How to eat a sandwich in three ways—know if you’re eating it wrong!

Sandwiches are a staple in many of our diets, a simple pleasure that unites people across the globe. Who would have thought that a simple meal could stir such passionate debate?

It turns out that the method you use to devour your sandwich might just be a topic hot enough to rival the fiercest discussions on social media.

Recently, a seemingly innocent question posed online—'Where's your next bite?'—has sliced right through the calm exterior of sandwich lovers, revealing a world of contention.

The image accompanying the question showed a sandwich with three potential bite points, labelled A, B, and C. It wasn't long before the internet was abuzz with opinions.

The camps are clearly divided: there are those who attack the crust first, those who dive straight into the centre for the most filling-packed bite, and those who prefer to nibble at a corner.

While some might shrug and say, 'As long as the sandwich gets eaten, what does it matter?'

‘Where’s your next bite’– a question that fuelled heated discussions among sandwich enthusiasts on social media. Image Credit: Reddit

Others are adamant that your choice of bite reveals deep truths about your personality.

In light of the discussion, a video created by online content creator Adam Best has gone viral, with the debate being brought to the forefront.

'Before we talk about the choice between B and C, we can all agree that A is the wrong answer,' Adam firmly stated, saying this is the choice of ‘no sane human being'.

He champions option C, arguing that it allows for an even distribution of toppings and a cleaner eating experience, avoiding the dreaded condiment smear across the face.

However, the internet is not easily swayed, and many have come to the defence of option B, the direct dive into the sandwich's delicious heart.

Critics of this method have been quick to label such eaters as 'psychos', while others have suggested a more strategic approach, combining bites B and C for the perfect balance of flavour and texture.

The debate doesn't stop at just the initial bite. Some strategists have proposed a tactical eating plan, removing bites A and C first to save the best (bite B) for last, ensuring a grand finale of flavour.

Others have considered the practical aspects, such as the need to avoid a mess, making option C the clear winner.

'Not to mention if you have a beard, C is the only way! I think about this stuff all the time,' one commenter said.

This sandwich saga has opened up a Pandora's box of preferences, strategies, and personality assessments, all centred around the way we eat.

It's a reminder that even the simplest of actions can be a window into our habits, quirks, and the unique ways we navigate the world.
Key Takeaways

  • There is a debate over the correct way to eat a sandwich, with opinions divided on whether there is a right or wrong method.
  • A photo showing different options for where to take the next bite sparked heated discussions on social media.
  • Online content creator Adam Best suggested that option 'C' is the correct bite to manage toppings evenly and avoid mess.
  • Social media users shared varied strategies and joked about the personality traits revealed by one's choice of sandwich bite.
Do you agree with any of the points shared in this heated battle? Whether you’re in teams A, B, or C, share your sandwich-eating strategy with us in the comments!
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🤣🤣Are you serious this post should be in the comics section it’s so stupid.🤣🤣
Are we so anal these days because we have nothing of merit to worry about? I foe one do not need lessons on how to eat a sandwich, meat pie, ice cream or any other predictably messy food! Kids have the right idea - they get their face right in it and bloody enjoy it!
What a stupid waste of space . I eat my sandwich how I've always have ? Do you really need stupid articles like this one
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A and C are the same- both taken from the edge. And B would also have been taken from an edge but not a corner. Are we going to say which hand you should use too. Honestly no such thing as wrong or right. IF filling is about to come out I'll bite there!
Who on earth would try to eat this without first cutting the 2 pieces of bread from cornerm to corner. Ie. Into triangles. Manners please!

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