Funding rules shift as NDIS restructures support framework

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), a lifeline for many Australians living with disabilities, is undergoing significant changes this week.

These updates, the subject of intense debate and anticipation, are set to reshape how participants receive and manage their support.

With less than two days' notice before the changes take effect, the disability community has been left scrambling to understand the implications for their funding and support.

One of the most notable changes is introducing a clear definition of 'NDIS support.'

This definition is crucial as it delineates what the scheme will and will not fund.

The detailed list of approved supports includes items and services directly linked to managing a disability, such as eligible assistance animals, specialist disability housing, and early intervention supports for children.

Major changes to the NDIS include a clear definition of 'NDIS support' and a detailed funding list. Credit: ABC News Australia / YouTube

However, the scheme will not cover services that are not evidence-based or directly linked to a participant's disability, such as childcare fees, alternative therapies like crystal and wilderness therapy, and everyday living costs like rent, groceries, and bills.

Suppose participants require something not on the list to manage their disability.

In that case, they can request consideration from the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), which will evaluate the item's value for money and supporting evidence.

The NDIS Minister, Bill Shorten, has emphasised that the NDIA will consider requests for items not on the list if they can be more cost-effective or beneficial than the approved alternatives.

‘You might need a pair of specially designed shoes because of your disability. That could cost literally hundreds and hundreds of dollars,’ he said.

‘If you can prove that getting [that] particular shoe off the shelf actually is better than the specially designed one, even though that shoe is not on the list, the agency will take that into account.’

To ease the transition, participants will not be penalized for inadvertently purchasing unapproved items for a 12-month period.

‘If you make a mistake … we'll be in touch to let you know and help you understand what you can do,’ the NDIA stated.

It will only pursue action for incorrectly claimed supports over $1,500 or if there is a pattern of incorrect claims despite advice.

Another significant change is the way funding amounts and periods are presented.

New plans will now show a total budget figure and indicate the funding duration, moving away from the previous line-by-line support items.

This change is designed to prevent 'intra-plan inflation,' which occurs when participants exhaust their funds quickly and seek additional support.

Plans will initially last 12 months, and some adjustments can now be made without creating a new plan.

The NDIA also gains greater authority to manage a participant's plan if there is suspicion of fund misuse.

However, some disability advocates are concerned that these new powers lack sufficient participant safeguards.

While most participants won't see immediate changes, the transition to the new planning framework will bring more noticeable shifts later next year.

Other recommendations from the NDIS review, such as 'foundational supports' for those outside the scheme, are still being discussed.

Specifics will be determined through co-design with the disability sector.

The disability community's response to these changes has been mixed.

While some see the potential for a clearer and simpler experience with the NDIS, others are frustrated by the lack of transparency and the short notice given for such significant changes.

Advocates like El Gibbs, deputy CEO of Disability Advocacy Network Australia, have expressed disappointment.

‘This has been a time of significant change and concern for people with disability, and that is continuing with these lists out at such short notice,’ he said.

‘It's not fair that people with disability are being expected to wade through enormous changes with no support and no clear explanation.’

Credit: YouTube

Key Takeaways

  • Major changes to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) include a clear definition of 'NDIS support' and a detailed list of what can and cannot be funded by the scheme.
  • The list of approved supports does not cover services not directly linked to a person's disability, such as childcare fees and rent.
  • Participants will have a 12-month transition period to adjust to the new rules, during which time the NDIA will not automatically punish accidental non-approved purchases of less than $1,500.
  • Additional changes involve consolidating funding amounts and periods, more flexibility in plan adjustments, and increased NDIA powers to manage funds.
How do you feel about the NDIS changes? What support do you need to adapt to the new framework? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below.
Let’s hope something serious is done. It’s being used for things like cucumber facials, hot rock massage, manicures, and other wasteful things. The NDIS is costing us, the taxpayer, more annually than the total cost of the annual Medicare bill. I have a daughter in her 30’s, who is registered with NDIS, and can’t even get help to clean her house. She really struggles, but would never abuse the system. My husband and I pay for any help she needs. She also requires an annual MRI to monitor the progress and degenerative changes in the brain and spinal lesions, and that leaves her $900.00 out of pocket. Again, my husband and I pay without question. I think it’s changed into a total scam. A child with Autism, is no longer included in the NDIS. Gezabel.
I'm new to the NDIS this year. I have trouble wading through the pages upon pages of information sent to me. My funds are managed by a plan manager employed by the NDIS. I have difficulty reading and understanding their Graph illustrations of my spending and funds. It's frustrating. I need as much as possible to be fluent in what the ndis is doing around me. It seems much is deliberately too complicated. Like a smoke screen to ward people away from managing their own life. The NDIS is supposed to be empowering.

