Move over, cleaning products! Tomato sauce is the latest must-have in your bathroom

Are you looking for a new, creative, and budget-friendly way to tackle everyday cleaning problems? Well, guess what - you might just have the perfect solution sitting in your kitchen pantry (or fridge) all along.

Get ready to say goodbye to stubborn stains and hello to sparkling clean toilets, thanks to the power of tomato sauce!

That's right, you heard us correctly - tomato sauce, the delicious topping of Aussie meat pies and sausages, is not only a tasty addition to your meals, but it also doubles as an effective cleaning solution.

The buzz about this unusual cleaning tip is spreading like wildfire across Australia, with social media users raving about its versatility and effectiveness. Not only can it tackle tough toilet stains, but it's also perfect for cleaning around taps, sinks, and drains.

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A viral cleaning trick involving tomato sauce has become popular among Australian homeowners. Credit: Facebook.

So, what's the secret to tomato sauce's cleaning power? Well, many believe it's due to the natural acidity found in tomatoes. This acidity helps break down grime and residue with ease, leaving your bathroom spotless and fresh.

With this secret out of the bag, people are raiding their pantries and running to the nearest supermarket to make sure they have a good supply of the trusty condiment on hand.

One woman even shared her own cleaning success story on Facebook. She had tried everything from popular cleaning brands like Enjo, Koh, and CLR to remove stubborn brown stains from her old toilet, but nothing seemed to work. That is until she discovered the power of tomato sauce.

In a post on the popular Mums Who Clean page, she exclaimed, 'Tomato sauce is brilliant on brown water stains! No scrubbing. I hung a load of washing, then came back, and the brown rubbed off! I have previously spent hours scrubbing with various chemicals and mitts to achieve this same result.'

It's clear that tomato sauce is a game-changer in the world of cleaning! Who knew that a simple staple could have so many uses?

Many are excited to try this unconventional method and see its impressive results for themselves.

One person commented that although they can't stand the smell of tomato sauce, they are still eager to try this cleaning method because it looks amazing. Another person said they are going to try it on their toilet, which only has some staining at the bottom that appears weekly.

Don't worry about any potential rotten smells from the tomato sauce. Not only does it clean away stubborn stains with ease, but its natural fragrance also dissipates quickly, leaving your bathroom smelling fresh and clean.

If you want to give this cleaning tip a go, it's super simple. Just generously spread tomato sauce around the stained area (whether it's your toilet, taps, sink, or drains) and let it work its magic for a few hours.

Then, gently wipe away the sauce and the offending stain, and rinse the area clean. It's a thrifty tip that will have your toilet (and your wallet) thanking you!

As always, it's important to use caution when trying any new cleaning method. Make sure to test the tomato sauce on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure that it doesn't cause any damage or discolouration.

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The acid in tomato sauce is believed to be responsible for breaking down stubborn build-up, leaving surfaces clean and shiny. Credit: Pexels/Karolina Grabowska.

If the idea of using tomato sauce to clean your bathroom still doesn't quite convince you, don't worry - there are plenty of other natural alternatives to choose from! Vinegar and lemon juice, for example, are both great options that have been used for centuries to tackle tough stains.

Like tomato sauce, vinegar and lemon juice are acidic and can help break down grime and residue. To use vinegar as a cleaning solution, simply dilute it with water and apply it to the affected area. Let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it away with a damp cloth.

Lemon juice can be used in a similar way - just squeeze some juice onto the affected area and let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it away. You can also mix it with bicarb soda to create a powerful cleaning paste.

So, if you're not quite ready to try the tomato sauce cleaning trick, give vinegar or lemon juice a try instead. These natural alternatives are gentle on your bathroom fixtures and can still get the job done!

Key Takeaways

  • Tomato sauce is the latest cleaning idea making waves across Australia, with its natural acidity proving to be an effective solution for stubborn stains in bathrooms.
  • Simply spread tomato sauce around the stained area, let it sit for a few hours, wipe it away, and rinse the area clean. Just be sure to test it on a small area first to avoid any potential damage.

