
New member
Aug 8, 2022

Hi I’m Dave currently in Cobbitty past 18 months, I’m 64 traveling 5 times around our great country Fiji nz Dubai
Housesitting and resort managing
I have a slide-on camper and tow a 6m aluminium boat as love to fish and enjoy the outdoors, even when I’m not catching fish haha.
Love to catchup with like minded folk that love dancing music but of footy and generally enjoy life, not happening for a little time blame it it on the covid that’s what we do! Right!!
Look forward to hearing from all interested Cheers 🥂 Dave..
I trust I’ve completed this right as a new member I’m hoping to meetup with many people I can call friends
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Hi I’m Dave currently in Cobbitty past 18 months, I’m 64 traveling 5 times around our great country Fiji nz Dubai
Housesitting and resort managing
I have a slide-on camper and tow a 6m aluminium boat as love to fish and enjoy the outdoors, even when I’m not catching fish haha.
Love to catchup with like minded folk that love dancing music but of footy and generally enjoy life, not happening for a little time blame it it on the covid that’s what we do! Right!!
Look forward to hearing from all interested Cheers 🥂 Dave..
I trust I’ve completed this right as a new member I’m hoping to meetup with many people I can call friends
Hello, @Disco2649 ! I looove the energy you're giving off! You seem like such a positive person. Welcome aboard the SDC ❤️ We're so glad to have you as a part of it! :)
Hello, @Disco2649 ! I looove the energy you're giving off! You seem like such a positive person. Welcome aboard the SDC ❤️ We're so glad to have you as a part of it! :)
Thanks so much all I need now is finding some welcome friends to implement and get it all started, so let’s get it hapnin
The warmer weather hopefully is on its way and do love to keep fit walking usually around the lovely lake at Harrington park, anyone wishing to join me most welcome have a great week and trust to hear from anyone who wants to get in on some activities.. cheers y’all

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Seniors Discount Club

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