Is your daily cleaning routine as intense as these Australians?

Cleaning the house is one of those necessary evils that, sadly, we can't escape. No matter how much we may dislike it (and oftentimes, procrastinate), it must be done – especially if we want to maintain a comfortable and pleasant living space.

But just how often should you be cleaning different areas and items in your home? While there's no definitive answer, there are certainly some guidelines you can follow. For example, the kitchen is arguably the most important room in terms of cleanliness, since it's where we prepare our food. Therefore, it should be cleaned daily – or at least every other day – with special attention paid to the stovetop, fridge and sink area.

As for other rooms in the house such as bedrooms and living spaces, a general rule of thumb is to vacuum once or twice a week and dust surfaces weekly as well. Of course, this may need to be increased if you have pets or (grand)children who make more messes!

However intense (or not) your daily cleaning routine may be though; it's nothing compared to what some Australians are doing on a regular basis. Recently on social media, one woman kicked off a conversation by sharing her huge weekly cleaning list which covers nine different areas of her home! Not only that but each day has specific tasks assigned to it too... talk about organised!

An Aussie Mums cleaning list! Image source: FacebookMumsWhoClean.

Her post prompted many others to share their own lists with equally impressive levels of organisation and detail; including one very impressive spreadsheet table which breaks down each task even further according to time allotment (10 minutes here; 15 minutes there).

One woman’s spreadsheet was so popular that fellow mums asked if she could email them a copy. Image source: FacebookMumsWhoClean.

All the lists varied in layout and format. Image source: FacebookMumsWhoClean.

But not everyone was convinced that such detailed organisation was necessary... or even possible! Some commenters said they ‘couldn't live like that’, while others preferred to keep more of a mental checklist rather than write everything down. One person simply said: ‘life is too short’.

What do you think? Could you never miss a beat like these highly organised Aussies; or does the thought fill you with dread? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!
Cleaning the house is one of those necessary evils that, sadly, we can't escape. No matter how much we may dislike it (and oftentimes, procrastinate), it must be done – especially if we want to maintain a comfortable and pleasant living space.

But just how often should you be cleaning different areas and items in your home? While there's no definitive answer, there are certainly some guidelines you can follow. For example, the kitchen is arguably the most important room in terms of cleanliness, since it's where we prepare our food. Therefore, it should be cleaned daily – or at least every other day – with special attention paid to the stovetop, fridge and sink area.

As for other rooms in the house such as bedrooms and living spaces, a general rule of thumb is to vacuum once or twice a week and dust surfaces weekly as well. Of course, this may need to be increased if you have pets or (grand)children who make more messes!

However intense (or not) your daily cleaning routine may be though; it's nothing compared to what some Australians are doing on a regular basis. Recently on social media, one woman kicked off a conversation by sharing her huge weekly cleaning list which covers nine different areas of her home! Not only that but each day has specific tasks assigned to it too... talk about organised!

View attachment 6739
An Aussie Mums cleaning list! Image source: FacebookMumsWhoClean.

Her post prompted many others to share their own lists with equally impressive levels of organisation and detail; including one very impressive spreadsheet table which breaks down each task even further according to time allotment (10 minutes here; 15 minutes there).

View attachment 6740
One woman’s spreadsheet was so popular that fellow mums asked if she could email them a copy. Image source: FacebookMumsWhoClean.

View attachment 6741
All the lists varied in layout and format. Image source: FacebookMumsWhoClean.

But not everyone was convinced that such detailed organisation was necessary... or even possible! Some commenters said they ‘couldn't live like that’, while others preferred to keep more of a mental checklist rather than write everything down. One person simply said: ‘life is too short’.