It's fascinating to see how everyday items we take for granted can be repurposed for unconventional uses. Who would have thought that tomato sauce could be a secret weapon for cleaning our bathrooms? It just goes to show that sometimes the simplest solutions can be the most effective.

As we've seen, many Aussies have already given this cleaning idea a try and have been pleasantly surprised by the results. But, we want to hear from you - are you willing to give it a go? Do you think it's worth trying out tomato sauce as a cleaning solution for your bathroom?

While this trick may not work for everyone or every type of stain, it's always worth experimenting with and trying out new things. Who knows, you may just discover your own secret weapon for keeping your home sparkling clean!

So, next time you're at the supermarket, grab a bottle of tomato sauce and give it a try. Don't forget to share your experience with us, and let us know if it worked for you! Happy cleaning!
Are you looking for a new, creative, and budget-friendly way to tackle everyday cleaning problems? Well, guess what - you might just have the perfect solution sitting in your kitchen pantry (or fridge) all along.

Get ready to say goodbye to stubborn stains and hello to sparkling clean toilets, thanks to the power of tomato sauce!

That's right, you heard us correctly - tomato sauce, the delicious topping of Aussie meat pies and sausages, is not only a tasty addition to your meals, but it also doubles as an effective cleaning solution.

The buzz about this unusual cleaning tip is spreading like wildfire across Australia, with social media users raving about its versatility and effectiveness. Not only can it tackle tough toilet stains, but it's also perfect for cleaning around taps, sinks, and drains.

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A viral cleaning trick involving tomato sauce has become popular among Australian homeowners. Credit: Facebook.

So, what's the secret to tomato sauce's cleaning power? Well, many believe it's due to the natural acidity found in tomatoes. This acidity helps break down grime and residue with ease, leaving your bathroom spotless and fresh.

With this secret out of the bag, people are raiding their pantries and running to the nearest supermarket to make sure they have a good supply of the trusty condiment on hand.

One woman even shared her own cleaning success story on Facebook. She had tried everything from popular cleaning brands like Enjo, Koh, and CLR to remove stubborn brown stains from her old toilet, but nothing seemed to work. That is until she discovered the power of tomato sauce.

In a post on the popular Mums Who Clean page, she exclaimed, 'Tomato sauce is brilliant on brown water stains! No scrubbing. I hung a load of washing, then came back, and the brown rubbed off! I have previously spent hours scrubbing with various chemicals and mitts to achieve this same result.'

It's clear that tomato sauce is a game-changer in the world of cleaning! Who knew that a simple staple could have so many uses?

Many are excited to try this unconventional method and see its impressive results for themselves.

One person commented that although they can't stand the smell of tomato sauce, they are still eager to try this cleaning method because it looks amazing. Another person said they are going to try it on their toilet, which only has some staining at the bottom that appears weekly.

Don't worry about any potential rotten smells from the tomato sauce. Not only does it clean away stubborn stains with ease, but its natural fragrance also dissipates quickly, leaving your bathroom smelling fresh and clean.

If you want to give this cleaning tip a go, it's super simple. Just generously spread tomato sauce around the stained area (whether it's your toilet, taps, sink, or drains) and let it work its magic for a few hours.

Then, gently wipe away the sauce and the offending stain, and rinse the area clean. It's a thrifty tip that will have your toilet (and your wallet) thanking you!

As always, it's important to use caution when trying any new cleaning method. Make sure to test the tomato sauce on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure that it doesn't cause any damage or discolouration.

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The acid in tomato sauce is believed to be responsible for breaking down stubborn build-up, leaving surfaces clean and shiny. Credit: Pexels/Karolina Grabowska.

If the idea of using tomato sauce to clean your bathroom still doesn't quite convince you, don't worry - there are plenty of other natural alternatives to choose from! Vinegar and lemon juice, for example, are both great options that have been used for centuries to tackle tough stains.

