Disrespectful act at ANZAC memorial leaves local community outraged

Earlier this week, a distressing incident at a war memorial in Western Australia sent shockwaves of outrage throughout the local community. The incident happened just weeks ahead of ANZAC Day.

It resulted in a ruined memorial garden, leaving residents horrified and demanding answers.

The shameful act at an RSL war memorial a couple of days ago left locals reeling, with many admitting to feeling ‘angry and hurt’.

Weeks ahead of ANZAC Day, the Esperance community in Western Australia were shocked to discover their ruined memorial gardens in a seemingly deliberate act of vandalism.

The local community organisers at Esperance shared photos of the incident on social media. In the images, flowers were scattered across the pavement after being ripped from their flower beds nearby. The residents, hurt by the incident, condemned the person responsible in the accompanying post.

ANZAC Day is just weeks away. Credit: Australian War Memorial

‘So, so close to ANZAC Day, and this happens?’ The organisers wrote.

‘The Shire of Esperance work hard with us to make the RSL Memorial Park look the best it can be leading up to ANZAC Day, and then this [happens]!’ they continued.

‘This is sadly an act of total disrespect, disrespect to those that sacrificed so much for our country AND for YOU!!! This hurts our members to the core!’

‘We are angry and hurt and probably going to offend someone. However, that’s nothing on the offence this sick act has caused!’ They shared before adding that the flower beds would be ‘tidied and sorted’ immediately, courtesy of their hardworking crew.

They also asked residents to get in contact with them or the authorities if they knew anything about the perpetrator.

Members of the group expressed their outrage and concerns in the comments section of the post.

‘CCTV has got to be the answer. If you are doing nothing wrong, there is nothing to worry about!’ One wrote.

‘Disgraceful,’ someone else replied.

Another agreed and called it ‘disgusting behaviour’. ‘Time for council to have CCTV installed,’ they added.

The flower beds were destroyed. Credit: Esperance RSL WA/Facebook

‘Surely some of the businesses have CCTV around the area?’ One suggested.

While another commented that the vandaliser must’ve been proud of their ‘achievement’. ‘A proud moment for those brave persons for finding the courage and strength to take on defenceless, dainty little flowers,’ they stated.

Someone shared that they would like to see war veterans sit down with the ‘disrespectful offender’ and tell them ‘exactly what they and their mates gave up for the rights of people’.

‘Frankly, I would like to suggest something more, but I would probably be put in jail,’ they added.

WA Police confirmed that the offender was a woman who has since been arrested and charged. However, no further details were given.

‘The Esperance community were understandably upset with the total disrespect & damage caused to the RSL Memorial Park. Please be advised that @EsperancePol arrested and charged a female with Criminal Damage on the day of the incident,’ the authorities shared on their official Facebook page.

According to Section 444 of the Criminal Code Act Compilation Act 1913, ‘any person who wilfully and unlawfully destroys or damages any property is guilty of a crime’. In WA, getting charged with Criminal Damage is an ‘either way’ offence, which means that the offender can either be dealt with a summary jurisdiction or on indictment.

The maximum penalty for criminal damage in WA is 14 years imprisonment and a fine of up to $36,000.

The offender was quickly apprehended after the incident. Credit: Esperance RSL WA/Facebook

Many Facebook users still expressed outrage over the incident. Some wanted the offender to be punished and made to ‘buy more plants’ and ‘replant them’ personally. ‘Shameful what she has done,’ one added.

Meanwhile, the community organisers at Esperance RSL thanked the police for their immediate action.

‘The Esperance RSL would like to thank the [WA Police Force] for their immediate action in dealing with this incident over what was a very busy weekend for them,’ they said in a separate Facebook post.

They continued: ‘Thank you also to the Shire of Esperance and community members that worked towards tidying the area, a spot of gardening and offering support. To the [broader] community, thank you for your support and kind words. We look forward to seeing you all on ANZAC Day.’
Key Takeaways
  • An RSL war memorial in Esperance, Western Australia, was vandalised just weeks ahead of Anzac Day.
  • Bunches of flowers were ripped from the nearby garden beds and scattered across the pavement, sparking outrage in the community.
  • A woman has been arrested and charged with criminal damage in connection with the incident.
  • The maximum penalty for criminal damage in Western Australia is 14 years imprisonment and a fine of up to $36,000.
We thank those who have fought and continue to fight for our nation and ask our members to take a moment this ANZAC Day to appreciate their efforts and reflect on their important contributions.

