SDC Exclusive: Easter ideas with member @Iggydi

Note from the Editor:
This incredible collection of money-saving and delicious Easter treats is brought to you by the wonderful member Diane, best known as @Iggydi. Whether you’re looking for gift options for loved ones or something special for yourself, we hope you enjoy!

Every year, the prices go up on all goods, but Easter eggs seem to be ridiculous. The amount of chocolate you get for what you pay for isn’t right.

I have been making my own Easter eggs for what seems like forever. Making them also gives me different options on fillings, sizes, hollow or solid and how many I can give to each person.

I outlaid the money for my chocolate moulds over the years.

This is to show you that you can also use store-bought Easter eggs and tweak them to make something special without buying too many eggs. Or use an unfilled sponge cake to make a non-chocolate Easter gift.

I hope this gives you an insight into how much one chocolate block makes, what you can do with hollow eggs and what using your own imagination can produce.

Thanks for reading.

Thanks Iggydi (Diane). Looks very easy and cheaper.
I was visiting my family in Hervey Bay the other day and 1 pop up shop in the shopping centre had the Half dark chocolate Rocky Road egg for $19.99. I said to my daughter "I should go into business, I could make a fortune" ha ha. Have fun Penny4
I was visiting my family in Hervey Bay the other day and 1 pop up shop in the shopping centre had the Half dark chocolate Rocky Road egg for $19.99. I said to my daughter "I should go into business, I could make a fortune" ha ha. Have fun Penny4
Well, you should go into business! I have a friend who makes chocolates and sells them to cafes. ;)
Thanks for the sponge one with jelly from someone who cannot eat chocolate.
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My daughter did say that but it wouldn't be enjoyable for me anymore if I HAD to do it. I am always blown away by the prices of chocolate items.
I agree - I wouldn't do either. 😉 I only buy Lindt if on special, or Aldi's moser roth dark chocolate. However, they can't compare with your homemade ones.
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