford to rent at all."
“This leaves those on low incomes or benefits extremely vulnerable."
“This latest inflation rise of 5.1 per cent, the largest rise in 20 years, will see the situation worsen."
“People are having to make difficult choices between paying their rent or having two or three meals a day. Some struggle to afford even one.”
“Those on JobSeeker receive $46 per day to pay for everything, and yet there is a 5 per cent inflation increase across the board – from food and electricity to prescriptions."
“We are seeing increasing numbers of people struggling and we expect to see many more; it’s an impossible situation.”
A photo of St Vincent de Paul Society NSW CEO Jack de Groot. Credit: St Vincent de Paul Society.
The group said that as winter approaches, the housing shortage on the Central Coast, and in the rest of Australia, is becoming more apparent. Many families are unable to afford heating, and some are even hosting family members who have been displaced by recent floods in the Northern Rivers.
De Groot said the situation was exacerbated by the fact that many people on the Central Coast were on low incomes. He called on the government to do more to help those in need and said that more affordable housing was urgently needed.
“An increase in the aged pension is necessary – although some on that pension do have supplementary income streams,” he said.
“Even so, we are seeing an increase in the number of elderly women who find themselves homeless for the first time in their lives."
“Those on JobSeeker are in desperate need."
“The Government introduced increases and special supplements during COVID-19 lockdowns and they worked. People were not needing as much material assistance. They were able to pay for food and survive with a greater sense of dignity."
“There are more than three million people living in poverty in Australia and that number could easily be reduced by one million people with some assistance from the Government.”
The group said that parties should prioritise immediate increases in pensions and fix the taxation system.
Mr Degroot claimed that people who are on benefits have little incentive to look for work, because if they earn even a small amount of extra income, their pensions will be cut dramatically.
He said: “Neither major party wants to make a commitment to address this situation."
It is cruel to expect JobSeeker recipients to survive on $46 a day, according to Claire Victory, National President of St Vincent de Paul.
Ms Victory said the meagre payment showed a lack of understanding or care for people who were struggling to make ends meet.
“Our research shows Australia can easily fund a significant boost to JobSeeker, alongside an increase in Commonwealth Rent Assistance, by making simple and affordable changes to our tax and welfare system.
“The only problem is we lack political leaders with the courage to countenance such a plan.”
What are your thoughts on this? This is not the first time we have reported about groups urging parties to put the welfare of pensioners at the forefront of their priorities. Do you think it's time for the payments to be reviewed?