What do you think? Could you never miss a beat like these highly organised Aussies; or does the thought fill you with dread? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!
These people have a problem and have become addicted to cleaning. I feel they should go out and get a hobby they can enjoy as well as the company. They have made themselves a slave to cleaning and their home. It is sad really because most of the house cleaning can be done as you go. When washing the dishes, wipe down the stove and cooking areas as you go. If you are going into another room, pick up the items that belong in that room and take them with you. When you sweep the kitchen, simply check that all the other areas are okay. To be honest, these people truly need a social life and other interests rather than house cleaning all day. It must drive their families crazy too. Just a minor note; if the house is kept immaculately clean/spotless, how are the children ever going to build up an immune system to the bugs of life?
I have a cleaning regime - different to those in the article, but it’s what works for me. I’m not addicted, and I certainly don’t lack a social life! When our children were young the chores were shared, with each of them (we had four) being responsible for their own rooms and one other area. When my youngest moved out into a share house he was flabbergasted at how badly the other boys were at cooking and cleaning. He had to teach them! He came and thanked me for bringing him up the way he did.
It wasn't a matter of obsession but practicality as a single parent that led to me making a list of cleaning chores that was then split into 4 - one list for me and one for each child, starting with cleaning their room and then going on to do their share of the chores (each list went to a different person each week). As well, each child had to cook one meal (with whatever support they needed) once a week. Within a year or so, they were all competent at cooking and cleaning. They weren't paid for any of that. They got pocket money but sharing in running the house was just part of the whole family's responsibilities. Like the cheesequeen, not only my daughter but her two brothers left home competent to look after themselves and subsequent partners. I think we don't give our children enough (moderate) responsibility at times.
It wasn't a matter of obsession but practicality as a single parent that led to me making a list of cleaning chores that was then split into 4 - one list for me and one for each child, starting with cleaning their room and then going on to do their share of the chores (each list went to a different person each week). As well, each child had to cook one meal (with whatever support they needed) once a week. Within a year or so, they were all competent at cooking and cleaning. They weren't paid for any of that. They got pocket money but sharing in running the house was just part of the whole family's responsibilities. Like the cheesequeen, not only my daughter but her two brothers left home competent to look after themselves and subsequent partners. I think we don't give our children enough (moderate) responsibility at times.
Totally agree! Kudos to you! 👏👏👏👏👏
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Isn't this a normal list of things to do.

If I wrote down every single thing I do my list would be longer.

I like an organised and clean home and I'm not an addict
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All my kids (boy & 2 girls) knew how to do the following when they left home- cook basic meals, vacuum, wash floors, clean bathrooms, toilets, dust, wash & hang clothes, change bedding & towels regularly, I never cracked getting them to iron though! Oh and sew on a button but I'm not sure they ever actually did it. I've discovered after 40 years of having a cleaning lady & now not , that I loathe housework
All my kids (boy & 2 girls) knew how to do the following when they left home- cook basic meals, vacuum, wash floors, clean bathrooms, toilets, dust, wash & hang clothes, change bedding & towels regularly, I never cracked getting them to iron though! Oh and sew on a button but I'm not sure they ever actually did it. I've discovered after 40 years of having a cleaning lady & now not , that I loathe housework
Agree about the ironing, and the sewing on of buttons. My lot still get me to sew on buttons for them. 🤣 I don’t mind as it means I’ll get an extra visit!
Agree about the ironing, and the sewing on of buttons. My lot still get me to sew on buttons for them. 🤣 I don’t mind as it means I’ll get an extra visit!
I think in addition to equipping your kids with these more domestic things there should be a life skills course included about year 9. Learn CPR, running a car, how to budget, how to save, avoid credit/debit cards - that it's spending money you haven't earned yet, and also how compound interest works - cos they have absolutely no idea! Defensive driving.
Cleaning the house is one of those necessary evils that, sadly, we can't escape. No matter how much we may dislike it (and oftentimes, procrastinate), it must be done – especially if we want to maintain a comfortable and pleasant living space.

But just how often should you be cleaning different areas and items in your home? While there's no definitive answer, there are certainly some guidelines you can follow. For example, the kitchen is arguably the most important room in terms of cleanliness, since it's where we prepare our food. Therefore, it should be cleaned daily – or at least every other day – with special attention paid to the stovetop, fridge and sink area.

As for other rooms in the house such as bedrooms and living spaces, a general rule of thumb is to vacuum once or twice a week and dust surfaces weekly as well. Of course, this may need to be increased if you have pets or (grand)children who make more messes!

