Never put off a caring gesture
Thankyou for sharingNever put off a caring gesture
It’s taken me many attempts to write this email today…
It’s with such a sadness in my heart…
My faithful sidekick Marley moo (my adopted street dog from Portugal) suffered a sudden and fatal heat attack late last night and died in my arms.
Ever since we met and he choose me, he has spent 24hrs a day with me, we never separated, not even once.
He would even snuggle under the blankets with me as we slept
He’s been a constant in my life for so many years joining me on my spiritual journey and teaching me many wonderful insights.
My mind has been wave after wave of memories and wanting a or desires for that last play, stroke, snuggle or walk
And concentration to write this email has been a struggle.
I am completely and utterly at peace with my lose, but that doesn’t stop the waves…
The waves come and go, come and go. My trained mind just watches and doesn’t try to keep hold of the sadness for longer that it flows…
…but these feeling will be with me for a few days, slowly subsiding, until my mind processes the sudden departure of such a vibrant and healthy guy.
Just like a cut finger, my mind will heal itself with remarkable speed…
…just by allowing the waves to flow without attachment
However I want you to take a lesson from my Marley moo’s passing
For all of you who have someone special in your lives…
…be it furry friend or human companion
Let them know how special they are too you!
Tell them how much you care and don’t put this off till tomorrow
You never know how sudden life can be taken, and I’m so so glad for all the moments I told him how much I cared
If you have someone you’ve wished you said thank you, I love you…
Then Do it today
Kind regards
Dhamma Tāpasā