In the words of wise man

1. Beware of the naked person offering you clothes

2. When a goat goes missing, the aroma of a neighbor's soup becomes suspicious.

3. The future belongs to risk takers, not to comfort seekers

4. A deaf husband and a blind wife are always a happy couple!

5. The first person you think of in the morning or the last person you think of at night is either the cause of your happiness, or the cause of your pain!

6. Be careful who you trust! Salt and sugar are both white!

7. The walls don't just have ears, they see now!

8. Sometimes you have to play the role of a fool to trick fools who think they are cheating on you!

9. A tough man tells a woman to stop talking, but a wise man tells him that his mouth is beautiful if his lips are closed.

10. The best perfume of a woman is the perfume of her husband's success.

11. A wise man knows that there is something to be learned from everyone.

12. It takes wisdom to understand wisdom.

13. Music is nothing if the audience is deaf

14. None of us are as smart as all of us put together. Work together to be successful

15. If you can't be a bridge to connect people, don't be a wall to separate them

16. If you cannot be a light to illuminate people's good deeds, do not be darkness covering their efforts.

17. If you cannot be water to germinate crops, do not be a wind destroying them!