Is Earth secretly home to aliens? A Stanford University professor reveals all!
Recently, a Stanford University professor has made a startling claim that not only have aliens visited our planet, but they continue to live among us. How's that for a conversation starter over a cuppa?
Dr Garry Nolan, an immunologist and Nobel Prize nominee, who the CIA has previously commissioned to research UFOs, made these revelations at a conference in Manhattan titled 'The Pentagon, Extraterrestrial Intelligence and Crashed UFOs.'

During the conference, Dr Nolan discussed the possibility of aliens already having visited Earth and residing among us. He claimed that the chances of this happening were '100 per cent' and that we might have even seen them before without realising it. The reason, he explained, is akin to early South American tribes seeing Spanish ships for the first time and not recognising the significance of their presence.
Dr Nolan went on to discuss the idea of aliens using advanced forms of intelligence through intermediaries. He said, 'It's not that they walk among us wearing a skin suit. You're going to put something there that I think of as an intelligence test.'
He further elaborated that humans might have witnessed alien life on Earth without comprehending it.
Dr Nolan also spoke of the experts working on reverse engineering crashed UFOs and the government's handling of UAPs (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena). He mentioned the establishment of The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) by the Department of Defence, which is tasked with investigating UFO sightings.
Another interesting detail revealed by Dr Nolan is his knowledge of researchers working on reverse engineering crashed spaceships. He believes that even a small piece of knowledge could revolutionise human understanding and propel us forward.
However, the professor also made a point to assure listeners that he doesn't believe in any malevolent intentions from these alien visitors. As he put it, 'I'm not worried about them coming and raiding us or taking our women and children. That's not my concern. My concern is how do we use it.'
It's impossible not to be fascinated by these revelations, and while some might be sceptical of the existence of extraterrestrial life on Earth, Dr Nolan's credentials and history of working with such clandestine projects lend some weight to his claims.
In the 20th century, the discussion surrounding the subject intensified as more and more people claimed to have seen or experienced contact with aliens. These accounts include the well-known ‘Roswell Incident’ of 1947, in which an alien spacecraft was reportedly found in a New Mexico desert. This would go on to become one of the most extensively studied UFO cases of all time.
The U.S. government has also gotten involved in the search for extraterrestrial life. In 1969, the US Air Force started Project Blue Book to investigate UFO sightings and files. The project ended in 1971 with the conclusion that there was no evidence that any sightings or contact with extraterrestrials had happened.
However, the study of unidentified objects and possible extraterrestrial life has continued outside of government-funded initiatives. Research groups like SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) have emerged to look for signs of intelligent life in the universe. This work continues today, and while no concrete evidence of aliens has been found yet, the search only intensifies over time.
Without a doubt, the search for extraterrestrial life has captured the imaginations of many for generations. It's unclear where these riveting claims lead us, but it's always satisfying to ponder the vast mysteries of our universe while we go about our daily routines in this small corner of the cosmic neighbourhood.
So the next time you find yourself gazing at the starry night sky, pondering the mysteries of life, remember that there might be some otherworldly beings out there, watching and waiting to see if we've passed their 'intelligence test’.
Do you believe in their existence, and what are your thoughts on the intriguing possibility that they may be living among us? Share your insights and opinions on this fascinating question.
Dr Garry Nolan, an immunologist and Nobel Prize nominee, who the CIA has previously commissioned to research UFOs, made these revelations at a conference in Manhattan titled 'The Pentagon, Extraterrestrial Intelligence and Crashed UFOs.'

According to a Stanford professor, there is a possibility that extraterrestrial beings reside within our midst. Photo by Miriam Espacio
During the conference, Dr Nolan discussed the possibility of aliens already having visited Earth and residing among us. He claimed that the chances of this happening were '100 per cent' and that we might have even seen them before without realising it. The reason, he explained, is akin to early South American tribes seeing Spanish ships for the first time and not recognising the significance of their presence.
Dr Nolan went on to discuss the idea of aliens using advanced forms of intelligence through intermediaries. He said, 'It's not that they walk among us wearing a skin suit. You're going to put something there that I think of as an intelligence test.'
He further elaborated that humans might have witnessed alien life on Earth without comprehending it.
Dr Nolan also spoke of the experts working on reverse engineering crashed UFOs and the government's handling of UAPs (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena). He mentioned the establishment of The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) by the Department of Defence, which is tasked with investigating UFO sightings.
Another interesting detail revealed by Dr Nolan is his knowledge of researchers working on reverse engineering crashed spaceships. He believes that even a small piece of knowledge could revolutionise human understanding and propel us forward.
However, the professor also made a point to assure listeners that he doesn't believe in any malevolent intentions from these alien visitors. As he put it, 'I'm not worried about them coming and raiding us or taking our women and children. That's not my concern. My concern is how do we use it.'
It's impossible not to be fascinated by these revelations, and while some might be sceptical of the existence of extraterrestrial life on Earth, Dr Nolan's credentials and history of working with such clandestine projects lend some weight to his claims.
A Brief History of UFO Sightings and Extraterrestrial Encounters
Reports of mysterious objects in the sky date back decades, and every major culture on the planet has shared tales of encounters with otherworldly beings.In the 20th century, the discussion surrounding the subject intensified as more and more people claimed to have seen or experienced contact with aliens. These accounts include the well-known ‘Roswell Incident’ of 1947, in which an alien spacecraft was reportedly found in a New Mexico desert. This would go on to become one of the most extensively studied UFO cases of all time.
The U.S. government has also gotten involved in the search for extraterrestrial life. In 1969, the US Air Force started Project Blue Book to investigate UFO sightings and files. The project ended in 1971 with the conclusion that there was no evidence that any sightings or contact with extraterrestrials had happened.
However, the study of unidentified objects and possible extraterrestrial life has continued outside of government-funded initiatives. Research groups like SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) have emerged to look for signs of intelligent life in the universe. This work continues today, and while no concrete evidence of aliens has been found yet, the search only intensifies over time.
Key Takeaways
- Stanford University professor Dr Garry Nolan claims that aliens have been on Earth for a long time and are still here.
- Dr Nolan states that experts are working on reverse engineering crashed UFOs.
- He compares the situation to early native tribes seeing new explorers and not realising what they were encountering.
- The U.S. government has been increasing its efforts to investigate extraterrestrial life, with the creation of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) to investigate UFO sightings.
So the next time you find yourself gazing at the starry night sky, pondering the mysteries of life, remember that there might be some otherworldly beings out there, watching and waiting to see if we've passed their 'intelligence test’.
Do you believe in their existence, and what are your thoughts on the intriguing possibility that they may be living among us? Share your insights and opinions on this fascinating question.