Sooo easy 3 ingredients fruit slices

Ingredient Condensed Milk Fruit Squares​

These 3 ingredient condensed milk fruit squares are so delicious and so easy to make. Made with just 3 ingredients, these chewy, fruity little squares make a great snack.


390ml Tin of condensed milk

160 Grams Self raising flour

350 Grams Dried fruit (you can use any fruit you like or a combination)

Icing sugar for dusting (optional)

Makes 15 squares


Preheat your oven to 180 degrees (Celsius), and line a 16cm x 24cm baking tin with baking paper
Add the flour, fruit, and condensed milk to a bowl and mix well
Transfer the batter to the baking tin and bake for 25-30 mins
Cool in the tin for 30 minutes, and then add a dusting of icing sugar if you want to make it look pretty. Cut into squares and store in an air tight box for up to 2-3 days

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This bar would be great to take with you on a bushwalk I used to make one similar many moons ago when I did.👍thumbs up from me.
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Reactions: Babybird and Liz
Well go and make one then meanie v.and show us what you make. Have you contributed yet or do you just come on here to be nasty.
Like your mate g I joe.🤣
Why would I bother , healthy snacks are not good for little boys anyway . Stop being nasty , it may brighten up your day.
And yes , I did sent in a few recipes , you probably skipped over it .
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Reactions: Littleboy8
Why would I bother , healthy snacks are not good for little boys anyway . Stop being nasty , it may brighten up your day.
And yes , I did sent in a few recipes , you probably skipped over it .
Probably🤣I don’t feed my little boy 🐈 snacks.
How easy is that?! My type of recipe to quickly make a handy snack. I should think they’d freeze well too. Thank you @Babybird.
Never tried freezing but they in air tight container for awhile anyway when I make it's gone within day
This bar would be great to take with you on a bushwalk I used to make one similar many moons ago when I did.👍thumbs up from me.
Looks good

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