Like tomato sauce, vinegar and lemon juice are acidic and can help break down grime and residue. To use vinegar as a cleaning solution, simply dilute it with water and apply it to the affected area. Let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it away with a damp cloth.

Lemon juice can be used in a similar way - just squeeze some juice onto the affected area and let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it away. You can also mix it with bicarb soda to create a powerful cleaning paste.

So, if you're not quite ready to try the tomato sauce cleaning trick, give vinegar or lemon juice a try instead. These natural alternatives are gentle on your bathroom fixtures and can still get the job done!

Key Takeaways

  • Tomato sauce is the latest cleaning idea making waves across Australia, with its natural acidity proving to be an effective solution for stubborn stains in bathrooms.
  • Simply spread tomato sauce around the stained area, let it sit for a few hours, wipe it away, and rinse the area clean. Just be sure to test it on a small area first to avoid any potential damage.

It's fascinating to see how everyday items we take for granted can be repurposed for unconventional uses. Who would have thought that tomato sauce could be a secret weapon for cleaning our bathrooms? It just goes to show that sometimes the simplest solutions can be the most effective.

As we've seen, many Aussies have already given this cleaning idea a try and have been pleasantly surprised by the results. But, we want to hear from you - are you willing to give it a go? Do you think it's worth trying out tomato sauce as a cleaning solution for your bathroom?

While this trick may not work for everyone or every type of stain, it's always worth experimenting with and trying out new things. Who knows, you may just discover your own secret weapon for keeping your home sparkling clean!

So, next time you're at the supermarket, grab a bottle of tomato sauce and give it a try. Don't forget to share your experience with us, and let us know if it worked for you! Happy cleaning!
It's the Vinegar and salt in the sauce .
Are you looking for a new, creative, and budget-friendly way to tackle everyday cleaning problems? Well, guess what - you might just have the perfect solution sitting in your kitchen pantry (or fridge) all along.

Get ready to say goodbye to stubborn stains and hello to sparkling clean toilets, thanks to the power of tomato sauce!

That's right, you heard us correctly - tomato sauce, the delicious topping of Aussie meat pies and sausages, is not only a tasty addition to your meals, but it also doubles as an effective cleaning solution.

The buzz about this unusual cleaning tip is spreading like wildfire across Australia, with social media users raving about its versatility and effectiveness. Not only can it tackle tough toilet stains, but it's also perfect for cleaning around taps, sinks, and drains.

View attachment 19018
A viral cleaning trick involving tomato sauce has become popular among Australian homeowners. Credit: Facebook.

So, what's the secret to tomato sauce's cleaning power? Well, many believe it's due to the natural acidity found in tomatoes. This acidity helps break down grime and residue with ease, leaving your bathroom spotless and fresh.

With this secret out of the bag, people are raiding their pantries and running to the nearest supermarket to make sure they have a good supply of the trusty condiment on hand.

One woman even shared her own cleaning success story on Facebook. She had tried everything from popular cleaning brands like Enjo, Koh, and CLR to remove stubborn brown stains from her old toilet, but nothing seemed to work. That is until she discovered the power of tomato sauce.

In a post on the popular Mums Who Clean page, she exclaimed, 'Tomato sauce is brilliant on brown water stains! No scrubbing. I hung a load of washing, then came back, and the brown rubbed off! I have previously spent hours scrubbing with various chemicals and mitts to achieve this same result.'

It's clear that tomato sauce is a game-changer in the world of cleaning! Who knew that a simple staple could have so many uses?

Many are excited to try this unconventional method and see its impressive results for themselves.

One person commented that although they can't stand the smell of tomato sauce, they are still eager to try this cleaning method because it looks amazing. Another person said they are going to try it on their toilet, which only has some staining at the bottom that appears weekly.

Don't worry about any potential rotten smells from the tomato sauce. Not only does it clean away stubborn stains with ease, but its natural fragrance also dissipates quickly, leaving your bathroom smelling fresh and clean.