However intense (or not) your daily cleaning routine may be though; it's nothing compared to what some Australians are doing on a regular basis. Recently on social media, one woman kicked off a conversation by sharing her huge weekly cleaning list which covers nine different areas of her home! Not only that but each day has specific tasks assigned to it too... talk about organised!

View attachment 6739
An Aussie Mums cleaning list! Image source: FacebookMumsWhoClean.

Her post prompted many others to share their own lists with equally impressive levels of organisation and detail; including one very impressive spreadsheet table which breaks down each task even further according to time allotment (10 minutes here; 15 minutes there).

View attachment 6740
One woman’s spreadsheet was so popular that fellow mums asked if she could email them a copy. Image source: FacebookMumsWhoClean.

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All the lists varied in layout and format. Image source: FacebookMumsWhoClean.

But not everyone was convinced that such detailed organisation was necessary... or even possible! Some commenters said they ‘couldn't live like that’, while others preferred to keep more of a mental checklist rather than write everything down. One person simply said: ‘life is too short’.

What do you think? Could you never miss a beat like these highly organised Aussies; or does the thought fill you with dread? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!
What do these people do in their spare time or is there no time for this?

No mention is made about shopping or organising a shopping list & cooking meals, or are these all take-away?

One woman mentioned cleaning the girls rooms. How old are the girls? Surely there comes a time when they can or should do this for themselves or are they too lazy or not doing this to her standards?

Are these ladies slaves to their homes that they need a cleaning list to visit every area & why would anyone put a time limit on these tasks? What happens is these can't be completed in the allowed time?

I pity any housewife who feels this is the way to look after a home. To me this would not feel lived in & l would be afraid to visit lest l leave a mess. I have visions of the hostess with a cleaning cloth following me around. Mrs Bucket in the t.v. series.
I actually find it makes things easier, quicker, and requires less thought. I’m certainly not a slave to house-cleaning, but having a system breaks things up into smaller tasks. In the end, there’s no right or wrong way. It’s just what works for each of us.
Cleaning the house is one of those necessary evils that, sadly, we can't escape. No matter how much we may dislike it (and oftentimes, procrastinate), it must be done – especially if we want to maintain a comfortable and pleasant living space.

But just how often should you be cleaning different areas and items in your home? While there's no definitive answer, there are certainly some guidelines you can follow. For example, the kitchen is arguably the most important room in terms of cleanliness, since it's where we prepare our food. Therefore, it should be cleaned daily – or at least every other day – with special attention paid to the stovetop, fridge and sink area.

As for other rooms in the house such as bedrooms and living spaces, a general rule of thumb is to vacuum once or twice a week and dust surfaces weekly as well. Of course, this may need to be increased if you have pets or (grand)children who make more messes!

However intense (or not) your daily cleaning routine may be though; it's nothing compared to what some Australians are doing on a regular basis. Recently on social media, one woman kicked off a conversation by sharing her huge weekly cleaning list which covers nine different areas of her home! Not only that but each day has specific tasks assigned to it too... talk about organised!

View attachment 6739
An Aussie Mums cleaning list! Image source: FacebookMumsWhoClean.

Her post prompted many others to share their own lists with equally impressive levels of organisation and detail; including one very impressive spreadsheet table which breaks down each task even further according to time allotment (10 minutes here; 15 minutes there).

View attachment 6740
One woman’s spreadsheet was so popular that fellow mums asked if she could email them a copy. Image source: FacebookMumsWhoClean.

View attachment 6741
All the lists varied in layout and format. Image source: FacebookMumsWhoClean.

Some commenters said: These regimes may be necessary when you have young children, but when you are over 70, a fortnightly dust, wipe down, surfaces vacuum and wash floors once a fortnight is sufficient,they ‘couldn't live like that’, while others preferred to keep more of a mental checklist rather than write everything down. One person simply said: ‘life is too short’.x

What do you think? Could you never miss a beat like these highly organised Aussies; or does the thought fill you with dread? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Cleaning the house is one of those necessary evils that, sadly, we can't escape. No matter how much we may dislike it (and oftentimes, procrastinate), it must be done – especially if we want to maintain a comfortable and pleasant living space.

