
Jan 22, 2022

Famous quote, "Lawyers have to make a living, and can only do so by inducing people to believe that a straight line is crooked"
Very recently I was sitting first in a long line of cars at a red light when the driver immediately behind me took their foot off the brake and stabbed the accelerator, still under the red light, and rammed me and my bike hard from behind work injury lawyers brisbane. The driver was ticketed and their insurance company has accepted complete liability. I am extensively injured, in pain, and after my Dr. saw me, he agreed I am quite injured, wrote me 2 Rx's, and referred me to an Orthopedic/Sports Medicine specialist for further examination/treatment etc.

I am seeking advice from the community on how to find a good personal injury attorney.

I sincerely appreciate your time for reading this and responding.

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