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Remember Sunnyboys?
The Daily Juice Co. discontinued the production of Sunnyboy back in August 2016 due to a sustained reduction in consumer demand. The news spread like wildfire online as it outraged hundreds of Aussies who grew up consuming the iconic treat. Reddit user sezdawg7 said "Thinking about cracking these open today." rekindling lovely childhood memories for us.
In response to this nostalgia hit, a couple of redditors commented:
"I am insanely jealous of you right now" says Arkady2009.
"Takes me back to the school playground in the early 70's. Sunnyboy, Razz, Zapp, Pow, Glugg, Big Daddy and cost about 5 cents iirc (if I recall correctly). Lunchtime wouldn't be complete without one of these bad boys! The school canteen ladies always made sure they were frozen and they thawed out just enough by the time you got them. I remember there was competition and you had to check the inside wrapper to see if you'd won anything. I sometimes won a freebie but I remember one kid who won a bike. Happy days!" says Renfeild78.
What are some treats you would love to try again if given the chance to?
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