Driver draws flak online for 'selfish' parking act – is this behaviour okay?

Who doesn't like going to IGA? They're always so friendly, plus they usually have great produce sections.

We often find ourselves popping into our local IGA to stock up on bits and pieces we need for dinner or snacks throughout the week. It's just a lot more convenient than having to drive to the city – especially now that petrol is so expensive!

But as much as we love our beloved independent grocers, there are still some people out there who just don't know how to act when they visit one.

Case in point: this Tasmanian driver who was recently snapped with their ute and trailer combo selfishly taking up not one, not two... but six whole parking slots in St Helens Tasmania last week!


A driver was snapped taking up six parking spaces for their ute and trailer. Credit: Facebook.

The incident was brought to light when an anonymous witness snapped a photo of the silver ute and attached trailer and shared it on the popular Facebook page 'Crap Tasmanian Drivers and Inconsiderate Parkers'.

'The car takes up 4 spots, the trailer takes up 2 spots, so 6 spots were taken up by one idiot,' the user wrote in his scathing post on social media, clearly irritated by what they had seen.

They added that there was an available long vehicle parking about 5 metres away, and yet, the driver still chose to take up six parking spaces.

While it appears that the person who took the photo was irritated by the driver's parking act, other people were more understanding, claiming that the driver most likely had no choice.

Somebody mentioned that at least the car and trailer weren't sticking out into traffic, which may cause an accident. Another person suggested that perhaps the long bay was already occupied when the driver entered the parking lot.

'This is not okay, but this is also not inconveniencing or hurting anyone! Maybe people should just worry about themselves and what affects them,' added a third.

A fourth user went on to say: 'It's hard to go to town with a trailer on if you need it for one job, but you have to do other things while you're in town.'

'But honestly, if you can't park it, then maybe get some practice in one day when you have some spare time. I was taught how to back a trailer before I was old enough to get a licence,' they added.

We can see why customers might be annoyed; if it's a busy time of day and the parking lot is already mostly full, it's frustrating to watch a car take up more space than necessary.

What do you think, members? Is this parking behaviour okay? Let us know in the comments!
Who doesn't like going to IGA? They're always so friendly, plus they usually have great produce sections.

We often find ourselves popping into our local IGA to stock up on bits and pieces we need for dinner or snacks throughout the week. It's just a lot more convenient than having to drive to the city – especially now that petrol is so expensive!

But as much as we love our beloved independent grocers, there are still some people out there who just don't know how to act when they visit one.

Case in point: this Tasmanian driver who was recently snapped with their ute and trailer combo selfishly taking up not one, not two... but six whole parking slots in St Helens Tasmania last week!


A driver was snapped taking up six parking spaces for their ute and trailer. Credit: Facebook.

The incident was brought to light when an anonymous witness snapped a photo of the silver ute and attached trailer and shared it on the popular Facebook page 'Crap Tasmanian Drivers and Inconsiderate Parkers'.

'The car takes up 4 spots, the trailer takes up 2 spots, so 6 spots were taken up by one idiot,' the user wrote in his scathing post on social media, clearly irritated by what they had seen.

They added that there was an available long vehicle parking about 5 metres away, and yet, the driver still chose to take up six parking spaces.

While it appears that the person who took the photo was irritated by the driver's parking act, other people were more understanding, claiming that the driver most likely had no choice.

Somebody mentioned that at least the car and trailer weren't sticking out into traffic, which may cause an accident. Another person suggested that perhaps the long bay was already occupied when the driver entered the parking lot.

'This is not okay, but this is also not inconveniencing or hurting anyone! Maybe people should just worry about themselves and what affects them,' added a third.

A fourth user went on to say: 'It's hard to go to town with a trailer on if you need it for one job, but you have to do other things while you're in town.'

'But honestly, if you can't park it, then maybe get some practice in one day when you have some spare time. I was taught how to back a trailer before I was old enough to get a licence,' they added.

We can see why customers might be annoyed; if it's a busy time of day and the parking lot is already mostly full, it's frustrating to watch a car take up more space than necessary.

What do you think, members? Is this parking behaviour okay? Let us know in the comments!
It is annoying but there looks to be plenty of other spaces available
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Who doesn't like going to IGA? They're always so friendly, plus they usually have great produce sections.

We often find ourselves popping into our local IGA to stock up on bits and pieces we need for dinner or snacks throughout the week. It's just a lot more convenient than having to drive to the city – especially now that petrol is so expensive!

