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Dr Jugski
A flat chested woman goes to a Dr Jugski to hav e her breasts enlarged. The doctor tells her to close her eyes
each day and call up images of herself with big boobs. At the same time she is to recite a little rhyme.
Several days after her visit, she's sitting on bus with her eyes closed, concentrating hard, and saying
the poem the doctored ordered.
Mary had a little lamb,
It loved her just to bits,
I Close my and fantasise,
That I shall have big tits.
A man sitting next to her asks, "Excuse me, madam, but are you a patient of Dr Jugski?'
"yes I am, the woman says with great astonishment "How could you possibly know that?.
The man closes his eyes, thinks hard and recites,
"Hickory Dickory Dock...."