Professional housekeeper reveals one cleaning tool you need to retire

As we age, we often become creatures of habit, especially regarding household routines.

Many of us have been cleaning our homes the same way for decades, with trusty tools that stood the test of time.

But what if one of these staple tools is actually making our lives harder?

Online content creator and professional housekeeper Vanesa Amaro sparked a lively debate by suggesting it's time to retire one of the most traditional cleaning tools: the broom.

Her advice has swept across social media, stirring up dust and opinions.

Vanesa insists that brooms are more trouble than they're worth.

'Number one, it kicks up dust, hair, and just debris, so if you cleaned [surfaces like tables] already, you're going to have to clean it again,' she explained.

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Online content creator Vanesa Amaro points out three reasons why homeowners should ditch the humble cleaning tool. Image Credit: TikTok/Vanesa Amaro

Anyone who's ever swept a room knows the frustration of watching dust resettle on just-cleaned surfaces.

Moreover, she points out that brooms are less effective than we'd like to think.

Despite our best efforts and multiple sweeps, they often leave behind a trail of dust and debris.

She also points out the lack of versatility—brooms are no good on carpets, making cleaners buy multiple tools for different surfaces.

So, what's the solution?

According to Vanesa, it's time to embrace technology and switch to a cordless vacuum.

These modern marvels don't kick up dust and can transition seamlessly from hardwood to carpeted surfaces.

It's a compelling argument, especially for those who struggle with allergies or respiratory issues.

This cleaning revelation garnered mixed responses from cleaning aficionados.

Some stand by their brooms, citing their effectiveness in gathering larger debris before mopping or as a backup when the vacuum fails.

Others have embraced the cordless vacuum, praising its ease of use and superior cleaning power.

'Been using a vacuum instead of a broom for years because I hate sweeping,' one convert admitted.

For curious homebodies, a lightweight, cordless vacuum is worth considering, as it's easier on the back and joints, and there is no need to bend over a dustpan.

However, whether you're a staunch supporter of the broom or ready to vacuum up the change, it's clear that cleaning is not a one-size-fits-all task.

What works for one person may not work for another, and that's okay.

The key is to find tools and techniques that suit you.

Our forum's Cleaning and Home Improvement section is a treasure trove of tips that may work for your home, health, and lifestyle.
Key Takeaways

  • A content creator and housekeeper suggests ditching the broom as it can kick up dust and require re-cleaning of surfaces.
  • Brooms are not versatile for all types of flooring, especially carpets.
  • She recommends a cordless vacuum for better dust control and versatility in cleaning hard floors and carpets.
  • The cleaning tip received mixed reactions, with some preferring traditional sweeping while others agreed with the vacuum approach.
Are you ready to switch to vacuums, or brooms are still up your alley? Share your insights in the comments below.
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I wouldn't be pleased if a pro cleaner rocked up to my home and brought a broom.
However, living at home a broom or dustpan is a quick method to pick up any rubbish on the floor.
Otherwise, of course we use a vacuum cleaner.
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Reactions: Gaena and Jo Piper3
I use my vac throughout the house but I do use the Dustpan and brush to sweep up the cat litter that appears on the laundry floor every morning 😠 But the broom retired long before I did lol
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