Frustrating too, that the pages and pages of information sent by the NDIA are so hard for me to comprehend even after reading it all. My academically minded daughter is capable of this understanding and comprehension, but she's overworked and hard to get hold of. My sister has a similarly academic mind, but she says it's far beyond her comprehension and understanding. She also has a demanding job.

I'd like to be able to understand all the aspects I need to, but finding them on the NDIS website is like trying to do a jigsaw puzzle with pieces scattered to the four winds and four directions. It's like trying to locate 4 words in a long book that it's impossible to read.

I hope that's a good illustration. I'm not completely without intelligence either. As much as I can I read the NDIS correspondence, but understanding all the languageand detail? That's what we have trouble with. The NDIS/NDIA have their own language/jargon.

With the medication I'm taking and my bad health.. it's just so darn hard. I feel Powerless, Frustrated, and Worried. Stressed. Which is not conducive to good mental health. Which is the basis for my Access.

We don't all have 150 IQ. These new scheme changes? Will they bring greater ease of use? I hope so. At least a bit. Also, greater automony and less routing is a hope.

However I also fear that the disadvantaged may miss out on much needed supports that the new rules preclude somehow.

I had a stroke in 2021. I'm left physically disabled from that too.
Though my access to NDIS is based on psychosocial needs.

When the stroke happened it was a "silent" one. Likely a discreet bleed. I wish my obvious physical impairment were evidence enough for assistance. No medical scanning proof, no ndis assistance for physical supports. Dor example. I don't get showering assistance enough.

That makes me sad and worried too. My mental health is marked by depression, so not a good stressor on my life. I know a lot of disabled and senior people live lives lot worse than mine. So the Functional supports for everyone are of paramount importance. Capacity building too. Though in my case in that regard, I think they are expecting miracles regarding my mobility capacity. It's compromised. Permanently I think. Let's pray for miracles for everyone
Let’s hope something serious is done. It’s being used for things like cucumber facials, hot rock massage, manicures, and other wasteful things. The NDIS is costing us, the taxpayer, more annually than the total cost of the annual Medicare bill. I have a daughter in her 30’s, who is registered with NDIS, and can’t even get help to clean her house. She really struggles, but would never abuse the system. My husband and I pay for any help she needs. She also requires an annual MRI to monitor the progress and degenerative changes in the brain and spinal lesions, and that leaves her $900.00 out of pocket. Again, my husband and I pay without question. I think it’s changed into a total scam. A child with Autism, is no longer included in the NDIS. Gezabel.
I've read elsewhere that many NDIS clients are capable of work and being self sufficient but know how to present to qualify for money and services.
I honestly think that there are far too many people on disability. You were depressed 30 years ago & still on disability? And there are thousands like that out there taking advantage of the scheme. I think everyone should be reassessed yearly or every 2 years & not by the same people. Many people have had it too easy for too long. I agree with pulling the strings in. I also do not agree that people on disability pensions don't have to be means tested. Why not? There are a couple near me on NDIS, that rent their beach side house out for a B&B whilst they live in their other house in Nimbin. I mean really? Whilst people in nursing homes are means tested on the money they handed over to the nursing home for the cost of the room. They still have to pay 85% of the taxable pension on top of the means tested fee. Who has the better deal?
It's sad how some abuse the system and ruin it for others. I am a high falls risk, only manage to stand for a few seconds. I was scripted a manual wheelchair in August last year and still waiting .My OT keeps emailing them with urgent headlines and NDIA promised they get back with an answer within 48 hours...-that was a month ago-
My hubby has chronic fatigue and we are full time carers for our young grandson on the spectrum....if I end up having a bad fall ,it could change our whole life :(
I desperately need to have the six steep steps removed from the front of my house and replaced with a ramp. I could do with a wheelchair too. Was knocked back twice. Ok l just said thank you. I am disappointed but someone else must need the funding more than me. But to read people were given funding for crystals and nature walks. A kick in the guts really. The fear l have trying to get down the steps with a walker every morning and then trying to get back up them with crutches.
I have given up on NDIS.
Kind regards to all Vicki
Firstly, the NDIS must implement a much stricter screening process for service providers and its employees.

