Easiest Bread

One of my favourite Home cooks is RecipeTineats and this is one of her recipes I want to share , it's so very easy to make and the most amazing bread

3 cups of bread or plain flour

2 tsp instant or rapid rise yeast make sure it's fresh

2 tsp cooking salt

1 1/2 cups of very warm tap water


1) mix flour, Yeast and salt in large bowl. Add water , then use handle of wooden spoon to mix . Stir until flour is absorbed.
Dough will be wet and not kneadable but thicker than cake batter

2) Cover with cling wrap and leave to rise for 3 hours. Should double in size

3) Preheat oven 230 Celsius or 450 Fahrenheit for 30 minutes prior to baking and add empty Dutch oven preferably a cast iron one , we want to heat the pan

4) sprinkle work surface with flour. Empty dough into surface, Using 1 large knife or scrapper fold sides inward about 6 folds. No kneading required.

5) slide a piece of baking paper next to dough ( not waxed paper) now slide dough onto paper and carefully take out preheated pan and lift paper with dough and place in pan cover with lid

6) cook in oven for 30 minutes then remove lid and cook a further 12 minutes or until golden. Then remove from oven and cool on rack for 10 minutes

# note I use a cast iron Dutch oven with lid any size as long as it's 26 cm or larger
Heavy roasting pan with lid will also work

A cast iron Dutch oven is an amazing piece to cook with gives the same result as a wood oven. You don't need to pay alot for one, kmart sell one for $30
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This is awesome! Baking bread can seem intimidating if you've never done it before but this makes me want to try it out now. :D
3 cups of bread or plain flour

2 tsp instant or rapid rise yeast make sure it's fresh

2 tsp cooking or Kosher salt

1 1/2 cups of very warm tap water


1) mix flour, Yeast and salt in large bowl. Add water , then use handle of wooden spoon to mix . Stir until flour is absorbed.
Dough will be wet and not kneadable but thicker than cake batter

2) Cover with cling wrap and leave to rise for 3 hours. Should double in size

3) Preheat oven 230 Celsius or 450 Fahrenheit for 30 minutes prior to baking and add empty Dutch oven preferably a cast iron one , we want to heat the pan

4) sprinkle work surface with flour. Empty dough into surface, Using 1 large knife or scrapper fold sides inward about 6 folds. No kneading required.

5) slide a piece of baking paper next to dough ( not waxed paper) now slide dough onto paper and carefully take out preheated pan and lift paper with dough and place in pan cover with lid

6) cook in oven for 30 minutes then remove lid and cook a further 12 minutes or until golden. Then remove from oven and cool on rack for 10 minutes

# note I use a cast iron Dutch oven with lid any size as long as it's 26 cm or larger
Heavy roasting pan with lid will also work

A cast iron Dutch oven is an amazing piece to cook with gives the same result as a wood oven. You don't need to pay alot for one
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3 cups of bread or plain flour

2 tsp instant or rapid rise yeast make sure it's fresh

2 tsp cooking or Kosher salt

1 1/2 cups of very warm tap water


1) mix flour, Yeast and salt in large bowl. Add water , then use handle of wooden spoon to mix . Stir until flour is absorbed.
Dough will be wet and not kneadable but thicker than cake batter

2) Cover with cling wrap and leave to rise for 3 hours. Should double in size

3) Preheat oven 230 Celsius or 450 Fahrenheit for 30 minutes prior to baking and add empty Dutch oven preferably a cast iron one , we want to heat the pan

4) sprinkle work surface with flour. Empty dough into surface, Using 1 large knife or scrapper fold sides inward about 6 folds. No kneading required.

5) slide a piece of baking paper next to dough ( not waxed paper) now slide dough onto paper and carefully take out preheated pan and lift paper with dough and place in pan cover with lid

6) cook in oven for 30 minutes then remove lid and cook a further 12 minutes or until golden. Then remove from oven and cool on rack for 10 minutes

# note I use a cast iron Dutch oven with lid any size as long as it's 26 cm or larger
Heavy roasting pan with lid will also work

A cast iron Dutch oven is an amazing piece to cook with gives the same result as a wood oven. You don't need to pay alot for one
Where can I purchase kosher salt please. I have asked at Woolworths and Coles but neither of them stock it. No delis have it either.
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