Shocking turn of events: Vegan activist's dramatic showdown at David Jones revealed after bizarre state-exit block!

In a scene that could easily be mistaken for a performance art piece, a Perth-based vegan activist made headlines with a dramatic protest outside the iconic Australian department store, David Jones. Known for her bold and often controversial demonstrations, Tash Peterson took to the bustling Hay Street in Perth's CBD, adorned in a bikini smeared with fake blood, to make a statement against the sale of animal products.

The protest, a collaboration with the animal rights organisation PETA, aimed to pressure David Jones into halting the sale of leather goods. Peterson's striking appearance and impassioned pleas caught the attention of shoppers and passersby, many of whom were stunned by the spectacle unfolding before them.

Peterson, a social media personality with a history of eye-catching stunts, used the opportunity to vocalise her grievances, not only against the retail giant but also to share her recent legal troubles stemming from previous protests. 'I was convicted of three criminal offences as a result of a protest I did at a restaurant that banned all vegans,' she declared. 'I was fined $2,500 and ordered to do 30 hours of community service.'

Vegan activist Tash Peterson protested outside David Jones in Perth, covered in fake blood. Credit: Instagram

Her legal woes didn't end there. 'Just last week, I was convicted with two more offences, criminal damage and disorderly conduct, for pouring fake blood all over a butcher store... I was fined over $2000.' Additionally, Peterson was prohibited from leaving the state of Western Australia for six months, a restriction she labelled as 'absurd.'

The activist's message was clear and uncompromising as she walked down Hay Street, microphone in hand, with fake blood dripping from her mouth. 'David Jones abuses and murders animals for their skin,' she proclaimed from a podium. 'Animals are not jackets, bags, and belts. They are sentient beings who feel pain. These animals are brutally tortured, abused, and murdered; they're skinned alive to be turned into your fashion accessories...this is the largest holocaust in history,' she asserted.

Peterson's stance is unwavering, as she explained to Yahoo News Australia, 'Non-human animals are brutally tortured, abused, and murdered for their bodies. Crocodiles, snakes, and other animals are often skinned alive to be turned into clothing and fashion items.' She cited numerous investigations that have exposed widespread cruelty within the wild animal skins industry, including a PETA Asia investigation that documented snakes being cruelly confined and then bashed over the head with hammers while still alive.

'David Jones sells brands such as Louis Vuitton and Gucci who murder animals for their skin. David Jones has BLOOD on their hands, and so do you if you’re not vegan,' Peterson accused.

This latest protest follows a series of high-profile demonstrations by Peterson, including a guilty plea to charges of disorderly behaviour and criminal damage for a similar stunt at another Perth shopping centre in December. Her activism has been both lauded and criticised online, with some followers praising her dedication to animal rights, while others suggest she gain a more nuanced understanding of farming practices through community service.

Peterson remains defiant, vowing to continue her activism. 'Let me be clear: I will never stop speaking up for the most oppressed victims on this planet,' she stated, even suggesting that police have been monitoring her activities to thwart her protests.

The response to Peterson's actions is mixed, with some commending her for her bravery and others questioning her methods. As the debate rages on, one thing is certain: Tash Peterson's dramatic showdown with David Jones has sparked a conversation about animal rights and the ethics of the fashion industry that is sure to continue.

Key Takeaways

  • Tash Peterson, a known vegan activist, staged a protest outside David Jones in Perth CBD, covered in fake blood, to oppose the sale of animal skin products.
  • Peterson has been convicted of several offences related to her animal rights activism and was fined and ordered to do community service.
  • She called on David Jones to cease selling products made from animal skins, claiming animals used in the fashion industry are often abused and killed in cruel ways.
  • Although Peterson has supporters who admire her activism, she also faces criticism from those who believe she is not representing the majority of farms and their treatment of animals.
Members, we'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Do you think such public demonstrations are effective in raising awareness and bringing about change, or do they risk alienating the public? Have you ever witnessed a protest that changed your perspective on an issue? Share your experiences and opinions in the comments below!
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I've heard of Tash Peterson.
She's one of those typical lefty 'activist' nut cases, who, like a spoiled brat, wants the rest of the world to bend to her way of thinking, and if she doesn't get her way she'll throw a full-on public tantrum.
She's also quite at home with her show-all 'Only Fans' online page which pays for her fines and other living expenses including travel to her next public hissy fit.
The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) does include "political liberty" and so also FREEDOM OF SPEECH. However, while one can exercise FREEDOM OF SPEECH one has to do so to avoid trespassing and undue harm to others, as they too are entitled to their constitutional rights. I since childhood decided no longer to eat fish, chicken, etc, but neither mushrooms, etc, that was my right, however I have no right to dictate others what they can or cannot eat. Many if not most vegans are claiming "climate change" issues but then wear clothing that by their own arguments are harming the "climate". I until 1988 used to be a smoker, about 40 cigarettes a day, and no matter what others were trying to dictate me I kept smoking. However, in 1988 I decided to stop smoking going "cold turkey", but keeping a packet in my pocket, as to be able to resist any temptation and never went back to smoking. encourage others to follow one's own life modes may be the best method to avoid unduly upset others and to respect their rights also, which may then convince others to perhaps follow a path you promote. Abusing others is not the way to go and neither to disturb the peace and tranquility of shoppers and businesses.
I donate to Peta, when l receive their mail l have to ask my husband to go through the their mail first because the pictures mess with my brain.
I am not vegan. I do not wear or own anything made of animal.
I am an animal lover and believe all animals should be treated with respect. But l do believe people like this woman are very wrong in the way they protest. You should not disrupt business. The shock value is not necessary. I believe most people are aware their is all sorts of animal cruelty in the world. Most decent people are appalled that any animal be treated with any form of cruelty.
It's everyone's choice to eat and wear what they want.
As much as all in a perfect world we would not have these heart breaking events of animal cruelty, sadly we don't live in a perfect world. At present it is far from perfect.
This lady could put her passion into volunteering at animal shelters. I admire her passion but don't like the way she is showing it and disrupting people going about their daily lives.
Some might think l am contradictory in what l have just written, oh you say you love animals but you are not vegan.
Just trying to be honest and sincere about this subject.
Kind regards to all Vicki
She's certainly someone who displays and revels in attention seeking behaviour. It does work for her. However, she has to rock up to court and receive/pay fines, plus community service for it. I have nothing against her being a vegan or an animal lover. The majority of Australians are animal lovers.
Two nutcases in this world - Tash Peterson and Greta Thunberg. Both need to bow down before the almighty guillotine.

