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Something to be Really Offended About ! ! !
When I look and see the list of events WE provide the Aboriginal people every year in this country and all I want is one day to celebrate as an Australian, they are offended by this and say we are being racist towards them and offending their culture
* Well let me say that I'm offended that they are entitled to 22 days, which is paid for by the Australian taxpayer
* Let me say that I'm also offended that the Australian taxpayer contributes over $30 billion, YES billion every year through Centrelink to Aboriginal people.
* Let me say that I'm tired of hearing every day that we invaded this country.
* Let me say that I'm tired of being told that this is their country by the politicians, media and so on. Could you please imagine what this country would be like without those who now call Australia home?
* I'm totally offended that there is NO recognition of the early settlers who came to this country and built the infrastructure that developed it into the powerhouse nation that all people living in this country have benefited to enjoy the lifestyle that exists today.
* I'm also offended by the nonsensical Welcome to Country ceremonies that are being held every day somewhere in this country, which again is being paid for by the Australian taxpayer
* I'm also offended that the Australian and State Governments that have forced upon ANZAC DAY this nonsensical Welcome to Country, if it had not been for our Diggers past and present they would not be in any position to force this on the Australian Military.
*I'm also offended that our police forces Australia wide have been placed in a position by the media and State Governments, that they are the guilty party if they dare arrest an Aboriginal person.
Last but NOT least we can celebrate in this country Halloween, Chinese New Year and many other cultural events, BUT we are being forced by the Greens, the Left wing politicians, the WOKE Canberra society, “Our ABC”, the media and by many who are NOT of Aboriginal decent to abandon Australia Day.
It will be a SAD day for this country if it happens and once they have achieved this, the next plan will be to change the Australian Flag, and probably give this country an Aboriginal name
If you are not offended by this then you will be probably be voting YES
* Well let me say that I'm offended that they are entitled to 22 days, which is paid for by the Australian taxpayer
* Let me say that I'm also offended that the Australian taxpayer contributes over $30 billion, YES billion every year through Centrelink to Aboriginal people.
* Let me say that I'm tired of hearing every day that we invaded this country.
* Let me say that I'm tired of being told that this is their country by the politicians, media and so on. Could you please imagine what this country would be like without those who now call Australia home?
* I'm totally offended that there is NO recognition of the early settlers who came to this country and built the infrastructure that developed it into the powerhouse nation that all people living in this country have benefited to enjoy the lifestyle that exists today.
* I'm also offended by the nonsensical Welcome to Country ceremonies that are being held every day somewhere in this country, which again is being paid for by the Australian taxpayer
* I'm also offended that the Australian and State Governments that have forced upon ANZAC DAY this nonsensical Welcome to Country, if it had not been for our Diggers past and present they would not be in any position to force this on the Australian Military.
*I'm also offended that our police forces Australia wide have been placed in a position by the media and State Governments, that they are the guilty party if they dare arrest an Aboriginal person.
Last but NOT least we can celebrate in this country Halloween, Chinese New Year and many other cultural events, BUT we are being forced by the Greens, the Left wing politicians, the WOKE Canberra society, “Our ABC”, the media and by many who are NOT of Aboriginal decent to abandon Australia Day.
It will be a SAD day for this country if it happens and once they have achieved this, the next plan will be to change the Australian Flag, and probably give this country an Aboriginal name
If you are not offended by this then you will be probably be voting YES