Do you have anything to say to the disrespectful vandal? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.
Earlier this week, a distressing incident at a war memorial in Western Australia sent shockwaves of outrage throughout the local community. The incident happened just weeks ahead of ANZAC Day.

It resulted in a ruined memorial garden, leaving residents horrified and demanding answers.

The shameful act at an RSL war memorial a couple of days ago left locals reeling, with many admitting to feeling ‘angry and hurt’.

Weeks ahead of ANZAC Day, the Esperance community in Western Australia were shocked to discover their ruined memorial gardens in a seemingly deliberate act of vandalism.

The local community organisers at Esperance shared photos of the incident on social media. In the images, flowers were scattered across the pavement after being ripped from their flower beds nearby. The residents, hurt by the incident, condemned the person responsible in the accompanying post.

View attachment 17426
ANZAC Day is just weeks away. Credit: Australian War Memorial

‘So, so close to ANZAC Day, and this happens?’ The organisers wrote.

‘The Shire of Esperance work hard with us to make the RSL Memorial Park look the best it can be leading up to ANZAC Day, and then this [happens]!’ they continued.

‘This is sadly an act of total disrespect, disrespect to those that sacrificed so much for our country AND for YOU!!! This hurts our members to the core!’

‘We are angry and hurt and probably going to offend someone. However, that’s nothing on the offence this sick act has caused!’ They shared before adding that the flower beds would be ‘tidied and sorted’ immediately, courtesy of their hardworking crew.

They also asked residents to get in contact with them or the authorities if they knew anything about the perpetrator.

Members of the group expressed their outrage and concerns in the comments section of the post.

‘CCTV has got to be the answer. If you are doing nothing wrong, there is nothing to worry about!’ One wrote.

‘Disgraceful,’ someone else replied.

Another agreed and called it ‘disgusting behaviour’. ‘Time for council to have CCTV installed,’ they added.

View attachment 17427
The flower beds were destroyed. Credit: Esperance RSL WA/Facebook

‘Surely some of the businesses have CCTV around the area?’ One suggested.

While another commented that the vandaliser must’ve been proud of their ‘achievement’. ‘A proud moment for those brave persons for finding the courage and strength to take on defenceless, dainty little flowers,’ they stated.

Someone shared that they would like to see war veterans sit down with the ‘disrespectful offender’ and tell them ‘exactly what they and their mates gave up for the rights of people’.

‘Frankly, I would like to suggest something more, but I would probably be put in jail,’ they added.

WA Police confirmed that the offender was a woman who has since been arrested and charged. However, no further details were given.

‘The Esperance community were understandably upset with the total disrespect & damage caused to the RSL Memorial Park. Please be advised that @EsperancePol arrested and charged a female with Criminal Damage on the day of the incident,’ the authorities shared on their official Facebook page.

According to Section 444 of the Criminal Code Act Compilation Act 1913, ‘any person who wilfully and unlawfully destroys or damages any property is guilty of a crime’. In WA, getting charged with Criminal Damage is an ‘either way’ offence, which means that the offender can either be dealt with a summary jurisdiction or on indictment.

The maximum penalty for criminal damage in WA is 14 years imprisonment and a fine of up to $36,000.

View attachment 17428
The offender was quickly apprehended after the incident. Credit: Esperance RSL WA/Facebook

Many Facebook users still expressed outrage over the incident. Some wanted the offender to be punished and made to ‘buy more plants’ and ‘replant them’ personally. ‘Shameful what she has done,’ one added.

Meanwhile, the community organisers at Esperance RSL thanked the police for their immediate action.

‘The Esperance RSL would like to thank the [WA Police Force] for their immediate action in dealing with this incident over what was a very busy weekend for them,’ they said in a separate Facebook post.

They continued: ‘Thank you also to the Shire of Esperance and community members that worked towards tidying the area, a spot of gardening and offering support. To the [broader] community, thank you for your support and kind words. We look forward to seeing you all on ANZAC Day.’
Key Takeaways

  • An RSL war memorial in Esperance, Western Australia, was vandalised just weeks ahead of Anzac Day.
  • Bunches of flowers were ripped from the nearby garden beds and scattered across the pavement, sparking outrage in the community.
  • A woman has been arrested and charged with criminal damage in connection with the incident.
  • The maximum penalty for criminal damage in Western Australia is 14 years imprisonment and a fine of up to $36,000.
We thank those who have fought and continue to fight for our nation and ask our members to take a moment this ANZAC Day to appreciate their efforts and reflect on their important contributions.