But just how often should you be cleaning different areas and items in your home? While there's no definitive answer, there are certainly some guidelines you can follow. For example, the kitchen is arguably the most important room in terms of cleanliness, since it's where we prepare our food. Therefore, it should be cleaned daily – or at least every other day – with special attention paid to the stovetop, fridge and sink area.

As for other rooms in the house such as bedrooms and living spaces, a general rule of thumb is to vacuum once or twice a week and dust surfaces weekly as well. Of course, this may need to be increased if you have pets or (grand)children who make more messes!

However intense (or not) your daily cleaning routine may be though; it's nothing compared to what some Australians are doing on a regular basis. Recently on social media, one woman kicked off a conversation by sharing her huge weekly cleaning list which covers nine different areas of her home! Not only that but each day has specific tasks assigned to it too... talk about organised!

View attachment 6739
An Aussie Mums cleaning list! Image source: FacebookMumsWhoClean.

Her post prompted many others to share their own lists with equally impressive levels of organisation and detail; including one very impressive spreadsheet table which breaks down each task even further according to time allotment (10 minutes here; 15 minutes there).

View attachment 6740
One woman’s spreadsheet was so popular that fellow mums asked if she could email them a copy. Image source: FacebookMumsWhoClean.

View attachment 6741
All the lists varied in layout and format. Image source: FacebookMumsWhoClean.

But not everyone was convinced that such detailed organisation was necessary... or even possible! Some commenters said they ‘couldn't live like that’, while others preferred to keep more of a mental checklist rather than write everything down. One person simply said: ‘life is too short’.

What do you think? Could you never miss a beat like these highly organised Aussies; or does the thought fill you with dread? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!
This level of cleanliness may be required when you have young children or messy teens, but when you are over 70 you don't make a mess, the main problem then is dust.
A fortnightly thorough dust, wiped down surfaces and vacuum and wash all floors, is completely sufficient. Of course the linen is still changed weekly and washing done as required, maybe only once a week if you don't go out much.
Bathrooms can be wiped down after use and toilet cleaned as required some times daily, eyesight not what it used to be.
Air con ducts and fans cleaned by a contractor monthly, lawns mowed, gutters cleaned and windows washed by a contractor also. If you are elderly and can't manage these things there are government packages available to assist with the cost. You may have to wait a while for your package to come through, but if over 80 assistance is swifter. No excuse for a dirty home, you have to live there after all, and it's so much nicer to have everything clean. Mrs 77
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Whatever works is the best regime, except if living in filth, then it's way over being attended to.
I've always cleaned as I go, because I really have an aversion to mountains of housework that can appear overwhelming.
I'm not a manic cleaner, it's just what suits.
I wished I got paid for the ammount of cleaning, washing, ironing and cooking I've done over the years .. I would be a millionaire!!.

I've taught my kids from a young age that everything has a home .

With toys they had to pack away what they were using before taking something else out
This level of cleanliness may be required when you have young children or messy teens, but when you are over 70 you don't make a mess, the main problem then is dust.
A fortnightly thorough dust, wiped down surfaces and vacuum and wash all floors, is completely sufficient. Of course the linen is still changed weekly and washing done as required, maybe only once a week if you don't go out much.
Bathrooms can be wiped down after use and toilet cleaned as required some times daily, eyesight not what it used to be.
Air con ducts and fans cleaned by a contractor monthly, lawns mowed, gutters cleaned and windows washed by a contractor also. If you are elderly and can't manage these things there are government packages available to assist with the cost. You may have to wait a while for your package to come through, but if over 80 assistance is swifter. No excuse for a dirty home, you have to live there after all, and it's so much nicer to have everything clean. Mrs 77
My mother has a package and gets a cleaner once aweek . Lawns mowed and windows cleaned . It makes such a difference for her . She is turning 77 in march
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Everyone has their own routine for their house and their available time. I am sick of these so called “Influences “ making money handover fist to peddle their spreadsheets, tick lists and making, dare I say it, younger women feel inadequate if they are not producing a “housekeeping output” that they like.
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