
New member
Aug 6, 2022
New member

Hi! New member not too good with Technical information?! I do a lot of Voluntary work with Red Cross also have a Conversation Group with Mature ladies just to
kkep us all from being lonely?? Was always a great penfriend?! But guess with modern technology and postage charges this isn't convienent any more!
So here goes!!
Hi! New member not too good with Technical information?! I do a lot of Voluntary work with Red Cross also have a Conversation Group with Mature ladies just to
kkep us all from being lonely?? Was always a great penfriend?! But guess with modern technology and postage charges this isn't convienent any more!
So here goes!!
Hello, @Bondi4ever ! Welcome to the SDC :) Wooow! There are several seniors here who do volunteer work as well. What is it like volunteering for Red Cross? We'd love to know more about you ❤️
Volunteered in the Call Centre in Newcastle (we called mature people all over NSW in the morning to make sure they were okay) of course being the oldest person Volunterring I was able to have good conversations with the Clients as I could remember past times as well! % mornings a wekk 6.30 to 10.30 am used to take down clients numbers (as we weren't supposed to have personal contact) and when I could here they were down sent a card to them (could judt give Supervisor their number! Might not speak to them for couple weeks, but they were always so thrilld to get a letter in the post! Guess it is what mature people love somethibng to hold that belongs to them!!
Now do Voulunterring in Medical Equipment Hire Shop, can be sad at times but love talking to people and trying to show some empathy!

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