Do you have anything to say to the disrespectful vandal? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.
Some People!!! they do not care about returned soldiers
It would have been done by totally disrespectful little turds who have never given a shit about anything other than themselves, doing this sort of thing makes them feel like they are TOUGH. They would not ever know about the sacrifice that was made by incredibly brave people so they could be around today to show such disgraceful behaviour. SHAME SHAME. 14 years jail that sounds about right, throw them in with the lions and see how brave they are then. Youth of today what a waste of space they are.
She'll say it's not her fault, she had a bad upbringing, her parents never understood her and the authorities will water down the punishment till it's almost nonexistent.
Bring back the stocks! Hang a sign round her neck and let the townsfolk mete out the punishment. Make her attend the Anzac day services, after first repairing and replanting the flowerbeds. Make her pay for the lost plants and the replacement ones and then a deterrent cost on top. at the very least. :mad: :mad:
I agree that its a disgusting act and whoever did this needs to be prosecuted. Just as disgusting as the way DVA treats veterans. One can be prosecuted howver DVA has been getting away with abuse of veterans since they were first formed. It is more about how DVA can stay in power rather than actually helping veterans and successive governments have helped DVA in saving money at the cost of veterans lives. In this case one can be fixed the other cannot be.
Earlier this week, a distressing incident at a war memorial in Western Australia sent shockwaves of outrage throughout the local community. The incident happened just weeks ahead of ANZAC Day.

It resulted in a ruined memorial garden, leaving residents horrified and demanding answers.

The shameful act at an RSL war memorial a couple of days ago left locals reeling, with many admitting to feeling ‘angry and hurt’.

Weeks ahead of ANZAC Day, the Esperance community in Western Australia were shocked to discover their ruined memorial gardens in a seemingly deliberate act of vandalism.

The local community organisers at Esperance shared photos of the incident on social media. In the images, flowers were scattered across the pavement after being ripped from their flower beds nearby. The residents, hurt by the incident, condemned the person responsible in the accompanying post.

View attachment 17426
ANZAC Day is just weeks away. Credit: Australian War Memorial

‘So, so close to ANZAC Day, and this happens?’ The organisers wrote.

‘The Shire of Esperance work hard with us to make the RSL Memorial Park look the best it can be leading up to ANZAC Day, and then this [happens]!’ they continued.

‘This is sadly an act of total disrespect, disrespect to those that sacrificed so much for our country AND for YOU!!! This hurts our members to the core!’

‘We are angry and hurt and probably going to offend someone. However, that’s nothing on the offence this sick act has caused!’ They shared before adding that the flower beds would be ‘tidied and sorted’ immediately, courtesy of their hardworking crew.

They also asked residents to get in contact with them or the authorities if they knew anything about the perpetrator.

Members of the group expressed their outrage and concerns in the comments section of the post.

‘CCTV has got to be the answer. If you are doing nothing wrong, there is nothing to worry about!’ One wrote.

‘Disgraceful,’ someone else replied.

Another agreed and called it ‘disgusting behaviour’. ‘Time for council to have CCTV installed,’ they added.

View attachment 17427
The flower beds were destroyed. Credit: Esperance RSL WA/Facebook

‘Surely some of the businesses have CCTV around the area?’ One suggested.

While another commented that the vandaliser must’ve been proud of their ‘achievement’. ‘A proud moment for those brave persons for finding the courage and strength to take on defenceless, dainty little flowers,’ they stated.

Someone shared that they would like to see war veterans sit down with the ‘disrespectful offender’ and tell them ‘exactly what they and their mates gave up for the rights of people’.

‘Frankly, I would like to suggest something more, but I would probably be put in jail,’ they added.

WA Police confirmed that the offender was a woman who has since been arrested and charged. However, no further details were given.

‘The Esperance community were understandably upset with the total disrespect & damage caused to the RSL Memorial Park. Please be advised that @EsperancePol arrested and charged a female with Criminal Damage on the day of the incident,’ the authorities shared on their official Facebook page.

According to Section 444 of the Criminal Code Act Compilation Act 1913, ‘any person who wilfully and unlawfully destroys or damages any property is guilty of a crime’. In WA, getting charged with Criminal Damage is an ‘either way’ offence, which means that the offender can either be dealt with a summary jurisdiction or on indictment.

The maximum penalty for criminal damage in WA is 14 years imprisonment and a fine of up to $36,000.

View attachment 17428
The offender was quickly apprehended after the incident. Credit: Esperance RSL WA/Facebook

Many Facebook users still expressed outrage over the incident. Some wanted the offender to be punished and made to ‘buy more plants’ and ‘replant them’ personally. ‘Shameful what she has done,’ one added.

