Chop Suey


500 grams pork mince
2 tablespoons olive oil - see Note #1
1 large carrot - peeled and coursely grated
3 stalks celery - peeled and finely diced
1 large onion - peeled and finely diced
150 grams frozen peas
2 teaspoons curry powder
2 cups chicken stock - see Note #2
65 grams uncooked long grain rice
1 packet Continental chicken noodle soup mix - see Note #3
Half small green cabbage - finely shredded
65 grams sultanas - optional
Salt and pepper to taste
Finely chopped parsley- garnish

• Note #1 - may need more olive oil
• Note #2 - use homemade, store purchased or make using stock cubes or powder
• Note #3 - I prefer Continental brand, but use whatever is available


• Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in large frying pan, add pork mince and fry until the meat changes colour and the clumps are broken up. Remove from pan and set aside.
• Add more olive oil, add carrot, celery and onion to pan and fry until tender.
• Return meat to pan and stir to combine
• Add chicken stock, rice, and chicken noodle soup mix, curry powder and bring to the boil, then lower heat until there is about a quarter cup of liquid remains.
• Add finely shredded cabbage and frozen peas, continue cooking until cabbage is tender.
• Adjust seasonings, and add sultanas if using.
Serve, with a sprinkle of parsley.


As the weather becomes cooler, we seem to come back to our warming favourites.
This is my mum’s recipe, so most likely it is a little bit different to others. She would cook this on a regular basis throughout Winter


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