I lost my father when he was 61, After he worked long hours during the war and during my National Service I spent 17 months overseas I did not get has much time with my father I would have liked, If I had a problem I could always get Sound advice from him, I know he would have enjoyed life in Australia If he had lived.

Dennis R's morning Pun. Why aren't vampires welcome in blood banks? Because they only make withdrawals.
I was fortunate enough to care for my dad in the last years of his life. We had never been really close but we shared so much during those two years and grew very close. He shared so much with Ted & I & now we have such beautiful memories. My brother & sister are often amazed when I will relate something & they wonder how I know & it’s always “dad told me” they could have had the same memories if they had chosen to spend more time with him. How I miss him, especially on our shared birthday.
I was fortunate enough to care for my dad in the last years of his life. We had never been really close but we shared so much during those two years and grew very close. He shared so much with Ted & I & now we have such beautiful memories. My brother & sister are often amazed when I will relate something & they wonder how I know & it’s always “dad told me” they could have had the same memories if they had chosen to spend more time with him. How I miss him, especially on our shared birthday.
PattiB - you're spot on.
It all changes when the children have their own children. Suddenly Mum and Dad are a great source of knowledge and advice....sometimes.

Mind you, kids can often dismiss the parents because they don't understand, they've never had to go through what they're going through or they're simply too old or out of date....and besides, the the new parents know exactly what they're doing because of friends, Google or midwife support....until they don't.

You just sit and watch, offer little bits of advice and wait for them to either think of something for themselves (that you've already told them before) or they just come to you in desperation (and fatigue) for help.

It wonderful to watch and grin...with love 😊
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I had the same feelings when I lost my dad 3 years ago, but I am glad I didn't have to wait till 40 years old to understand that my dad was right all the time, and I had enough time in the past a couple of years of his life to be near him, learn as much as I could and be happy to have such an amazing dad! Love you forever
You know not all of us grow up with great parents, and I am sure there were a lot of perfect parents out there who did right by their children. The one thing I tried to pass onto my children was if there was ever a problem that they could always come to me and tell me, or ask for help. It worked to a point and now that they are grown, grandma is called upon sometimes to talk through problems with the boys when mum and dad cant.

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