Meanwhile, the community organisers at Esperance RSL thanked the police for their immediate action.

‘The Esperance RSL would like to thank the [WA Police Force] for their immediate action in dealing with this incident over what was a very busy weekend for them,’ they said in a separate Facebook post.

They continued: ‘Thank you also to the Shire of Esperance and community members that worked towards tidying the area, a spot of gardening and offering support. To the [broader] community, thank you for your support and kind words. We look forward to seeing you all on ANZAC Day.’
Key Takeaways

  • An RSL war memorial in Esperance, Western Australia, was vandalised just weeks ahead of Anzac Day.
  • Bunches of flowers were ripped from the nearby garden beds and scattered across the pavement, sparking outrage in the community.
  • A woman has been arrested and charged with criminal damage in connection with the incident.
  • The maximum penalty for criminal damage in Western Australia is 14 years imprisonment and a fine of up to $36,000.
We thank those who have fought and continue to fight for our nation and ask our members to take a moment this ANZAC Day to appreciate their efforts and reflect on their important contributions.

Do you have anything to say to the disrespectful vandal? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.
Bloody lowlife scum no respect for their sacrifice 🤬
Earlier this week, a distressing incident at a war memorial in Western Australia sent shockwaves of outrage throughout the local community. The incident happened just weeks ahead of ANZAC Day.

It resulted in a ruined memorial garden, leaving residents horrified and demanding answers.

The shameful act at an RSL war memorial a couple of days ago left locals reeling, with many admitting to feeling ‘angry and hurt’.

Weeks ahead of ANZAC Day, the Esperance community in Western Australia were shocked to discover their ruined memorial gardens in a seemingly deliberate act of vandalism.

The local community organisers at Esperance shared photos of the incident on social media. In the images, flowers were scattered across the pavement after being ripped from their flower beds nearby. The residents, hurt by the incident, condemned the person responsible in the accompanying post.

View attachment 17426
ANZAC Day is just weeks away. Credit: Australian War Memorial

‘So, so close to ANZAC Day, and this happens?’ The organisers wrote.

‘The Shire of Esperance work hard with us to make the RSL Memorial Park look the best it can be leading up to ANZAC Day, and then this [happens]!’ they continued.

‘This is sadly an act of total disrespect, disrespect to those that sacrificed so much for our country AND for YOU!!! This hurts our members to the core!’

‘We are angry and hurt and probably going to offend someone. However, that’s nothing on the offence this sick act has caused!’ They shared before adding that the flower beds would be ‘tidied and sorted’ immediately, courtesy of their hardworking crew.

They also asked residents to get in contact with them or the authorities if they knew anything about the perpetrator.

Members of the group expressed their outrage and concerns in the comments section of the post.

‘CCTV has got to be the answer. If you are doing nothing wrong, there is nothing to worry about!’ One wrote.

‘Disgraceful,’ someone else replied.

Another agreed and called it ‘disgusting behaviour’. ‘Time for council to have CCTV installed,’ they added.

View attachment 17427
The flower beds were destroyed. Credit: Esperance RSL WA/Facebook

‘Surely some of the businesses have CCTV around the area?’ One suggested.

While another commented that the vandaliser must’ve been proud of their ‘achievement’. ‘A proud moment for those brave persons for finding the courage and strength to take on defenceless, dainty little flowers,’ they stated.

Someone shared that they would like to see war veterans sit down with the ‘disrespectful offender’ and tell them ‘exactly what they and their mates gave up for the rights of people’.

‘Frankly, I would like to suggest something more, but I would probably be put in jail,’ they added.

WA Police confirmed that the offender was a woman who has since been arrested and charged. However, no further details were given.

‘The Esperance community were understandably upset with the total disrespect & damage caused to the RSL Memorial Park. Please be advised that @EsperancePol arrested and charged a female with Criminal Damage on the day of the incident,’ the authorities shared on their official Facebook page.

According to Section 444 of the Criminal Code Act Compilation Act 1913, ‘any person who wilfully and unlawfully destroys or damages any property is guilty of a crime’. In WA, getting charged with Criminal Damage is an ‘either way’ offence, which means that the offender can either be dealt with a summary jurisdiction or on indictment.

The maximum penalty for criminal damage in WA is 14 years imprisonment and a fine of up to $36,000.

View attachment 17428
The offender was quickly apprehended after the incident. Credit: Esperance RSL WA/Facebook

Many Facebook users still expressed outrage over the incident. Some wanted the offender to be punished and made to ‘buy more plants’ and ‘replant them’ personally. ‘Shameful what she has done,’ one added.

