First Australians
Hello, I'm not being racist or anything derogatory about First Australians, some are extremely nice, but in the backblocks, some are not. My big peeve is the amount of time spent on promoting First Australians. They need help, fair enough, but does everybody have to climb on the bandwagon? Bugger it, I have been an Australian all my life, never been out of the country, love it, but because I don't have 'First' in front of Australian, we are being treated as secondhand citizens. Okay, the white man 'invaded' the country, but is anyone telling me what the country would be like without the 'white man'? From some of the things I've read, the Aboriginal groups were as territorial as anyone and would fight one another over land, they were living in abodes that were primitive. And some still treat their abodes. in today's housing, as though they were the same primitive dwellings as before. You can rip into me as much as you like, that's okay, but how many of you have seen the destruction caused to some of the premises they have lived in? I used to be in the house repair business, and I have had to fix a lot of their damage, ask the authorities, if they have the guts for an honest reply, as to the cost of repairing these damaged properties. And who pays for it? We do. And because of the damaged they are moved to a new premises, maybe to trash it, they don't pay for the damage. And here we are, white people, who if we did that to a dwelling would be kicked out on the street, and do we get all this assistance that is available to them? Why? Aren't we entitled to the same benefits? Why not? Because we have white skin? I have done as much for this country as any First Australian, but are still treated as shit. Without a lot of other Australians the government wouldn't have the money to give 'First Australians' their 'preferential treatment, then where would they be? Sorry for the long ramble but like I said some things get under my skin, I think there should be a fair treatment of all of us, we have all been here doing our thing and should be treated as such.