But as much as we love our beloved independent grocers, there are still some people out there who just don't know how to act when they visit one.

Case in point: this Tasmanian driver who was recently snapped with their ute and trailer combo selfishly taking up not one, not two... but six whole parking slots in St Helens Tasmania last week!


A driver was snapped taking up six parking spaces for their ute and trailer. Credit: Facebook.

The incident was brought to light when an anonymous witness snapped a photo of the silver ute and attached trailer and shared it on the popular Facebook page 'Crap Tasmanian Drivers and Inconsiderate Parkers'.

'The car takes up 4 spots, the trailer takes up 2 spots, so 6 spots were taken up by one idiot,' the user wrote in his scathing post on social media, clearly irritated by what they had seen.

They added that there was an available long vehicle parking about 5 metres away, and yet, the driver still chose to take up six parking spaces.

While it appears that the person who took the photo was irritated by the driver's parking act, other people were more understanding, claiming that the driver most likely had no choice.

Somebody mentioned that at least the car and trailer weren't sticking out into traffic, which may cause an accident. Another person suggested that perhaps the long bay was already occupied when the driver entered the parking lot.

'This is not okay, but this is also not inconveniencing or hurting anyone! Maybe people should just worry about themselves and what affects them,' added a third.

A fourth user went on to say: 'It's hard to go to town with a trailer on if you need it for one job, but you have to do other things while you're in town.'

'But honestly, if you can't park it, then maybe get some practice in one day when you have some spare time. I was taught how to back a trailer before I was old enough to get a licence,' they added.

We can see why customers might be annoyed; if it's a busy time of day and the parking lot is already mostly full, it's frustrating to watch a car take up more space than necessary.

What do you think, members? Is this parking behaviour okay? Let us know in the comments!
While it may have inconvenienced some drivers, who may have been looking for a park, it is a trivial matter when there are so many more important issues to get upset over. Just let it go. No point in having a heart attaqck over it. And did this person get permission to photograph the driver's vehicle. An invasion of privacy, perhaps. Get over it.
regards. Izzabel
Simply, it's a car park. Not a truck park, not a trailer park. It's a growing problem where drivers are parking oversize vehicles and blocking access to foot paths etc. Towbars obstructions are another issue.
It's not a truck and trailers are often parked in a car park. Everyone has the right ot go to the shops. How long did he occupy the six spaces? Izzabel.
I think it is inconsiderate. There are 5 shoppers that needed to find other parks. If you have to shop when you have a trailer on, find other parking. Don't be such a wa***er and think that the world revolves around you. We have a shopping centre where I live and the people that have RAMS take up 4 parks all because they can't be bothered walking a bit further. There is an area that isn't used too much which has plenty of spots that can accomodate a bigger car, camper van or car with trailer. Some people are just so rude
Two things come to mind. 1. It may have been difficult to drive out of the parking bay/s due to the narrow space between parked cars and the driver did not want to damage other cars on the exit. 2. I wish that stores had dual parking bays for the times when you have a trailer/camping trailer attached. p.s. how about disability double bays for oldies like me who occasionally have a trailer attached when shopping is part of the days outing. Yes I almost forgot about the entitled drivers who park their cars with no trailers in double bays marked for trailers e.g. Bunnings.
Could be a good reason the vehicle was parked this way.
I gather you had a car park, no cars were waiting for a park.
Everyone coped.
Find something else to complain about, or maybe take photos that make you happy.
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Who doesn't like going to IGA? They're always so friendly, plus they usually have great produce sections.

We often find ourselves popping into our local IGA to stock up on bits and pieces we need for dinner or snacks throughout the week. It's just a lot more convenient than having to drive to the city – especially now that petrol is so expensive!

But as much as we love our beloved independent grocers, there are still some people out there who just don't know how to act when they visit one.

Case in point: this Tasmanian driver who was recently snapped with their ute and trailer combo selfishly taking up not one, not two... but six whole parking slots in St Helens Tasmania last week!


A driver was snapped taking up six parking spaces for their ute and trailer. Credit: Facebook.

The incident was brought to light when an anonymous witness snapped a photo of the silver ute and attached trailer and shared it on the popular Facebook page 'Crap Tasmanian Drivers and Inconsiderate Parkers'.

'The car takes up 4 spots, the trailer takes up 2 spots, so 6 spots were taken up by one idiot,' the user wrote in his scathing post on social media, clearly irritated by what they had seen.

They added that there was an available long vehicle parking about 5 metres away, and yet, the driver still chose to take up six parking spaces.