Meanwhile, the community organisers at Esperance RSL thanked the police for their immediate action.

‘The Esperance RSL would like to thank the [WA Police Force] for their immediate action in dealing with this incident over what was a very busy weekend for them,’ they said in a separate Facebook post.

They continued: ‘Thank you also to the Shire of Esperance and community members that worked towards tidying the area, a spot of gardening and offering support. To the [broader] community, thank you for your support and kind words. We look forward to seeing you all on ANZAC Day.’
Key Takeaways

  • An RSL war memorial in Esperance, Western Australia, was vandalised just weeks ahead of Anzac Day.
  • Bunches of flowers were ripped from the nearby garden beds and scattered across the pavement, sparking outrage in the community.
  • A woman has been arrested and charged with criminal damage in connection with the incident.
  • The maximum penalty for criminal damage in Western Australia is 14 years imprisonment and a fine of up to $36,000.
We thank those who have fought and continue to fight for our nation and ask our members to take a moment this ANZAC Day to appreciate their efforts and reflect on their important contributions.

Do you have anything to say to the disrespectful vandal? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.
Yes, I have somethig tos ay about this act of vandalism by this female which the authorities won't tell us who she is. SHAME ON THEM.

With what the Police are doing it is only leading to assumptions and probably the assumptions are correct in their entirety.
Is it a black woman or is she a women with total disrespect of what some people did by giving their own lives to protect democracy and freedom going in this state while, at the same time, giving these sick people the reasons as to why they are here today.

One thing is for sure though and I am willing to lay a bet on it that this women is not under police control or been in Jail at present for what she did, let alone being prosecuted to the full extent of the Law at a later date for what she did.

Even I, who came from a different background, will respect those Memorial Park and acknowledge the people who died for it. There is a reason that they died for, and it should be respected and idolized and taught at Schools to be respected....NOT DESTROYED.

I leave it to you to decide but for me that is another good reason as to why the "NO" Vote is what we all should be aiming for.
Earlier this week, a distressing incident at a war memorial in Western Australia sent shockwaves of outrage throughout the local community. The incident happened just weeks ahead of ANZAC Day.

It resulted in a ruined memorial garden, leaving residents horrified and demanding answers.

The shameful act at an RSL war memorial a couple of days ago left locals reeling, with many admitting to feeling ‘angry and hurt’.

Weeks ahead of ANZAC Day, the Esperance community in Western Australia were shocked to discover their ruined memorial gardens in a seemingly deliberate act of vandalism.

The local community organisers at Esperance shared photos of the incident on social media. In the images, flowers were scattered across the pavement after being ripped from their flower beds nearby. The residents, hurt by the incident, condemned the person responsible in the accompanying post.

View attachment 17426
ANZAC Day is just weeks away. Credit: Australian War Memorial

‘So, so close to ANZAC Day, and this happens?’ The organisers wrote.

‘The Shire of Esperance work hard with us to make the RSL Memorial Park look the best it can be leading up to ANZAC Day, and then this [happens]!’ they continued.

‘This is sadly an act of total disrespect, disrespect to those that sacrificed so much for our country AND for YOU!!! This hurts our members to the core!’

‘We are angry and hurt and probably going to offend someone. However, that’s nothing on the offence this sick act has caused!’ They shared before adding that the flower beds would be ‘tidied and sorted’ immediately, courtesy of their hardworking crew.

They also asked residents to get in contact with them or the authorities if they knew anything about the perpetrator.

Members of the group expressed their outrage and concerns in the comments section of the post.

‘CCTV has got to be the answer. If you are doing nothing wrong, there is nothing to worry about!’ One wrote.

‘Disgraceful,’ someone else replied.

Another agreed and called it ‘disgusting behaviour’. ‘Time for council to have CCTV installed,’ they added.

View attachment 17427
The flower beds were destroyed. Credit: Esperance RSL WA/Facebook

‘Surely some of the businesses have CCTV around the area?’ One suggested.

While another commented that the vandaliser must’ve been proud of their ‘achievement’. ‘A proud moment for those brave persons for finding the courage and strength to take on defenceless, dainty little flowers,’ they stated.

Someone shared that they would like to see war veterans sit down with the ‘disrespectful offender’ and tell them ‘exactly what they and their mates gave up for the rights of people’.

‘Frankly, I would like to suggest something more, but I would probably be put in jail,’ they added.

