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Cooking Ham Recipe
In the days when we used to have family Christmas dinners, I used to like getting a fresh ham Depending how I felt.
With the ham being fresh you could soak it overnight in a variety of fresh fruit juices of your liking.
Once you are satisfied make a fairly thick pastry, just with flour and water roll it out so that it's large enough to
completely cover the ham. Once you have the ham in your cooking pan, make the sure pastry cover is very well
wet and gooey feeling then cook at 180c until you see that the pastry is black. Take it out of the oven and let it
stand till cold then break off the pastry and start slicing, if you cover it with the skin and a clean damp tea towel
it will surprise you how long it will last in the fridge. This recipe is very easy to follow
however, I have found the hardest part is getting the ham. It is well worth the effort