Next in line are Extinction Rebellion and pro Palestine protesters.

These sub humans do nothing but severely disrupt the general public in their day to day life and cost the taxpayer megabucks in police resources. Eradicate them from the face of the earth permanently.

I can't wait for the news tonight where non Muslim pro Palestinian protestors get their arses handed to them on a platter.
Two nutcases in this world - Tash Peterson and Greta Thunberg. Both need to bow down before the almighty guillotine.

Next in line are Extinction Rebellion and pro Palestine protesters.

These sub humans do nothing but severely disrupt the general public in their day to day life and cost the taxpayer megabucks in police resources. Eradicate them from the face of the earth permanently.

I can't wait for the news tonight where non Muslim pro Palestinian protestors get their arses handed to them on a platter.
I agree with you apart from the guillotine suggestion. That’s a bit harsh. 😆

What really gets me are the radical protesters. So wrapped up in thinking only they are right, they don’t care how destructive and disruptive they are to others. 😡
The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) does include "political liberty" and so also FREEDOM OF SPEECH. However, while one can exercise FREEDOM OF SPEECH one has to do so to avoid trespassing and undue harm to others, as they too are entitled to their constitutional rights. I since childhood decided no longer to eat fish, chicken, etc, but neither mushrooms, etc, that was my right, however I have no right to dictate others what they can or cannot eat. Many if not most vegans are claiming "climate change" issues but then wear clothing that by their own arguments are harming the "climate". I until 1988 used to be a smoker, about 40 cigarettes a day, and no matter what others were trying to dictate me I kept smoking. However, in 1988 I decided to stop smoking going "cold turkey", but keeping a packet in my pocket, as to be able to resist any temptation and never went back to smoking. encourage others to follow one's own life modes may be the best method to avoid unduly upset others and to respect their rights also, which may then convince others to perhaps follow a path you promote. Abusing others is not the way to go and neither to disturb the peace and tranquility of shoppers and businesses.
Well said.
Kind regards Vicki
I donate to Peta, when l receive their mail l have to ask my husband to go through the their mail first because the pictures mess with my brain.
I am not vegan. I do not wear or own anything made of animal.
I am an animal lover and believe all animals should be treated with respect. But l do believe people like this woman are very wrong in the way they protest. You should not disrupt business. The shock value is not necessary. I believe most people are aware their is all sorts of animal cruelty in the world. Most decent people are appalled that any animal be treated with any form of cruelty.
It's everyone's choice to eat and wear what they want.
As much as all in a perfect world we would not have these heart breaking events of animal cruelty, sadly we don't live in a perfect world. At present it is far from perfect.
This lady could put her passion into volunteering at animal shelters. I admire her passion but don't like the way she is showing it and disrupting people going about their daily lives.
Some might think l am contradictory in what l have just written, oh you say you love animals but you are not vegan.
Just trying to be honest and sincere about this subject.
Kind regards to all Vicki
Do you wear leather shoes etc. Do you have a leather purse/handbag, etc. Do you wear woollen gloves, jumpers, beanies, socks, scarves etc. What about silk scarves? Does your watch have a leather strap.
Think a bit harder.......
Do you wear leather shoes etc. Do you have a leather purse/handbag, etc. Do you wear woollen gloves, jumpers, beanies, socks, scarves etc. What about silk scarves? Does your watch have a leather strap.
Think a bit harder.......
Maybe you should think a bit harder…or read a bit better.

Your reply to BellaB18 wasn’t called for. She explained her view quite clearly and has every right to. All you’re doing is deliberately being a smartarse @Kman.

You owe BellaB18 an apology.
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VEGAN!!!!!??????? There is no such thing as a vegan. Especially this idiot. Ask her about her "Vegan leather" belt.
Sometimes saying you're a vegan is the only way to not have your food cross contaminated by something you are allergic too. I know a lady who is highly allergic to some meats + all dairy. She literally could stop breathing and have to be given at least one epi-pen to keep her alive until an ambulance can get her to the nearest hospital. She is also allergic to the main needles that dentists give to fill or extract teeth. They had to use epi-pens. The only meat she can eat is chicken, duck and turkey. She is allergic to seafood. It is too dangerous for to eat out unless all the staff at the "eatery" have a very good knowledge of the foods she is allergic to and can guarantee there is no contact or indirect contact with the "forbidden" food at all.
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Maybe you should think a bit harder…or read a bit better.

Your reply to BellaB18 wasn’t called for. She explained her view quite clearly and has every right to. All you’re doing is deliberately being a smartarse @Kman.

You owe BellaB18 an apology.
Apology? Not a snowflakes chance on a hot shovel. This Tash thing person is a moron. I have a friend who is allergic to meat. My reply to BellaB18 has nothing to do with her.
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