WA Police confirmed that the offender was a woman who has since been arrested and charged. However, no further details were given.

‘The Esperance community were understandably upset with the total disrespect & damage caused to the RSL Memorial Park. Please be advised that @EsperancePol arrested and charged a female with Criminal Damage on the day of the incident,’ the authorities shared on their official Facebook page.

According to Section 444 of the Criminal Code Act Compilation Act 1913, ‘any person who wilfully and unlawfully destroys or damages any property is guilty of a crime’. In WA, getting charged with Criminal Damage is an ‘either way’ offence, which means that the offender can either be dealt with a summary jurisdiction or on indictment.

The maximum penalty for criminal damage in WA is 14 years imprisonment and a fine of up to $36,000.

View attachment 17428
The offender was quickly apprehended after the incident. Credit: Esperance RSL WA/Facebook

Many Facebook users still expressed outrage over the incident. Some wanted the offender to be punished and made to ‘buy more plants’ and ‘replant them’ personally. ‘Shameful what she has done,’ one added.

Meanwhile, the community organisers at Esperance RSL thanked the police for their immediate action.

‘The Esperance RSL would like to thank the [WA Police Force] for their immediate action in dealing with this incident over what was a very busy weekend for them,’ they said in a separate Facebook post.

They continued: ‘Thank you also to the Shire of Esperance and community members that worked towards tidying the area, a spot of gardening and offering support. To the [broader] community, thank you for your support and kind words. We look forward to seeing you all on ANZAC Day.’
Key Takeaways

  • An RSL war memorial in Esperance, Western Australia, was vandalised just weeks ahead of Anzac Day.
  • Bunches of flowers were ripped from the nearby garden beds and scattered across the pavement, sparking outrage in the community.
  • A woman has been arrested and charged with criminal damage in connection with the incident.
  • The maximum penalty for criminal damage in Western Australia is 14 years imprisonment and a fine of up to $36,000.
We thank those who have fought and continue to fight for our nation and ask our members to take a moment this ANZAC Day to appreciate their efforts and reflect on their important contributions.

Do you have anything to say to the disrespectful vandal? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.
Cockatoos sometimes do this looking for bulbs underground for food.
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Reactions: Macarj and Ricci
She'll say it's not her fault, she had a bad upbringing, her parents never understood her and the authorities will water down the punishment till it's almost nonexistent.
Bring back the stocks! Hang a sign round her neck and let the townsfolk mete out the punishment. Make her attend the Anzac day services, after first repairing and replanting the flowerbeds. Make her pay for the lost plants and the replacement ones and then a deterrent cost on top. at the very least. :mad: :mad:
I agree with you Ricc but, unfortunately, it airn't going to happen.

The lefties, the Greens and some good Lawyer will find all of the excuses imaginable to get her out and she will be clean and allowed to go out and be doing it all over again.
Being a Veteran, I am appalled by the attitude of the perpetrator. Thankful that the police were able to apprehend the miscreant. and charge her for her actions. Whilst reading the above messages I am somewhat concerned at the quick judgements of some of the correspondents, and the manner of responses of others including the one involving the 'voice'. I really believe that folk need to take a good look at just where they 'lump' all of their responses as if one comment covers every ill they perceive. Please people take a little time to actually consider every option on its own merit.
Yes, I have somethig tos ay about this act of vandalism by this female which the authorities won't tell us who she is. SHAME ON THEM.

With what the Police are doing it is only leading to assumptions and probably the assumptions are correct in their entirety.
Is it a black woman or is she a women with total disrespect of what some people did by giving their own lives to protect democracy and freedom going in this state while, at the same time, giving these sick people the reasons as to why they are here today.

One thing is for sure though and I am willing to lay a bet on it that this women is not under police control or been in Jail at present for what she did, let alone being prosecuted to the full extent of the Law at a later date for what she did.

Even I, who came from a different background, will respect those Memorial Park and acknowledge the people who died for it. There is a reason that they died for, and it should be respected and idolized and taught at Schools to be respected....NOT DESTROYED.

I leave it to you to decide but for me that is another good reason as to why the "NO" Vote is what we all should be aiming for.
Agree completely NO vote is the right way to go, even The Elders are saying this is NOT the way to go, Labor have got it sooooooooooo wrong.
I am gobsmacked, unfortunately, with the types of Governments, laws, and rubbish being put out by the Teals, Greens and a lot of independents, what can we expect. Brainwashing is dangerous, irrespective
of ones age.
Earlier this week, a distressing incident at a war memorial in Western Australia sent shockwaves of outrage throughout the local community. The incident happened just weeks ahead of ANZAC Day.

