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Golfing Genie
Guy out playing golf comes to the third hole, a short par 3. He hits the ball which runs onto the green and straight into the hole for a "hole in one"
He walks up to get his ball when suddenly a genie pops out of the hole.
"Hello master, you have scored a hole in one and I will grant any one wish you may have" He thinks for a moment and says "I'd like a big dick, please" There's a bright flash and the genie is gone.
He continues his game and by the tenth hole his dick has grown and is hanging by his kneecap. By the fourteenth it's down by his ankles and by the end of the round it's hanging out the bottom of his trousers and dragging on the ground, causing him severe discomfort as it's now covered in grass and gravel.
He goes to the pro shop, gets a bucket of balls and heads back to the third tee. After hitting ball after ball for an hour or so, he finally gets another hole in one.
He walks up to the hole to get his ball and out pops the genie again.
"Hello master, you have scored a hole in one and I will grant any one wish you may have"
"Er, can I have some longer legs please!"