Risky Business
A married guy on the Sunshine Coast, won 20 million on Powerball. He decided that him and his wife would go on a world tour.
And the inevitable happening when his wife said, “couldn’t we take Mum along she has never been out of Australia?"After a while he said OK reluctantly.Then when making the final arrangements at the travel agency. Mother-in-law wanted to include Jerusalem and the birthplace of Christ.
He said NO WAY ...but you won't win with two women wanting to go to Jerusalem ..
so off they go and he insisted on going to Jerusalem first to get that out of the way.
WELL. IT HAPPENED... the Mother-in-law passed on while in Jerusalem.The local undertaker offered a beautiful funeral service saying that because she died in Jerusalem she was entitled to be buried there also.Now the husband put his foot down saying NO WAY, WE PUT HER ON A PLANE BACK TO AUSTRALIA.The undertaker explained that her funeral would cost no more than $1,000 and besides millions of people would love to be buried here where Jesus was buried also.He flatly denied the offer and said he would pay the $26,000 to send her back to Australia.The stunned undertaker simply said WHY?
The husband drew him aside and whispered , Quite some time ago a guy was buried here and 3 days later he rose from the dead ..AND I’M NOT TAKING THAT RISK ...