Incredible Act of Kindness at Coles - Public plea for 'mystery stranger' who helped a struggling shopper

We here at the SDC understand how hard it can be sometimes to make ends meet. Prices for necessities - such as food, rent and bills - have never been more staggering, leaving many of us to make tough decisions on our weekly shopping trips.

We could all use a little more kindness in the world right now, and a recent online post is a perfect reminder of just how far a little bit of generosity and compassion can go.

A Coles supermarket customer recently took to social media to share the story of an act of kindness that happened at their local store.

Posting on Reddit, the shopper said that their partner was at the checkout at the Byford Coles in Perth when they attempted to pay for groceries. Unfortunately, their card didn’t work, leaving the shopper in a difficult position.

That’s when a stranger, who had been standing in another checkout line, stepped in to pay for the shopper’s groceries.


A random stranger helped a shopper pay for their groceries after their card was declined at the checkout. Credit: Daria Nipot/Shutterstock.

'To the person at Byford Coles, I don’t know if you’ll see this - but thank you for doing what you did today,' they wrote in their post.

'My partner was standing in line, buying our groceries with the last of our money, only to find the card we had didn’t work.'

The Reddit user said that they were 'really worried about what to do', figuring out a way to pay for the groceries.

They continued: 'I don’t know if you want to be thanked, I was told you ran away quite fast but I’m so grateful for you to do such a kind and selfless action of paying for a teen’s weekly shopping.'

'I’m blown away and so amazed and grateful that people like you still exist in the world, I’ll pay forward that kindness whenever I can.'

The heartwarming post received an outpour of responses from other Reddit users, many of whom praised the stranger's random act of kindness.

One person wrote: 'This is what money is for. Nice work to the thoughtful stranger.'

'I’m glad that this person was there to help you and the help was appreciated. Times are tough for a lot of us, so don’t think you’re alone in this,' another added.

Others claimed that they had similar stories to share about their experience of being helped out in the checkout line.

'Had this happen to me a few weeks ago for $80 of shopping, all I did was forget to transfer money from another account, some nice older lady paid before I could even log into my bank app. Thank you again, nice lady,' one user shared.

Another recalled: 'I remember being behind an elderly couple in the checkout queue once and they ran short of money, they were asking the checkout operator to take off the frozen peas and a few other things.'

'I was earning decent money so said “It’s on me, keep those items on.” They burst into tears.’

'My soul? Soared through the day, I felt better for having been able to help.'

The original Reddit poster said they were looking forward to the day they can pay it forward, and we’re sure many other recipients feel the same.

Key Takeaways

  • A Coles supermarket shopper has issued a public message to a mystery customer over an unexpected incident at the checkout.
  • The mystery customer stepped in to pay for the shopper’s groceries when their card did not work.
  • The post prompted an outpouring of emotion from other Reddit users who shared similar experiences.

Members, while it can be hard to stay positive during such difficult times, it is stories like this that remind us how far a kind gesture can go.

Generosity doesn’t always need to come in the form of money - random acts of kindness, like just smiling at someone or offering help when needed, can often make someone’s day.

Well done to this kind stranger and also the Reddit user. Thank you for reminding us that acts of kindness are still alive and well!

If you have a positive story to share about how a stranger has changed your day, or if you’ve been on the giving or receiving end of an act of kindness recently, please share them with us in the comments below. Together, let’s focus on the good!
Good report. I'd like to see more people volunteering, less concerned with themselves. All sorts of charities/organisations need help or neighbours etc. I like to think it's not for me but the recipients. Maybe I get a good feeling back, but what's wrong with just being nice unconditionally?
This incredible act happened to my husband and I at the Coles...Wanneroo check out. I just gave him a big hug and kiss. Thank you to that lovely young gentleman..... may you always have your wishes granted. We were so overwhelmed at this kindness and just didn't get a chance to thank him properly really.
I was shopping one day and a Gentleman was walking past while I was having a cuppa with my teenager and I just smiled at him not even realising, the man came over to us a bit later and said I had smiled at him and it had saved his life as he was going home to commit suicide, because he thought no-one cared about him and my smile had cheered him up that there were caring people in the world so he just wanted to Thank me I did not even realise I had done it as it is natural for me to smile at strangers. You just dont realise how just a smile can make people feel, so, when out and about remember to wear your smile I Do.
When I worked in aged care we took a group of ten residents to a cafe for lunch. With us two staff there were twelve of us. When we went to pay we were told a nice gentleman had already paid for all our lunches, he said he knew how much we would all appreciate it. I later found out he was a workmate of my husbands who told me he had so much respect and admiration for older people that he wanted to do something special for them. He said he also knew how hard we worked in aged care so paying for our lunch his way of saying thank you for looking after our older generation. It was such a nice unexpected and appreciated gesture.

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