Easy prawns linguine

A 20-minute Prawns Linguine made with cherry tomatoes, white wine, garlic, chilli, and parsley. This simple Italian pasta dish is fresh, delicious and super easy to make. Serve with lemon wedges and a nice cold glass of vino. Simple pasta recipes are always best, there’s no reason to overcomplicate it with fancy or a never-ending list of ingredients. You’ll be surprised how incredibly delicious this linguine recipe is and it’s made with only a few pantry staples and juicy, fresh shrimp.


1 tbsp. olive oil

lemon wedges for serving

fresh parsley for serving

A pack of linguine

1/4 cup white wine

2 cloves garlic, finely chopped

1 banana shallot, finely chopped

1/2 fresh red chilli, finely chopped

30 grams of cherry tomatoes, cut in half

Raw jumbo prawns, deveined

Cook the linguine according to packet instructions until al dente making sure to reserve 1/2 cup (125ml) pasta water before draining.
Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a large pan and add the garlic, shallots and fresh chilli. Saute for 1-2 minutes until soft and translucent but not browned.
Next, add the sliced cherry tomatoes and cook down for around 5 minutes until they start to soften and become saucy.

Add the white wine and let it reduce by half, it should still be saucy. Add the raw shrimp and cook, stirring occasionally until they turn pink. Once pink add a splash of pasta water (around 1/4 cup).
Add the cooked linguine and toss in the sauce, sprinkle over some freshly chopped parsley and serve with fresh lemon wedges.
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I am making this for dinner tonight and might add some mud crab if my son brings one home. It looks and sounds pretty quick and easy and should be very tasty I imagine. Picked up some fresh local prawns just to make it. Thanks for the recipe!
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I am making this for dinner tonight and might add some mud crab if my son brings one home. It looks and sounds pretty quick and easy and should be very tasty I imagine. Picked up some fresh local prawns just to make it. Thanks for the recipe!
Never had much to do with prawns so can you tell me with raw prawns do you still take the black vein out of the prawn while raw and how difficult is that?
Never had much to do with prawns so can you tell me with raw prawns do you still take the black vein out of the prawn while raw and how difficult is that?
Peel the shell off, break off the head and pull the string out or pull some flesh back and gently pull the string out. As I have been doing this all my life its easy for me but I'm sure you will be able to do it too. I like to remove this as I don't like to leave it in although some people do leave it in saying it gives it flavour.
Peel the shell off, break off the head and pull the string out or pull some flesh back and gently pull the string out. As I have been doing this all my life its easy for me but I'm sure you will be able to do it too. I like to remove this as I don't like to leave it in although some people do leave it in saying it gives it flavour.
Hi Witsun, I just saw a good idea for devaining prawns using a fork. Check todays newsletter. This maybe easier for you..oldchook58
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Peel the shell off, break off the head and pull the string out or pull some flesh back and gently pull the string out. As I have been doing this all my life its easy for me but I'm sure you will be able to do it too. I like to remove this as I don't like to leave it in although some people do leave it in saying it gives it flavour.

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