Question 1: What is added to bread to make it rise?
Question 2: The Easter bunny is thought to have originated in which country?
While there is no actual bunny that once served as the iconic hare, the legendary egg-laying rabbit is said to have been brought to America by German immigrants in the 1700s, according to History. Children would make nests for Oschter Haws to leave behind eggs, meaning the Easter bunny originated in Germany!
Question 3: What country made the world’s largest chocolate Easter egg, weighing in at a hefty 7,200kg?
One chocolatier in Tosca, Italy, created the world's largest chocolate egg made by a single person. Made at the Le Acciaierie Shopping Centre, the chocolate egg measured a whopping 10.39m tall and weighed in at 7,200kg with a circumference of 19.6m at its widest point.
Question 4: In what country do children dress up as Easter Wizards instead of Easter Bunnies?
Easter witches is an old Swedish legend about witches flying to Blockula on brooms on the Thursday before Easter or on the night between the Wednesday and Thursday before, and returning on Easter!
Question 5: What do you call someone who can speak several languages?
Polyglots are people who know and speak several languages. Queen Elizabeth I, for example, was said to have spoken English, Greek, Latin, French, and Italian.
Question 6: How many hot cross buns would you find in a baker’s dozen?
A baker's dozen is equal to 13. So, there are 13 hot cross buns in a bakers dozen!
Question 7: What Australian animal is used by Haigh’s Chocolates to replace the Easter bunny?
The idea for the Haigh's Easter Bilby came from a park ranger of the Bundaleer Forest Reserve located close to Jamestown, South Australia, in 1992. He approached us to create a chocolate Bilby to replace the Easter Bunny in support of the goals of the RFA!
Question 8: What is the medical term for fear of heights?
Acrophobia is an extreme or irrational fear of heights. The term ‘acrophobia’ comes from the Greek words ‘Akron’, meaning peak or the highest point, and ‘Phobos’, meaning fear.
Question 9: In which country would you find the Tokaj wine region?
The Tokaj wine region can be found in northeastern Hungary and some parts of southeastern Slovakia. The region’s winemaking history is one of the richest in Europe, as it dates back over a thousand years. Hungarian Tokaj was often served at Versailles and was even King Louis XV’s go-to.
Question 10: In which European country is the highest peak of the Pyrenees located?
The highest peak of the Pyrenees, Pico de Aneto, is located in the Spanish province of Huesca in the Posets-Maladeta Natural Park. It rises to a height of 3,404 metres.
Yeast is added to bread to make it rise. Yeast works by turning the starches and sugars in flour into carbon dioxide, which in turn creates little air bubbles in the bread that causes it to rise.