While it appears that the person who took the photo was irritated by the driver's parking act, other people were more understanding, claiming that the driver most likely had no choice.

Somebody mentioned that at least the car and trailer weren't sticking out into traffic, which may cause an accident. Another person suggested that perhaps the long bay was already occupied when the driver entered the parking lot.

'This is not okay, but this is also not inconveniencing or hurting anyone! Maybe people should just worry about themselves and what affects them,' added a third.

A fourth user went on to say: 'It's hard to go to town with a trailer on if you need it for one job, but you have to do other things while you're in town.'

'But honestly, if you can't park it, then maybe get some practice in one day when you have some spare time. I was taught how to back a trailer before I was old enough to get a licence,' they added.

We can see why customers might be annoyed; if it's a busy time of day and the parking lot is already mostly full, it's frustrating to watch a car take up more space than necessary.

What do you think, members? Is this parking behaviour okay? Let us know in the comments!
How can we condemn this motorist if we don’t know the circumstances of that particular time when he parked.
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Who doesn't like going to IGA? They're always so friendly, plus they usually have great produce sections.

We often find ourselves popping into our local IGA to stock up on bits and pieces we need for dinner or snacks throughout the week. It's just a lot more convenient than having to drive to the city – especially now that petrol is so expensive!

But as much as we love our beloved independent grocers, there are still some people out there who just don't know how to act when they visit one.

Case in point: this Tasmanian driver who was recently snapped with their ute and trailer combo selfishly taking up not one, not two... but six whole parking slots in St Helens Tasmania last week!


A driver was snapped taking up six parking spaces for their ute and trailer. Credit: Facebook.

The incident was brought to light when an anonymous witness snapped a photo of the silver ute and attached trailer and shared it on the popular Facebook page 'Crap Tasmanian Drivers and Inconsiderate Parkers'.

'The car takes up 4 spots, the trailer takes up 2 spots, so 6 spots were taken up by one idiot,' the user wrote in his scathing post on social media, clearly irritated by what they had seen.

They added that there was an available long vehicle parking about 5 metres away, and yet, the driver still chose to take up six parking spaces.

While it appears that the person who took the photo was irritated by the driver's parking act, other people were more understanding, claiming that the driver most likely had no choice.

Somebody mentioned that at least the car and trailer weren't sticking out into traffic, which may cause an accident. Another person suggested that perhaps the long bay was already occupied when the driver entered the parking lot.

'This is not okay, but this is also not inconveniencing or hurting anyone! Maybe people should just worry about themselves and what affects them,' added a third.

A fourth user went on to say: 'It's hard to go to town with a trailer on if you need it for one job, but you have to do other things while you're in town.'

'But honestly, if you can't park it, then maybe get some practice in one day when you have some spare time. I was taught how to back a trailer before I was old enough to get a licence,' they added.

We can see why customers might be annoyed; if it's a busy time of day and the parking lot is already mostly full, it's frustrating to watch a car take up more space than necessary.

What do you think, members? Is this parking behaviour okay? Let us know in the comments!
I frequently tow a trailer and understand that I will have to park further away from where I need to shop. Its simple and courteous to other road users. What annoys me though is the number of vehicles who park in the "baby on board" parking bays, who quite obviously are too lazy to walk a few metres extra and are putting young toddlers at risk by denying thier parents a safe place to park.
Arent we lucky that we dont have more serious problems to worry about?
Who doesn't like going to IGA? They're always so friendly, plus they usually have great produce sections.

We often find ourselves popping into our local IGA to stock up on bits and pieces we need for dinner or snacks throughout the week. It's just a lot more convenient than having to drive to the city – especially now that petrol is so expensive!

But as much as we love our beloved independent grocers, there are still some people out there who just don't know how to act when they visit one.

Case in point: this Tasmanian driver who was recently snapped with their ute and trailer combo selfishly taking up not one, not two... but six whole parking slots in St Helens Tasmania last week!


A driver was snapped taking up six parking spaces for their ute and trailer. Credit: Facebook.

The incident was brought to light when an anonymous witness snapped a photo of the silver ute and attached trailer and shared it on the popular Facebook page 'Crap Tasmanian Drivers and Inconsiderate Parkers'.

'The car takes up 4 spots, the trailer takes up 2 spots, so 6 spots were taken up by one idiot,' the user wrote in his scathing post on social media, clearly irritated by what they had seen.

They added that there was an available long vehicle parking about 5 metres away, and yet, the driver still chose to take up six parking spaces.