This includes investigations into past financial dealings of all principals of the service providers and all employees undergo a National Police Check and eligibility for working with children. That will hopefully weed out the shonks, resulting in a reduction in non existent or poor service provision and a saving of money in what is a multi billion dollar industry. Tax evasion is a major problem with many providers under reporting their income and over reporting from service delivery.

I have seen first hand the amount of unscrupulous people infecting the disability sector having been a employee of NDIA in 2018.
Let’s hope something serious is done. It’s being used for things like cucumber facials, hot rock massage, manicures, and other wasteful things. The NDIS is costing us, the taxpayer, more annually than the total cost of the annual Medicare bill. I have a daughter in her 30’s, who is registered with NDIS, and can’t even get help to clean her house. She really struggles, but would never abuse the system. My husband and I pay for any help she needs. She also requires an annual MRI to monitor the progress and degenerative changes in the brain and spinal lesions, and that leaves her $900.00 out of pocket. Again, my husband and I pay without question. I think it’s changed into a total scam. A child with Autism, is no longer included in the NDIS. Gezabel.
If the MRI is ordered by a specialist it should be at least partly claimable on Medicare.
It's sad how some abuse the system and ruin it for others. I am a high falls risk, only manage to stand for a few seconds. I was scripted a manual wheelchair in August last year and still waiting .My OT keeps emailing them with urgent headlines and NDIA promised they get back with an answer within 48 hours...-that was a month ago-
My hubby has chronic fatigue and we are full time carers for our young grandson on the spectrum....if I end up having a bad fall ,it could change our whole life :(
Oh darling that is just not on, you and hubby and grandson are the people who need NDIS help so much and you are still waiting on a wheelchair. It's just not on. I know what you mean about the balance problem this is why l use crutches in the house. The fear is very real.
I am so sorry you and hubby are struggling so much.
Sending you my love and best wishes.
Love Vicki
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As far as I'm concerned, the NDIS is the biggest SCAM ever devised. There appears to be little control over how the money is spent & by whom. Even the NDIS supports the rip-offs. My s-i-l is on the aged pension so eligible for aged care assistance but she can't get her gardening done through that scheme so she gets it through the NDIS which is paid to her grandson who lives with her. Talk about double dipping!!! And the NDIS provider supports her with this scam & have said they will do all in their power to keep providing her with gardening services.
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As far as I'm concerned, the NDIS is the biggest SCAM ever devised. There appears to be little control over how the money is spent & by whom. Even the NDIS supports the rip-offs. My s-i-l is on the aged pension so eligible for aged care assistance but she can't get her gardening done through that scheme so she gets it through the NDIS which is paid to her grandson who lives with her. Talk about double dipping!!! And the NDIS provider supports her with this scam & have said they will do all in their power to keep providing her with gardening services.
Could not agree more with you.
Kind regards Vicki
I desperately need to have the six steep steps removed from the front of my house and replaced with a ramp. I could do with a wheelchair too. Was knocked back twice. Ok l just said thank you. I am disappointed but someone else must need the funding more than me. But to read people were given funding for crystals and nature walks. A kick in the guts really. The fear l have trying to get down the steps with a walker every morning and then trying to get back up them with crutches.
I have given up on NDIS.
Kind regards to all Vicki
Hi Vicki, I agree with you that there are many people out there who abuse the system & do not deserve it as much as others like yourself. However, I have known all my life that I was gradually getting older & knew that the day would come when I would struggle with stairs etc. That is why I started adjusting things years ago so that I wouldn't have to depend on government handouts. I have extremely painful legs & feet & can barely walk somedays & I can't even get a wheelie sticker!
As far as I'm concerned, the NDIS is the biggest SCAM ever devised. There appears to be little control over how the money is spent & by whom. Even the NDIS supports the rip-offs. My s-i-l is on the aged pension so eligible for aged care assistance but she can't get her gardening done through that scheme so she gets it through the NDIS which is paid to her grandson who lives with her. Talk about double dipping!!! And the NDIS provider supports her with this scam & have said they will do all in their power to keep providing her with gardening services.
I had to read this twice as SIL in NDIS speak means Supported Independent Living.

