Aug 18, 2022
Hi from Kalgoorlie

Hi all. New member here from Kalgoorlie. Recently retired from work in the mining game and now busy with a bit of hobby woodworking out in the shed.
I'm a learner at the woodworking, mostly from watching Youtube videos by people who are much better at it than I will ever be, but it is a satisfying hobby.
Hi all. New member here from Kalgoorlie. Recently retired from work in the mining game and now busy with a bit of hobby woodworking out in the shed.
I'm a learner at the woodworking, mostly from watching Youtube videos by people who are much better at it than I will ever be, but it is a satisfying hobby.
Welcome, welcome, welcome @BMKal ! I've always wanted to try woodworking as I'm very interested in house makeovers! Thank you for sharing this introduction with us. We're glad to have you on here!
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Hi all. New member here from Kalgoorlie. Recently retired from work in the mining game and now busy with a bit of hobby woodworking out in the shed.
I'm a learner at the woodworking, mostly from watching Youtube videos by people who are much better at it than I will ever be, but it is a satisfying hobby.
Hi all. New member here from Kalgoorlie. Recently retired from work in the mining game and now busy with a bit of hobby woodworking out in the shed.
I'm a learner at the woodworking, mostly from watching Youtube videos by people who are much better at it than I will ever be, but it is a satisfying hobby.
Hi , wow you have your retirement planned , you won't get bored. What sort of things are you making?
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Hi , wow you gave your retirement planned , you won't get bored. What sort of things are you making?
Thanks. A bit of a variety so far. I do a lot with epoxy resin mixed with timber and sometimes other things. I have vacuum and pressure chambers set up in my shed for casting both clear and coloured resins without bubbles. I make a few pens, crochet hook sets, shoe horns, ice cream scoops, plus turn some bowls / platters all either from just timber or from timber / resin hybrid blanks that I mix and cast myself. Also some small jewellery boxes, and at the moment, heavy kitchen cutting boards and trivets.Web Page Pens 2.pngIMG_1949.jpegIMG_2528.jpgIMG_1699.jpgTimbers of the WA Goldfields 011.jpg
Thanks. A bit of a variety so far. I do a lot with epoxy resin mixed with timber and sometimes other things. I have vacuum and pressure chambers set up in my shed for casting both clear and coloured resins without bubbles. I make a few pens, crochet hook sets, shoe horns, ice cream scoops, plus turn some bowls / platters all either from just timber or from timber / resin hybrid blanks that I mix and cast myself. Also some small jewellery boxes, and at the moment, heavy kitchen cutting boards and trivets.View attachment 5288View attachment 5289View attachment 5290View attachment 5291View attachment 5292
Amazing. Do you sell your products ?
Amazing. Do you sell your products ?
I have sold a few. Most end up as gifts to family / friends / neighbours etc. But occasionally I make things to order for people I know. Have never set up a web page to list or sell what I make, and have only ever sold in a local market once to date.
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Thanks. A bit of a variety so far. I do a lot with epoxy resin mixed with timber and sometimes other things. I have vacuum and pressure chambers set up in my shed for casting both clear and coloured resins without bubbles. I make a few pens, crochet hook sets, shoe horns, ice cream scoops, plus turn some bowls / platters all either from just timber or from timber / resin hybrid blanks that I mix and cast myself. Also some small jewellery boxes, and at the moment, heavy kitchen cutting boards and trivets.View attachment 5288View attachment 5289View attachment 5290View attachment 5291View attachment 5292
Oh my gosh, @BMKal ! These are FANTASTIC! :O I'm blown away!
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I have sold a few. Most end up as gifts to family / friends / neighbours etc. But occasionally I make things to order for people I know. Have never set up a web page to list or sell what I make, and have only ever sold in a local market once to date.
You should sell on line. I would buy them
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You should sell on line. I would buy them
Thanks. Once I have settled down and got back into it, I might try selling a few on line - though I have no idea how to set up a website / advertise etc. I have sold a few by posting pics on the Australian Landrover Owners' forum where I am a member and have met quite a few people on interstate trips and a couple of events. My working background was in mining, so I have never had any real experience in selling things.
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Thanks. Once I have settled down and got back into it, I might try selling a few on line - though I have no idea how to set up a website / advertise etc. I have sold a few by posting pics on the Australian Landrover Owners' forum where I am a member and have met quite a few people on interstate trips and a couple of events. My working background was in mining, so I have never had any real experience in selling things.
Maybe ebay might be a good starting point, or Facebook market place. The pieces are too amazing not to sell and share
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