My favourite shopping memories were with my mother as a child, she spent more time fawning over my brothers, as a lot of English mums did back in the day, so getting to spend one on one time with her was wonderful. I loved our Saturday morning shops at the local centre, we would walk there and spend hours window shopping cultimating in a nice lunch at the Myers cafeteria.
She was a constant embarrassment though as she was loud and proud, one day her knicker elastic broke so she calmly picked them up and put them in her bag, another time she started singing at the top of her voice when she saw one of her friends across the pathway, they were both members of an operatic society, I just kept on walking and tried to pretend I wasn't with her.
My most embarrassing moment with her was when I was in hospital having just had my tonsils out at 16.
My stepfather ran into my room to warn me but he didn't need to, I could hear her coming, there were bang crashing noises as something was knocking things to the floor and I instantly knew it was my mother.
She walked into the ward and as I was furthest from the door she politely waved to the other patients there.
Why was this embarrassing you might wonder.
It was because she was on the way to do one of the opera shows and was in full costume, picture Marie Antoinette in full regalia