It resulted in a ruined memorial garden, leaving residents horrified and demanding answers.

The shameful act at an RSL war memorial a couple of days ago left locals reeling, with many admitting to feeling ‘angry and hurt’.

Weeks ahead of ANZAC Day, the Esperance community in Western Australia were shocked to discover their ruined memorial gardens in a seemingly deliberate act of vandalism.

The local community organisers at Esperance shared photos of the incident on social media. In the images, flowers were scattered across the pavement after being ripped from their flower beds nearby. The residents, hurt by the incident, condemned the person responsible in the accompanying post.

View attachment 17426
ANZAC Day is just weeks away. Credit: Australian War Memorial

‘So, so close to ANZAC Day, and this happens?’ The organisers wrote.

‘The Shire of Esperance work hard with us to make the RSL Memorial Park look the best it can be leading up to ANZAC Day, and then this [happens]!’ they continued.

‘This is sadly an act of total disrespect, disrespect to those that sacrificed so much for our country AND for YOU!!! This hurts our members to the core!’

‘We are angry and hurt and probably going to offend someone. However, that’s nothing on the offence this sick act has caused!’ They shared before adding that the flower beds would be ‘tidied and sorted’ immediately, courtesy of their hardworking crew.

They also asked residents to get in contact with them or the authorities if they knew anything about the perpetrator.

Members of the group expressed their outrage and concerns in the comments section of the post.

‘CCTV has got to be the answer. If you are doing nothing wrong, there is nothing to worry about!’ One wrote.

‘Disgraceful,’ someone else replied.

Another agreed and called it ‘disgusting behaviour’. ‘Time for council to have CCTV installed,’ they added.

View attachment 17427
The flower beds were destroyed. Credit: Esperance RSL WA/Facebook

‘Surely some of the businesses have CCTV around the area?’ One suggested.

While another commented that the vandaliser must’ve been proud of their ‘achievement’. ‘A proud moment for those brave persons for finding the courage and strength to take on defenceless, dainty little flowers,’ they stated.

Someone shared that they would like to see war veterans sit down with the ‘disrespectful offender’ and tell them ‘exactly what they and their mates gave up for the rights of people’.

‘Frankly, I would like to suggest something more, but I would probably be put in jail,’ they added.

WA Police confirmed that the offender was a woman who has since been arrested and charged. However, no further details were given.

‘The Esperance community were understandably upset with the total disrespect & damage caused to the RSL Memorial Park. Please be advised that @EsperancePol arrested and charged a female with Criminal Damage on the day of the incident,’ the authorities shared on their official Facebook page.

According to Section 444 of the Criminal Code Act Compilation Act 1913, ‘any person who wilfully and unlawfully destroys or damages any property is guilty of a crime’. In WA, getting charged with Criminal Damage is an ‘either way’ offence, which means that the offender can either be dealt with a summary jurisdiction or on indictment.

The maximum penalty for criminal damage in WA is 14 years imprisonment and a fine of up to $36,000.

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The offender was quickly apprehended after the incident. Credit: Esperance RSL WA/Facebook

Many Facebook users still expressed outrage over the incident. Some wanted the offender to be punished and made to ‘buy more plants’ and ‘replant them’ personally. ‘Shameful what she has done,’ one added.

Meanwhile, the community organisers at Esperance RSL thanked the police for their immediate action.

‘The Esperance RSL would like to thank the [WA Police Force] for their immediate action in dealing with this incident over what was a very busy weekend for them,’ they said in a separate Facebook post.

They continued: ‘Thank you also to the Shire of Esperance and community members that worked towards tidying the area, a spot of gardening and offering support. To the [broader] community, thank you for your support and kind words. We look forward to seeing you all on ANZAC Day.’
Key Takeaways

  • An RSL war memorial in Esperance, Western Australia, was vandalised just weeks ahead of Anzac Day.
  • Bunches of flowers were ripped from the nearby garden beds and scattered across the pavement, sparking outrage in the community.
  • A woman has been arrested and charged with criminal damage in connection with the incident.
  • The maximum penalty for criminal damage in Western Australia is 14 years imprisonment and a fine of up to $36,000.
We thank those who have fought and continue to fight for our nation and ask our members to take a moment this ANZAC Day to appreciate their efforts and reflect on their important contributions.

Do you have anything to say to the disrespectful vandal? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.
These curs are a disgrace.
Earlier this week, a distressing incident at a war memorial in Western Australia sent shockwaves of outrage throughout the local community. The incident happened just weeks ahead of ANZAC Day.