If you want to give this cleaning tip a go, it's super simple. Just generously spread tomato sauce around the stained area (whether it's your toilet, taps, sink, or drains) and let it work its magic for a few hours.

Then, gently wipe away the sauce and the offending stain, and rinse the area clean. It's a thrifty tip that will have your toilet (and your wallet) thanking you!

As always, it's important to use caution when trying any new cleaning method. Make sure to test the tomato sauce on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure that it doesn't cause any damage or discolouration.

View attachment 19019
The acid in tomato sauce is believed to be responsible for breaking down stubborn build-up, leaving surfaces clean and shiny. Credit: Pexels/Karolina Grabowska.

If the idea of using tomato sauce to clean your bathroom still doesn't quite convince you, don't worry - there are plenty of other natural alternatives to choose from! Vinegar and lemon juice, for example, are both great options that have been used for centuries to tackle tough stains.

Like tomato sauce, vinegar and lemon juice are acidic and can help break down grime and residue. To use vinegar as a cleaning solution, simply dilute it with water and apply it to the affected area. Let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it away with a damp cloth.

Lemon juice can be used in a similar way - just squeeze some juice onto the affected area and let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it away. You can also mix it with bicarb soda to create a powerful cleaning paste.

So, if you're not quite ready to try the tomato sauce cleaning trick, give vinegar or lemon juice a try instead. These natural alternatives are gentle on your bathroom fixtures and can still get the job done!

Key Takeaways

  • Tomato sauce is the latest cleaning idea making waves across Australia, with its natural acidity proving to be an effective solution for stubborn stains in bathrooms.
  • Simply spread tomato sauce around the stained area, let it sit for a few hours, wipe it away, and rinse the area clean. Just be sure to test it on a small area first to avoid any potential damage.

It's fascinating to see how everyday items we take for granted can be repurposed for unconventional uses. Who would have thought that tomato sauce could be a secret weapon for cleaning our bathrooms? It just goes to show that sometimes the simplest solutions can be the most effective.

As we've seen, many Aussies have already given this cleaning idea a try and have been pleasantly surprised by the results. But, we want to hear from you - are you willing to give it a go? Do you think it's worth trying out tomato sauce as a cleaning solution for your bathroom?

While this trick may not work for everyone or every type of stain, it's always worth experimenting with and trying out new things. Who knows, you may just discover your own secret weapon for keeping your home sparkling clean!

So, next time you're at the supermarket, grab a bottle of tomato sauce and give it a try. Don't forget to share your experience with us, and let us know if it worked for you! Happy cleaning!
EWWW!! makes you wonder what it is doing to your gut!
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Doesn't work on badly stained toilets. We've tried everything on the toilet in this house we've bought, nothing has worked. Bought some hydraulic acid today as a last resort, otherwise I guess it's a plumber and a new toilet🤷

Easier to just use white vinegar.
Doesn't work on badly stained toilets. We've tried everything on the toilet in this house we've bought, nothing has worked. Bought some hydraulic acid today as a last resort, otherwise I guess it's a plumber and a new toilet🤷
CLR did the trick in mine when I moved into a house with a gross toilet.
Tried that also, it didn't work either.Think this toilet hasn't been cleaned in years. Yuck!!
I guess you mean the toilet that you have. Try Bar Keeper's Friend & Scalex .. both are powders. I tried each separately in my toilet and then both together. It worked.

Get the water level down in the bowl with toilet brush. Then, sprinkle both down into toilet bowl for that area to be treated. Then make a paste with both powders and a little water, where the water normal rises to and place the paste around. Maybe put just a light covering of toilet paper over this pasted area. Then, sprinkle some water so toilet paper does not dry out. Allow to sit for about one hour and several more hours if you have a second toilet. If you are plan on going out for shopping then good idea to quickly do this and get shopping done and get back home and immediately remove toilet paper, or scrub with the toilet brush. Even get hard scourers to scrub there as well with more past. Toilet brush to scrub inside bottom of bowl. Just keep at it to get that scale build-up gone.
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