When you actually meant "sister in law".

Silly me! 😊
I'm new to the NDIS this year. I have trouble wading through the pages upon pages of information sent to me. My funds are managed by a plan manager employed by the NDIS. I have difficulty reading and understanding their Graph illustrations of my spending and funds. It's frustrating. I need as much as possible to be fluent in what the ndis is doing around me. It seems much is deliberately too complicated. Like a smoke screen to ward people away from managing their own life. The NDIS is supposed to be empowering.

Frustrating too, that the pages and pages of information sent by the NDIA are so hard for me to comprehend even after reading it all. My academically minded daughter is capable of this understanding and comprehension, but she's overworked and hard to get hold of. My sister has a similarly academic mind, but she says it's far beyond her comprehension and understanding. She also has a demanding job.

I'd like to be able to understand all the aspects I need to, but finding them on the NDIS website is like trying to do a jigsaw puzzle with pieces scattered to the four winds and four directions. It's like trying to locate 4 words in a long book that it's impossible to read.

I hope that's a good illustration. I'm not completely without intelligence either. As much as I can I read the NDIS correspondence, but understanding all the languageand detail? That's what we have trouble with. The NDIS/NDIA have their own language/jargon.

With the medication I'm taking and my bad health.. it's just so darn hard. I feel Powerless, Frustrated, and Worried. Stressed. Which is not conducive to good mental health. Which is the basis for my Access.

We don't all have 150 IQ. These new scheme changes? Will they bring greater ease of use? I hope so. At least a bit. Also, greater automony and less routing is a hope.

However I also fear that the disadvantaged may miss out on much needed supports that the new rules preclude somehow.

I had a stroke in 2021. I'm left physically disabled from that too.
Though my access to NDIS is based on psychosocial needs.

When the stroke happened it was a "silent" one. Likely a discreet bleed. I wish my obvious physical impairment were evidence enough for assistance. No medical scanning proof, no ndis assistance for physical supports. Dor example. I don't get showering assistance enough.

That makes me sad and worried too. My mental health is marked by depression, so not a good stressor on my life. I know a lot of disabled and senior people live lives lot worse than mine. So the Functional supports for everyone are of paramount importance. Capacity building too. Though in my case in that regard, I think they are expecting miracles regarding my mobility capacity. It's compromised. Permanently I think. Let's pray for miracles for everyone
First thing to do is get yourself a "Support Coordinator - this is funded through the NDIS. They will be able to help you understand what everything means. They will help you find what you need. Our daughter is disabled and we use one and also we use an accountant to pay all her bills - also funded. I don't have time to be worrying about paying her accounts. I believe that there is available "plain language" information on the NDIS. Best of luck.
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Hi Vicki, I agree with you that there are many people out there who abuse the system & do not deserve it as much as others like yourself. However, I have known all my life that I was gradually getting older & knew that the day would come when I would struggle with stairs etc. That is why I started adjusting things years ago so that I wouldn't have to depend on government handouts. I have extremely painful legs & feet & can barely walk somedays & I can't even get a wheelie sticker!
Oh darling l am so sorry you are struggling as well. If l had known years ago how l would have ended up l would have done a ramp 20 years ago. Now l am not in a financial position to do so. Nevermind as long as l can keep upright.
Please take care.
Love and best wishes to you
I desperately need to have the six steep steps removed from the front of my house and replaced with a ramp. I could do with a wheelchair too. Was knocked back twice. Ok l just said thank you. I am disappointed but someone else must need the funding more than me. But to read people were given funding for crystals and nature walks. A kick in the guts really. The fear l have trying to get down the steps with a walker every morning and then trying to get back up them with crutches.
I have given up on NDIS.
Kind regards to all Vicki
Gather up all your information, quotes, physiotherapy and doctors reports and go and see your local MP. Might be able to help. Best of luck
Our daughter is disable and lives with three others in a staffed house. Reading the things that people have charged to the NGIS in the paper yesterday is just mind boggling. It makes me wonder just how many of these false claims were done by people who "self manage" their plans. Very creative accounting by some people. We have a Support Coordinator and an Accountant (both funded ) to handle things for our daughter. We have never had a false claim or anything rejected. Glad to see the list of what can be claimed. Rent, groceries and those airy fairy "therapies" were never allowed under the NDIS rules. Hope all thos people who have ripped off the system now have to face going without.

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