It resulted in a ruined memorial garden, leaving residents horrified and demanding answers.

The shameful act at an RSL war memorial a couple of days ago left locals reeling, with many admitting to feeling ‘angry and hurt’.

Weeks ahead of ANZAC Day, the Esperance community in Western Australia were shocked to discover their ruined memorial gardens in a seemingly deliberate act of vandalism.

The local community organisers at Esperance shared photos of the incident on social media. In the images, flowers were scattered across the pavement after being ripped from their flower beds nearby. The residents, hurt by the incident, condemned the person responsible in the accompanying post.

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ANZAC Day is just weeks away. Credit: Australian War Memorial

‘So, so close to ANZAC Day, and this happens?’ The organisers wrote.

‘The Shire of Esperance work hard with us to make the RSL Memorial Park look the best it can be leading up to ANZAC Day, and then this [happens]!’ they continued.

‘This is sadly an act of total disrespect, disrespect to those that sacrificed so much for our country AND for YOU!!! This hurts our members to the core!’

‘We are angry and hurt and probably going to offend someone. However, that’s nothing on the offence this sick act has caused!’ They shared before adding that the flower beds would be ‘tidied and sorted’ immediately, courtesy of their hardworking crew.

They also asked residents to get in contact with them or the authorities if they knew anything about the perpetrator.

Members of the group expressed their outrage and concerns in the comments section of the post.

‘CCTV has got to be the answer. If you are doing nothing wrong, there is nothing to worry about!’ One wrote.

‘Disgraceful,’ someone else replied.

Another agreed and called it ‘disgusting behaviour’. ‘Time for council to have CCTV installed,’ they added.

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The flower beds were destroyed. Credit: Esperance RSL WA/Facebook

‘Surely some of the businesses have CCTV around the area?’ One suggested.

While another commented that the vandaliser must’ve been proud of their ‘achievement’. ‘A proud moment for those brave persons for finding the courage and strength to take on defenceless, dainty little flowers,’ they stated.

Someone shared that they would like to see war veterans sit down with the ‘disrespectful offender’ and tell them ‘exactly what they and their mates gave up for the rights of people’.

‘Frankly, I would like to suggest something more, but I would probably be put in jail,’ they added.

WA Police confirmed that the offender was a woman who has since been arrested and charged. However, no further details were given.

‘The Esperance community were understandably upset with the total disrespect & damage caused to the RSL Memorial Park. Please be advised that @EsperancePol arrested and charged a female with Criminal Damage on the day of the incident,’ the authorities shared on their official Facebook page.

According to Section 444 of the Criminal Code Act Compilation Act 1913, ‘any person who wilfully and unlawfully destroys or damages any property is guilty of a crime’. In WA, getting charged with Criminal Damage is an ‘either way’ offence, which means that the offender can either be dealt with a summary jurisdiction or on indictment.

The maximum penalty for criminal damage in WA is 14 years imprisonment and a fine of up to $36,000.

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The offender was quickly apprehended after the incident. Credit: Esperance RSL WA/Facebook

Many Facebook users still expressed outrage over the incident. Some wanted the offender to be punished and made to ‘buy more plants’ and ‘replant them’ personally. ‘Shameful what she has done,’ one added.

Meanwhile, the community organisers at Esperance RSL thanked the police for their immediate action.

‘The Esperance RSL would like to thank the [WA Police Force] for their immediate action in dealing with this incident over what was a very busy weekend for them,’ they said in a separate Facebook post.

They continued: ‘Thank you also to the Shire of Esperance and community members that worked towards tidying the area, a spot of gardening and offering support. To the [broader] community, thank you for your support and kind words. We look forward to seeing you all on ANZAC Day.’
Key Takeaways

  • An RSL war memorial in Esperance, Western Australia, was vandalised just weeks ahead of Anzac Day.
  • Bunches of flowers were ripped from the nearby garden beds and scattered across the pavement, sparking outrage in the community.
  • A woman has been arrested and charged with criminal damage in connection with the incident.
  • The maximum penalty for criminal damage in Western Australia is 14 years imprisonment and a fine of up to $36,000.
We thank those who have fought and continue to fight for our nation and ask our members to take a moment this ANZAC Day to appreciate their efforts and reflect on their important contributions.

Do you have anything to say to the disrespectful vandal? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.
Should be made stand for 3 hours beside the memorial, with a sandwich board on stating, “ I vandalised this war memorial “. Make her accept the abuse.

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