While it appears that the person who took the photo was irritated by the driver's parking act, other people were more understanding, claiming that the driver most likely had no choice.

Somebody mentioned that at least the car and trailer weren't sticking out into traffic, which may cause an accident. Another person suggested that perhaps the long bay was already occupied when the driver entered the parking lot.

'This is not okay, but this is also not inconveniencing or hurting anyone! Maybe people should just worry about themselves and what affects them,' added a third.

A fourth user went on to say: 'It's hard to go to town with a trailer on if you need it for one job, but you have to do other things while you're in town.'

'But honestly, if you can't park it, then maybe get some practice in one day when you have some spare time. I was taught how to back a trailer before I was old enough to get a licence,' they added.

We can see why customers might be annoyed; if it's a busy time of day and the parking lot is already mostly full, it's frustrating to watch a car take up more space than necessary.

What do you think, members? Is this parking behaviour okay? Let us know in the comments!
Rather than take 6 spaces and there was no long parking there is always the street
Who doesn't like going to IGA? They're always so friendly, plus they usually have great produce sections.

We often find ourselves popping into our local IGA to stock up on bits and pieces we need for dinner or snacks throughout the week. It's just a lot more convenient than having to drive to the city – especially now that petrol is so expensive!

But as much as we love our beloved independent grocers, there are still some people out there who just don't know how to act when they visit one.

Case in point: this Tasmanian driver who was recently snapped with their ute and trailer combo selfishly taking up not one, not two... but six whole parking slots in St Helens Tasmania last week!


A driver was snapped taking up six parking spaces for their ute and trailer. Credit: Facebook.

The incident was brought to light when an anonymous witness snapped a photo of the silver ute and attached trailer and shared it on the popular Facebook page 'Crap Tasmanian Drivers and Inconsiderate Parkers'.

'The car takes up 4 spots, the trailer takes up 2 spots, so 6 spots were taken up by one idiot,' the user wrote in his scathing post on social media, clearly irritated by what they had seen.

They added that there was an available long vehicle parking about 5 metres away, and yet, the driver still chose to take up six parking spaces.

While it appears that the person who took the photo was irritated by the driver's parking act, other people were more understanding, claiming that the driver most likely had no choice.

Somebody mentioned that at least the car and trailer weren't sticking out into traffic, which may cause an accident. Another person suggested that perhaps the long bay was already occupied when the driver entered the parking lot.

'This is not okay, but this is also not inconveniencing or hurting anyone! Maybe people should just worry about themselves and what affects them,' added a third.

A fourth user went on to say: 'It's hard to go to town with a trailer on if you need it for one job, but you have to do other things while you're in town.'

'But honestly, if you can't park it, then maybe get some practice in one day when you have some spare time. I was taught how to back a trailer before I was old enough to get a licence,' they added.

We can see why customers might be annoyed; if it's a busy time of day and the parking lot is already mostly full, it's frustrating to watch a car take up more space than necessary.

What do you think, members? Is this parking behaviour okay? Let us know in the comments!
It seems highly unlikely that anyone, in normal circumstances, would park like that. The car may have been stolen and dumped or the driver msy have been under the influence. The driver may have been attacked and fled the scene. Who knows? CCTV would be helpful here.
What came to mind was that if the special bay was occupied a nearby side street may have been an option or park in the main area but towards the back of the car park away from where the body of shoppers park.
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Could be a good reason the vehicle was parked this way.
I gather you had a car park, no cars were waiting for a park.
Everyone coped.
Find something else to complain about, or maybe take photos that make you happy.
Yep. There could be a good reason for the driver to park this way. He or she, may be an idiot. Maybe they don't have a licence. Maybe they are incompetent. Maybe they were desparate for the loo. Maybe even they were planing a hold up and this was the besy way for a fast exit. Whatever. A good kind considerate driver would have parked that bit further away in the specified area to avoid any hassle.
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I frequently tow a trailer and understand that I will have to park further away from where I need to shop. Its simple and courteous to other road users. What annoys me though is the number of vehicles who park in the "baby on board" parking bays, who quite obviously are too lazy to walk a few metres extra and are putting young toddlers at risk by denying thier parents a safe place to park.
The 'baby on board' car spaces are often near the entrance. They should be turned into 'parking for the disabled' and baby on board can be further away - usually people with babies are young and have more energy than people living with disabilities. The few extra metres would not make much difference to parents pushing a pram but they make a huge difference to a person with mobility issues.
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